How Old Was Robert Frost In 1912

Robert Frost was born on March 26th, 1874, so he was 38 years old in 1912. The pivotal year for Frost’s career in literature was 1912, when he wrote and published his first book of poetry, A Boy’s Will, to critical acclaim. Though Frost was not yet an established writer, the musicality and unique perspective of the work made him an instant star among literary circles. The publication of the book marked the beginning of an illustrious career that resulted in his Pulitzer Prizes, almost 4 decades of fame and international recognition.

Frost’s childhood was spent amidst poverty, yet despite the lack of financial stability, he was surrounded by intellectual peers. It was through his childhood education that he fledged his taste for literature, which he took a further plunge into during his college days when he was exposed to various classic works by international poets. After the publication of A Boy’s Will, Frost went on to release four more books of poetry in 1912, which established him as a well-known poet.

Around this time, Frost also took to giving lectures and writing reviews for newspapers, giving him the opportunity to spread his ideas to a wider audience and enabling him to reach literary stardom. In 1912, Frost began writing a series of essays in which he expressed his discontent with established literary standards and pursued a smoother, less-constrained style of writing that would eventually become the Frostian trademark later in his career.

In addition to writing and publishing his own works, Frost also began to draw the attention of other important authors of the time. By 1912, Frost had gathered a considerable reputation and thus established himself as the central figure in American literature. Despite his young age, the audacity and informality of his poems caughts the attention of both his peers and critics.

In 1912, Frost attended and read his works at the famous Frostberry Fair, from which point onwards he gained large recognition from the literary critics. Following the success at Frostberry Fair, Frost continued to write and publish and as a result found himself invited to more conferences and literary gatherings; such as the Louis Kemp Lectures, organized by the Harvard University.

Though Frost was just 38 at the time, he had already become a recognized writer and an influential figure in American literature. His works had been published and praised and his lectures received wide endorsement. In 1912, four out of the five books he wrote were published and thus continued to shape the traditions of modern poetry.

Early Life and Education

Robert Frost was born to journalist William Prescott Frost Jr. and Isabella Moodie in 1874 in San Francisco, California. The family then moved to Lawrence, Massachusetts before Frost completed his High School education. It was in Massachusetts that Frost was exposed to literature and began to discover his passion for writing. Frost completed his high school education in 1892 at the top of his class, and earned a teacher’s certificate which allowed him to teach and write.

However, Frost was determined to go to college, and applied to Dartmouth and Harvard, only to be rejected from both. He then moved to Maryland, convinced that giving himself some distance from his family would help him find greater success in his studies. In 1895, Frost attended Harvard, but would only stay for a term before dropping out and returning to Massachusetts.

After dropping out of University, Frost remained keen on writing and literature, so he set up his own school to teach the latter. He then earned an honorary degree from Dartmouth College in 1916, which recognised his early works as a professional writer.

Literary Style and Technique

Robert Frost was a natural-born poet in terms of his expertise in writing and the structure of his compositions. Frost’s poetry is often characterised by its themes of rural living and its interpretation of the melancholic aspects of life. The unique perspectives and philosophical ponderings featured in Frost’s works provide deep insight into human existence and the human condition, while simultaneously expressing his own individual notions on almost abstract topics. Something which was definitely present in his works from as early as 1912.

Frost’s technique also focused heavily on simplicity; his short, simple verses carrying profound messages and nuances. The conversational style of Frost’s poetry amused many readers, and established him as a favourite among street-poets in his time. His dialectic style, with its dense expressive metaphors and poetic techniques, was often maintained in his writing from 1912 onwards. Furthermore, Frost commonly used a technique of repeating lines within his poems; such as his famous works ‘The Road Not Taken’ and ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’.

Frost often incorporated his personal experiences while writing, thus providing an almost diary-like approach in his works which was truly unique. Frost was known favouring traditional forms of verse such as ballads and sonnets, used profusely in his earlier pieces. Alongside this, Frost also experimented with free-verse at various instances, showing his technique and flexibility even in 1912.

Impact on American Literature

Frost’s works have left an indelible mark on the world of American literature since its inception in 1912. While Frost began his career in 1912 with his collection of works in A Boy’s Will, he did not begin to gain recognition until after World War I, during which Frost produced such modern masterpieces as North of Boston. In fact, Frost’s first two Pulitzer Prizes were received in 1924 and 1931, solidifying his standing as one of America’s greatest literary figures.

Frost’s later works implemented the distinctive Frostian style through his use of lyricism, conversations, and his wistful irony, producing an approach to life which transcended the characteristics of American literature in the 1900’s. His works tend to tell stories which although intimate, still carried a relatable universality for large audiences. Above all, Frost re-defined the way poetry was written and read, both domestically and internationally, and significantly changed the world of literature, especially in 1912 when his career began.

Legacy and Final Years

At the time of his death on January 29, 1963, Robert Frost was regarded as one of America’s greatest and most beloved poets. Frost was awarded a total of four Pulitzer Prizes and received honorary degrees from many universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, Dartmouth and Yale. In addition to his fame, Frost left many indirect impacts on the world of literature remaining to this day; his poems continue to be studied in schools and the Frostian style of writing has since been adapted to many other types of writing.

Frost completed his final book of poems, In the Clearing, in 1962; one year prior to his death. Among other of his works, Frost also completed a poem entitled A Full Glass, which was published posthumously. Frost’s works have since been widely anthologised, and continue to be read and studied in many schools around the world. His works have been discussed and analysed, but the impact he achieved in 1912 is widely untouched.

Popularity and Critical Reception

Frost’s works earned him both popular and critical acclaim since their initial release in 1912. However, by the 1950s, Frost had become a household name; his works reaching millions of readers and listeners through books, broadcast media and public conferences. At the same time, Frost was being equally praised and discussed by critics. His works were described as profound yet accessible and his witty lyrics captured the hearts and imaginations of many readers.

Frost’s reputation was further taken to the next level when he corresponded and shared ideas with famous American personalities, such as President John F. Kennedy. Frost was also a regular columnist for various American newspapers and magazines, especially in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Nevertheless, Frost’s works and fame had already been built one hundred years ago in 1912 and he had already become an established figure in American literature.

Modern Interpretations and Influence

Frost’s works have since been adapted to many different purposes; adapted to music, theatre and other literary works. Frost’s influence, especially concerning modern poetry, is still talked about with admiration and has not yet diminished since they were initially published in 1912. Frost’s works have since been used in many popular films and shows and his quotes remain iconic and timeless, travelling through many generations.

Frost’s influence still appears in modern day poetry, such as music, often seen in rap and hip-hop. It can be observed in the writing of various contemporary authors and in many famous speeches, such as John F. Kennedy’s inauguration speech in 1961. To this day, Frost’s works remain classics to which many modern poets look to for inspiration and its undeniable that his works had already achieved this in 1912.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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