Don’t Read Poetry

In our fast-paced digital world, it can be easy to neglect works of art that don’t share the same immediacy or intensity as the latest blockbuster movie or chart-topping album that grace our screens and eardrums. Poetry is sadly one of these neglected areas, but unlike the previously mentioned more tangible forms of media, poetry comes with its own unique brand of beauty, pain, and experience that’s as powerful and far-reaching as the latest musical or cinematic wonder.

However, some people declaim the power of poetry in favor of other forms of art, saying that it is boring, repetitive, or just plain difficult to read. Critics of poetry often make the argument that it is unnecessary to read it when we have access to more stimulating forms of media. These opinions of poetry are unfounded and it is in our best interest to maintain an open mind about its potential effectiveness and relevance as an art form.

Multiple studies have demonstrated that recreational reading of poetry has a positive psychological effect on individuals, giving them a stronger sense of self and appreciation of the world. Reading poetry can act as an emotional release, allowing people to connect and explore the complexities of life and emotion. These reactions can be particularly powerful for people who have suffered traumatic experiences and are in need of comfort.

Paul Bloom, a professor of psychology at Yale, has studied the effects of poetry on audiences and seen a clear, beneficial effect. “The power of poetry isn’t just abstract. Poetry can transform how you experience life. It can renew your capacity for enthusiasm and passion,” said Bloom. “When people talk about the power of poetry and its potential to change the world, this is what they mean.”

In addition to providing a personal emotional outlet, poetry can also be a great unifier. By exploring topics and themes of shared experience, it’s incredibly easy to make a connection with a poem that speaks directly to you, and thus to other people as well. It creates a sense of understanding that can’t always be found in other forms of art, providing a sense of comfort in a troubled world.

So, if you have any doubts about whether or not to read poetry, try it out. Poetry is an expressive, powerful art form that should not be ignored or minimized. It could just be the thing you need, to find solace and understanding in a tumultuous world.

The Benefits of Poetry

The medical and psychological benefits of recreational reading are well documented, and poetry is a great way to indulge in this type of reading. Not only does poetry require intentional reading and focus, but it also engages readers in a unique way. There are a few different areas of research that have looked at the effects of poetry in particular on its readers.

A study conducted by the University of Pune in India, found that poetry has a positive psychological effect on its readers. The study took a detailed look at poetry and its relationship to emotional wellbeing. The results of this study concluded that reading poetry regularly can help to reduce heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels, as well as promoting positive psychological effects such as an improved sense of self, emotional stability, and greater creativity.

Another study conducted by a group of neuroscientists at the University of California, concluded that the emotional experience of reading poetry is the same as the experience of music, highlighting just how powerful the emotional impact of poetry can be.

These studies suggest that a well-balanced diet of reading should include poetry. The emotional and psychological benefits are far-reaching and can help to improve our sense of understanding of ourselves and others.

The Power of Poetry

The power of poetry is not just derived from the physical or emotional effects that it can have on us, but also from its sheer cultural influence. We tend to think of poetry as an old, traditional art form that doesn’t hold the same clout or relevance as it once did. But, this is a misconception.

In recent years, poetry has seen a tremendous resurgence in both popularity and relevance. Poetry slams, open mic events, and even reality-TV competitions have emerged to engage with modern audiences. Poetry could be considered the new rock and roll, as it has become a form of rebellion, expressing emotions, opinions, and stories that are perhaps too uncomfortable to say out loud.

This wave of modern poets is just what the world needs at this particular moment in time. It is an art form that speaks to both the young and old and allows people to express powerful messages through unique, creative lenses. The modern poet’s message is raw, bold, and often times confrontational, but is often inspiring, breaking down barriers, and challenging cultural norms. Poetry has become a powerful voice of dissent, providing a platform for people to express their feelings and experiences in a poetic way.

Exploring the History of Poetry

To better understand why reading poetry is so important, it is necessary to explore the history of poetry and the many contributions it has made to our understanding of the world. Poetry has been around for many centuries and has been used in many different cultures for different purposes.

Ancient Greek and Roman poets used the power of their words to write ironic and persuasive works, poems like the Iliad and the Odyssey remain some of our greatest literary achievements. Poets throughout the ages have also been able to use their words to paint a picture or conjure up emotion, making it easier for us to escape reality.

In the Middle Ages, poetry served as a form of expression and entertainment, as well as being used as a source of education and instruction. Poetry was seen as an art form worthy of preserving and gradually began to take on a renewed cultural significance.

In the Renaissance era, poets such as Shakespeare and Donne took the art of poetry to the next level and used it as a way to explore themes, topics, and ideologies. In the modern day, poets continue to explore topics hitherto unexplored, providing insight, commentary, and entertainment.

The Future of Poetry

Ther is no doubt that poetry is alive and well, and that it can still inspire and move us as it has in the past. As we look towards the future, it is clear that the art of poetry will continue to evolve and attract new audiences. With poets at the vanguard of our generation, leading the charge for change and progress, the future of poetry looks bright.

The same technology that made movies, music, and other media more accessible has also made it easier for poets to reach new audiences and spread their message. With platforms like YouTube and Instagram, it has never been easier to share poetry and inspire others. This has led to a resurgence in poetry as an art form, as well as a new understanding of the power that poetry can have on people.

At the end of the day, poetry is an art form that must be honored and respected, even if it doesn’t seem relevant to some people. It is an essential part of our culture and our understanding of the world, and should be appreciated and celebrated for what it is.

Using Poetry in Education

The power of poetry can also be harnessed and used in the classroom. Poetry has always served as a tool for communication, so it has become a great way to teach students how to express themselves and engage with difficult topics in an imaginative, creative manner.

In the classroom, teachers can use poetry as a way to explain and explore complex topics such as history, science, and social studies. It can also be used to teach literary elements such as rhyme, alliteration, meter, and metaphor. This makes it a perfect tool for any classroom, providing a deeper, more meaningful way of engaging with literature.

One study found that kids who read and write poetry, experienced significant improvements in their reading fluency, creativity, and comprehension. In a world where technology and other distractions vie for our attention, the importance of poetry as an educational tool cannot be overlooked.

For kids and adults alike, poetry can be a great way to think deeper and explore difficult feelings, emotions, and topics. From a personal perspective too, reading poetry can also act as a much-needed moment of respite from our demanding lives. If you’re ever in need of a mental break, why not give poetry a try?


In conclusion, the power and relevance of poetry in our lives cannot be underestimated. Whether you are looking for an emotional outlet, a moment of respite from the hustle and bustle of life, or to explore the depth of your creativity, poetry can offer something for everyone. It is an art form that is far too often overlooked and dismissed, but with its powerful influence, wide-reaching impacts, and sheer beauty, it is a force to be reckoned with. So, if you’re ever doubting whether or not to pick up a poem, don’t. Poetry can be a powerful asset for anyone who embraces its potential.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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