Poetry is a fundamentally artistic form of expression with an emphasis on the creative and imaginative use of language. While its use in spoken-word and performance contexts has seen an increase in recent years, it remains to be seen how ‘successful’ modern poetry books are in terms of sales figures. How do the numbers compare to print and digital other genres? What factors impact on the sales of poetry books? This article draws on the expertise of a range of relevant commentators to consider the success of poetry books in a more in depth fashion.
The value of poetry is inherently subjective, but commercial indicators demonstrate the influence of the genre. Whereas sales figures for novels and other genres are easy to come by, it can be particularly difficult to determine the sales volume of poetry books. This is due in part to the often limited availability of poetry books in bookstores or other establishments.
That being said, the Association of American Publishers has reported an overall growth in sales volumes in the publishing sector from 2018-19, and 2019-20 saw a similar spike in sales volumes, suggesting that the sector overall is in good health. The impact of the coronavirus pandemic also appears to have been beneficial for publishers, as sales volumes increased substantially during February and March 2020 as customers sought comfort in reading.
Perspectives From Experts
Kimberly Hill, a poet and literary critic, asserted that “the market for poetry books isn’t as robust as it could be,” noting that a lack of invest in public-facing events, difficulties in accessing books, and a general cultural reluctance to engage with complex material has curtailed enthusiasm for the genre. Hill’s views are backed up by other writers in the field who have noted that modern poetry books often struggle for distribution and attention, with such volumes frequently being relegated to the back corner of small bookstore shelves.
Michelle Bonner, founder of the independent Booksmith publishing house, noted that there is a strong and dedicated audience for poetry books and acknowledged the potential of the genre, but felt that poetry had been pushed by larger publishers to market niches that were not appropriate for the material. Bonner stated that “poetry book sales are certainly in decline” and therefore publishers need to make a strategic investment in promoting and distributing the books better.
Sales Data
Sales revenue data reinforces the idea that poetry books tend to be less successful than other genres. According to the Association of American Publishers, poetry books comprised of just 6.1% of total book/ebook sales revenue in 2019-20, while romance/erotica books represented 10.4%, religious 5.7%, and science fiction/fantasy 9.7 %. Whilst transactional analysis from the Publishers Association suggest that poetry book transactions had doubled by 2020 compared to their 2017 figure, this only represents 0.3% of total transactions compared to 9.4% for science fiction/fantasy.
Analysis & Insight
One of the insight that can be extracted from the data is that, in general, poetry books struggle more than other genres when it comes to sales figures. This is due in part to the complexities of publishing poetry books and limited awareness of the genre amongst the public. That being said, the fact that sales revenue and transaction data have improved over the previous few years is encouraging.
Publishing houses and bookstores should consider ways to increase their presence when it comes to poetry books. This could involve engaging more with the public by way of interactive events, marketing campaigns and diversifying their stock. Additionally, investment into poetic magazine publications, book clubs and workshop classes can also create a dedicated audience for the genre and increase reader engagement.
The Online Revolution
The internet has transformed how people access and interact with literature. Social media such as Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr have given poets a platform to advertise their works and engage with the public, in turn creating an entire universe for people to connect with and interact with the genre.
With an estimated 80% of all book sales occurring online (in the US), investing in and engaging with the digital sphere is essential to aid the sales success of poetry books. This could involve making books available online, utilising online forums and online meetings in place of bookstore events, and other forms of digital advertising.
Digital vs Physicial Publications
The rise of digital media has also had an impact on physical book publication in a general sense. Physical copies of books are becoming less popular, and many publishers and distributors are moving away from physical publications altogether. This could be seen as a threat to poetry books in particular, as it further limits the opportunities for poets and their publishers to have their work read and appreciated.
However, conversely, the prevalence of digital media such as e-books andaudiobooks could potentially benefit poetry books, as it allows customers to access books quickly and cheaply in comparison to physical copies. Additionally, investors may be more likely to showcase their works in an digital environment, as opposed to investing in physically prints and distribution.
The Trend of Poetry Events and Class
The trend of poetry events, classes and meetings is increasing and more and more events focus on the genre. Smaller, independent poetry events often offer a unique and more intimate atmosphere, allowing readers and writers to interact with likeminded individuals on the same wavelength.
This kind of engagement can be especially crucial when it comes to poetry books, as it allows writers and readers to discuss the nuances of complex texts in an environment of likeminded individuals. However, these events are largely focused on fostering a creative environment rather than sales of books – though the value of this kind of interaction may be highly beneficial for the sales of poetry books in the future.
Transforming Traditions
The educational system continues to be an influencing factor when it comes to the success of poetry books. Whilst there is a growing appreciation of the more experimental forms of poetry within the high school setting, the traditional ‘canon’ is reflected more often than not, to the detriment of contemporary authors and genres.
Transforming traditions and encouraging the exploration of the ‘modern’ within the educational system would be beneficial to the future success of poetry books, as a newfound appreciation of the genre would lead to an undeniable increase of interest in terms of readership.
In conclusion, though the sale numbers of poetry books do not match those of other genres, the trend of sales revenue suggests that the future is relatively bright for the genre, whether that be in physical or digital forms.