Sonnets have been around since the late 13th century. Originally written in Italian, they have been a widely popular form of poetry for many centuries and continue to be today.
A sonnet, simply put, is a 14-line poem written in iambic pentameter. Sonnets originated in Italian courts as a way for poets to express their sentiment toward their love interests and is still used today to convey strong emotion. Typically there are two forms of sonnets among English speaking poets – the Petrarchan and the Shakespearean.
The Petrarchan (or Italian) sonnet consists of an octave (eight lines) rhyming in the pattern ABBAABBA, and a sestet (six lines) rhyming in various patterns. The following lines exemplify the characteristic rhyming of a Petrarchan sonnet: “Go, lovely Rose, tell her that wastes her time and me/ That now she knows, when I resemble her to thee.”
The Shakespearean sonnet includes three quatrains (four lines), rhyming in the pattern ABAB CDCD EFEF, and one final couplet (two lines) rhyming GG. As seen in the following lines, rhythm and structure are of the utmost importance in a Shakespearean sonnet: “Be wise as thou art cruel; do not press/ My tongue-tied patience with too much disdain.”
Modern sonnet forms are usually adaptations or revivals of the two classical forms. For example, the Spenserian sonnet follows the pattern of a Shakespearean sonnet but introduces the interlaced rhyme scheme of the Petrarchan. Another well known sonnet structure is the etheree, which is essentially 10 lines of 10 to one syllable counts; for example, a line of 10 syllables followed by a line of nine syllables, and so on.
Sonnets are meant to evoke strong feeling and emotion. They are often used to tell stories or express sentiments concerning things such as love, life, death, and beauty. Many poets believe that the sonnet form is an ideal way to express emotion, as it is a very powerful and succinct form of poetry.
Theme and Purpose
The themes of sonnets are highly varied and can range from romantic to darkly philosophical. The main purpose of the sonnet form is to engage the reader both intellectually and emotionally by weaving a story or making a statement within a limited structure. It is an effective way to convey a strong emotion, thought, or understanding. Also, the structure of a sonnet can often have a narrative effect, with a beginning, middle, and end.
Because of the form’s concise nature, sonnets have been used to express many different feelings, ideas, and even historical events. For example, William Wordsworth’s “London 1802” is a sonnet which laments the death of great poet John Milton and its impact on English poetry. Likewise, the English playwright William Shakespeare wrote many sonnets, most notably those of his Magnificat sequence about the power of unrequited love.
Forms and Discussion
Sonnets can be divided into three main forms: the Italian or Petrarchan, the English or Shakespearean, and the Spenserian. Depending on the form, the rhyme scheme and syllabic structure of each sonnet will vary. Petrarchan sonnets follow an ABBAABBA octave and a CDECDE or CDCDCD sestet, while Shakespearean sonnets follow an ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme scheme. Lastly, Spenserian sonnets follow the ABAB CDCDEFEF GG rhyme scheme of the Shakespearean sonnet but introduce the interlaced rhyme scheme of the Petrarchan.
In addition to the three main forms, there are also countless adaptations, such as the etheree, which consists of 10 lines of 10-1 syllables. Other sonnets may deviate slightly from the three main types, like a hybrid of two, or adopt a structure specific to only that sonnet. Ultimately, this flexibility allows the poet to fully express the subject matter of their poem precisely as they intend.
Artistry and Expression
The sonnet form provides the poet with a structure and act as a foundation from which to craft a poem. Within this framework, the poet can work with language and ideas to create something that is powerful and moving. The form is designed to be challenging and enjoyable for poets, allowing for the maximum exploration of ideas and emotions.
Once a poet has crafted a sonnet, it can be performed aloud or read in private. There is no right or wrong way to interpret a sonnet, as the poem is open to a variety of interpretations. Overall, sonnets can be a great source of expressive poetry, perfect for expressing deeply felt emotion or to narrate a story.
Discussion and Analysis
Sonnets are a form of poetry which provide not only a lyrical tool for poets, but also a framework for expressing powerful emotions. Although the form has been around for centuries, modern sonnet forms allow for an even greater flexibility in craftsmanship and expression. By combining the rules of syllables, rhymes, and different forms, poets are able to create sonnets that stand the test of time.
Popularized by their use in the Italian courts, sonnets continue to be a popular way for expressing emotion to this day. From the traditional Petrarchan and Shakespearean forms to etheree sonnets and modern hybrids, the sonnet remains an effective and versatile form of poetry.
Variations and Revivals
In recent years, creative variations of the sonnet have emerged. These variations often include a narrative element or a twist at the end, adding an extra layer of complexity to the poem. While the core of sonnets remains the same, there are now more opportunities for poets to expand and experiment with the form.
In addition, there have been a number of revivals of the sonnet form in recent years. These revivals often involve direct homages to traditional sonnets, with a modern spin or perspective. There has also been a resurgence of sonnets as popular songs, with a growing number of musicians incorporating sonnets into their music and lyrics.
Impact of Sonnets
The impact of the sonnet form on poetry can be seen throughout history. It has been a favored form of expression for some of the greatest poets, playwrights, and musicians of all time. Its strength lies in its ability to communicate a wealth of emotion in such a succinct form.
The sonnet will continue to remain a popular form of poetry, and many poets will use it to craft works that stand the test of time. Its form will continue to evolve as poets find new and creative ways to express themselves within its structure.