The last line of a poem is often one of the most powerful tools used by poets to convey meaning and evoke emotions. Quite often, the final line is the most remembered and discussed line in the poem. It is the piece that brings together the entire narrative and allows the poem to become a cohesive whole. But how exactly does a last line work in poetry?
A last line can be anything from a summary of the poem’s point to a poetic device that brings out unexpected emotions, or a punchline that ties the poem together. Some poets, most notably Shakespeare, have used the last line to surprise readers or to leave them with a deep thought or moral. Similarly, the reader can be left with a feeling of closure in a poem that may initially appear incomplete or unresolved.
The last line often needs to be crafted and toil with a poet’s writing style, word choice, and stylistic devices to create an impact. It should also be crafted carefully to not cause distraction or misinterpretation. Additionally, the last line of a poem should reflect the tone of the poet’s voice. As such, a last line could be a powerful exclamation point that conveys the poet’s purpose in the poem.
Technical elements such as sound, meter, and affective verbs can also be deployed to emphasize the last line of a poem. For example, the last line could be written in a certain meter or feature a specific rhyme to draw the reader in and offer a conclusion that resonates with the rest of the poem. By using a musical repetition, the reader can create a sense of closure to the poem which brings the work to an end. Finally, by incorporating emotionally charged words and affective verbs poets can create a powerful emotional impact. This can be used to complete the poem’s arc and create a memorable, lasting effect on the reader.
In short, the last line of a poem is essential in accentuating the poem’s point and is perhaps one of the most influential tools in a poet’s arsenal. By employing subtle nuances, technical elements, and a carefully crafted wording, the last line of a poem can help to create a powerful and lasting impression on readers of the poem.
Power of imagery
Imagery has long been used by poets as a medium for expressing stories, ideas, and emotions. It is a powerful tool for evoking reader’s imaginations, allowing the reader to be transported to a scene conjured in the poet’s words. The last line of a poem can be particularly effective in conveying powerful images that can capture and haunt the reader’s imagination.
A well-crafted metaphor or simile can bring to life an entire narrative in the minds of readers, or similarly create a vivid evocation of the poet’s message. In this way, imagery in the last line of a poem can hold the key to unlocking the poem’s most deeply-rooted motifs and ideas. For example, the words ‘The sun sets in a forgotten night’ can paint a romanticized, evocative picture for the reader, serving as a powerful end to an entire poem.
Although imagery is an effective tool for endings, care should be taken in its usage. Writers should avoid using too much imagery as it can encroach on the other important aspects of the poem. Similarly, too little imagery may not have the desired impact at the end of a poem. Ultimately, the appropriate amount varies based on the poem and should be used responsibly.
Symbolic Connotation
Symbolic connotations of words are powerful devices employed by poets to evoke emotions, ideas, and thoughts in the reader. By making use of words with strong connotations, poets can convey much more than the literal meaning of their words. To this point, the last line of a poem can be particularly powerful in conveying its message symbolically.
The last line should always strive to evoke an emotion as it is the last impression that readers get from the poem. Poets can choose words with strong connotations such as ‘peace’, ‘serenity’, ‘fear’, or ‘sorrow’, to create a lasting impression. For example, the last line of a poem describing a war could read ‘the dust of battles past’. Such a phrase carries a symbolism that transcends the literal meaning of the words, conveying a strong message of pain, suffering and loss.
Therefore, by carefully selecting words that carry symbolic connotations, poets can create powerful last lines that capture the imagination of the readers and leave a lasting impression.
Heroes or villains
Particularly in narrative poetry, characters are often used to great effect to flesh out the poet’s story. Heroes and villains provide a great way of expressing ideas and emotions, as they are seen by readers in a different light to everyday people. Through their protagonists, poets can create vivid stories which stay with readers long after the poem has ceased.
The last line of poems involving heroes and villains can be used to bring closure to the story and leave a lasting impression. For example, a poem about a hero’s journey could end with ‘Fate finally bestowed her the power of a true champion’, giving closure to the story and emphasizing the hero’s triumph over tribulations.
Similarly, the last line can be used to convey a much darker truth about the power of evil. For example, the last line of a poem about a villain could read ‘His seductive lies drowned out their cries’, giving a much darker tone to the poem in which the evil triumphs in the end.
Power of Questions
Questions have long been used to take a poem to the next level. A single well-crafted question can force the readers to reflect upon the poem’s subject long after they have finished reading. This can be a great way to allow readers to think critically about the poem, as well as its purpose and implications.
As such, a question can be a great choice as a last line. By asking readers a thought-provoking question, poets can ensure that the poem sticks with them long after reading it. Moreover, this type of last line can take the poem’s meaning in an entirely unexpected direction rather than providing an answer to the poem’s narrative. For example, a poem about loss could end with ‘What is the price of freedom’?
Questions can also be used to touch readers on a more personal level, making them reconsider their own life rather than the story within the poem. For example, a poem about a life of privilege could end with ‘What truth lies beyond the façade of success’? This question forces the reader to reflect upon their own life and encourages them to think a deeper meaning than that provided in the narrative.
The impact of rhythm
The alliteration, repetition and rhythm of words can be powerful tools in creating a lasting impression on readers of a poem. Particular focus should be placed on the last line which can be made more effective through careful manipulation of words and sound.
By using alliteration, poets can effectively draw out the last line and give the reader time to soak up its words. For example, the last line of a poem about love could be drawn out with the phrase ‘love lingers on like a lingering song’. This emphasizes the flow of the poem, as well as its message of endurance.
The use of rhythm is also a powerful means of emphasizing the last line. Repetition of words, syllables or a line can draw the reader’s attention to the last line of the poem and ensure that it is remembered long after reading. For example, the last line of a poem about hope and optimism could be ‘Glimmer in the dark of a promised hope’, repeating the final word for musical effect.
In conclusion, the last line of a poem should be crafted carefully to convey the poet’s message, and to evoke powerful emotions from readers. Last lines should be used to give closure to the poem, tying all of the elements together and creating a memorable, powerful impression on the reader. By making use of powerful imagery, connotations, story characters, and rhythm and sound, poets can effectively craft a lasting impression on readers through the last line of their poem.