Can You Make Money With Poetry

Making Money Through Poetry

Most people think of poetry as an avocation rather than a vocation. To make money from composing poetry, an artist must make sacrifices, work hard, and learn to think like an entrepreneur. Poetry contains original words that can be used for many different mediums, and some of these ways may help an artist gain financially.

The first step for someone considering making money through poetry is to recognize a potential market for their works. Successful poets offer content to magazines and websites, submit poetry to competitions and anthologies, and publish materials to print or digital media. It’s easy to get frustrated with the time and resources required to find success in the poetry market, so having a plan will help someone stay focused.

Finding funding is another way to make money with poetry. Being successful in obtaining grants, fellowships and residencies can allow poets to attend workshops and retreats. These retreats give poets the opportunity to expand their knowledge, create new works, and form connections with other artists. Connecting with a variety of publishers and finding the right platform can be difficult and may require a business mind-set in order to give the poet the best chance of reaching the right market.

It’s important to remember that all poets have their own journey, and the path to success is different for everyone. Those who are successful in making money through poetry usually need moderate to advanced knowledge in the art, as well as in the marketing realm. Patience is key, as it may take a while before the rewards of being a successful poet start to pay off.

In order to promote poetry and the artist’s work, the poet needs to reach out to the public and become a professional speaker. Talks and readings at libraries, colleges, and bookstores are excellent ways for poets to gain exposure. By connecting with the public, it’s also possible to find books to feature at book signings or appearances. When marketing their services, poets need to be prepared to explain their value and the skills they bring to their industry.

Finally, it’s important to remember that making money with poetry isn’t always a straightforward or lucrative process. Poets need to remain open to different opportunities that can come their way. Networking, self-promotion, and developing a “business mentality” while still staying true to the art form are the key to success.


The fees for a poet’s works depend on several factors, such as the poem’s length and its intended audience. It’s not uncommon for a magazine or website to pay for a poem, but most publications are usually open to negotiation. For a first-time writer, the starting fee is usually quite small ($10–$100 for a poem). As a poet becomes more established, their rate for a poem could increase up to several hundred dollars.

Besides publications, poets may also be able to opt for a percentage from their literary work. Through this, a poet could receive a percent of the total sale instead of a fee. Self-publishing is also an option and can be profitable if handled properly. A poet could potentially make 75% of the sale through self-publishing.

Public speaking can also be a great source of income for poets. Appearances may range from high school assemblies to corporate conferences and keynote speeches. In terms of fees, it’s important to research the payments made by similar speakers in the industry to get an idea of what one can expect to get paid. Depending on the situation, a poet may receive a flat fee or a percentage of tickets sold.


Funding is a great way for poets to gain the resources and opportunities they need in order to grow as an artist. There’s a wide range of grants and fellowships available for poets of all levels, ranging from international competitions to residencies based on creativity, merit, and fiscal need. For example, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) offers several grants and fellowships to published and unpublished poets each year. In addition, well-known organizations such as the Poetry Foundation, Poets House and Cave Canem offer a variety of awards and recognitions for poets.

Residencies are an excellent way for a poet to create new works. Residencies provide the poet with a space to concentrate fully on the development of their writing, usually in a peaceful and inspiring setting. In exchange, the resident is required to share their process with other residents, and also complete a final project that could be anything from a chapbook to a full-length manuscript.

Poets should also consider scholarships that are available for college students. These can give poets the opportunity to learn and grow in the field, instead of paying upfront costs. There are many scholarships that cover tuition and other related fees, as well as residency awards, internships, and fellowships.


Markets such as magazines, newspapers, and journals are all great outlets for poets to make money, as long as they find the right platform. A poet should research different outlets and guidelines, such as required length and accepted topics, to see if their poetry is a good fit for the publication. It’s also beneficial to connect with local poets in order to find out more about their own experiences, who to reach out to for a chance at publishing, and what the trends are for a specific magazines or journals.

Online markets are also a great way to make money with poetry. Websites such as and Grammarly are open to submissions from poets and often pay for approved works. Social media platforms also offer a great opportunity for poets to gain exposure through word of mouth. Many poets use sites such as Twitter and Instagram to post their works, find potential gigs and new opportunities for making money.


Self-publishing has become an increasingly attractive option for many poets looking to make money. There are a variety of self-publishing options such as Amazon, Blurb, and Lulu, with each one offering different rates and tools. Self-publishing can also give poets the freedom to choose the types of works they publish and the amount of money they make. However, poets should be aware that it takes effort and knowledge to be successful in the self-publishing world.

When self-publishing, it’s important for the poet to be aware of copyright and ownership rules. It’s also important for them to remember that each platform has its own steps and protocols for book sales, payments, and royalties. It’s beneficial to research these in order to get the best understanding of the particular platform’s rules and regulations.

Before publishing a book, it’s important for a poet to research potential readers and the types of works they gravitate towards. Knowing the audience is important, as it can help a poet adjust the writing accordingly. This is also a great way to have an estimate of the sales they could expect from their publication.

Stepping Outside the Box

Poets can step outside the box and make money by teaching the craft. Teaching is a great way to make a living, as it can bring in a variety of income streams. Poets may find jobs teaching poetry classes at universities or high schools, or even become tutors and mentors to those looking to hone their writing skills. It’s also possible to create an online course, host a webinar, or teach one-on-one poetry classes.

Other profitable methods of making money with poetry include podcasting, songwriting, and performing spoken words. Podcasts have become more popular in recent years, and poets may find that their works resonate with the audience. Poets may also consider writing for film, television, and other visual mediums to make money with their works.

Filmmakers and directors may also be looking for scriptwriters and monologue performers, and they may be willing to pay for these services. Performances in theater and spoken words are also great ways to make money. These can range from the traditional ones to more creative settings such as festivals, corporate events, and conferences.


Negotiating a contract with a publishing platform is key for making sure that a poet is getting the most out of their works. Knowing the market value for a poem and knowing what is expected from the poet is essential in a negotiation. Poets should research the platform and look for testimonials for a better understanding of their reputation.

In addition to this, the best way to ensure a fair deal is to be aware of the rights they own, especially when it comes to the original composition. Even if the work is being published, the poet should to make sure they own the copyright by grasping the terms of the contract and becoming familiar with publishing laws.

Finally, when negotiating a deal, poets should remember the importance of being flexible and reasonable. Discussions can sometimes be difficult, but in the end, a poet’s reputation can be at stake. Poets should be careful when agreeing to terms, and should demand fair and reasonable terms.

Capitalizing on Success

Once an artist has made a name for themselves in the field, there are several ways to capitalize on success. For example, a poet could create an online presence through a personal website, blog, or social media accounts. This could include free content, such as poems and other works, as well as books, classes, and other services that the poet is offering.

Poets could also offer virtual workshops or even teaching seminars to help others start and succeed in the field. Radio interviews and guest appearances are also a great way for poets to gain exposure and earn money for their works. Networking with other poets is important to find paying opportunities such as open mics or book readings.

Finally, poets could also consider writing a book or creating audio recordings of their works. A book can be used as a resource or a portfolio to showcase the poet’s skills, as well as an opportunity to generate additional income through book tours, promotions, and merchandising. Audio recordings can also be beneficial, as some publishers may be willing to pay for the recordings.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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