How Has Walt Whitman Been Remembered Since His Death

Life and Work of Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman was an influential American poet and writer whose works are still studied in classrooms today. He made his mark during the early 19th century, crafting some of the most iconic books of poetry and prose.

Born on May 31, 1819 in West Hills, New York, Whitman had six siblings and they grew up in Brooklyn. Considered a poet at heart, he had a passion for writing that started at an early age. He wrote his first poem at just eight years old, and his first book of poems, Leaves of Grass, was published when he was 39 years old.

Whitman’s work showcased a true insight into life and culture of America during his time. He used language to express the idea of American democracy and focused on appreciation of individual freedom. In his later years, Whitman was an active volunteer for Civil War patients, and was a passionate supporter of the Union.

Although Whitman was an early symbol of the nation’s literature, he was seen as a controversial figure and his works were considered socially inappropriate. His unconventional poetry and treatment of topics such as sensuality and religion invited negative public criticism, as well as admiration.

Death and Legacy of Walt Whitman

Whitman passed away on March 26, 1892 at the ripe age of 72. His death came after a long illness that resulted in failing health. He is buried in Harleigh Cemetery, New Jersey, with an unmarked grave.

In the years that have followed his death, Whitman is remembered for his many accomplishments and his formidable literary talent. His works have been included in academic curriculums, and his writings continue to be admired today. Whitman’s poetry is often cited in cultural discussions, as it still resonates with many readers.

Whitman was an important figure in American literature, and his legacy is alive and well. The Walt Whitman Award is a prestigious annual award given to emerging writers, and the Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site is a designated landmark that focuses on the poet.

Moreover, Whitman’s works are frequently referenced in cinema, television, and popular music. In 1993, US President Bill Clinton read a passage from Leaves of Grass during his inauguration ceremony, thus paying tribute to the icon.

Ensuring Whitman’s Memory

Arguably, far too often, influential figures in history have often been forgotten or overshadowed by time. This is why it is important to build a robust memory around icons such as Whitman, so as to ensure that their legacy is preserved in our collective conscious.

For this reason, the Walt Whitman Association was formed by his admirers in an effort to pay tribute to the beloved poet. Here, Whitman’s books are kept in inventory, including those that have been long out of print. Scholars, academics and the public can access these publications, thus ensuring that Whitman’s memory lives on.

By joining forces, a community was created to recognize Whitman for his contributions. Members of the Association share a passion for Whitman and his works and are actively engaging in events and workshops, where people from all works of life can come together to discuss the poet’s accomplishments.

Moreover, the Walt Whitman Association is striving to strengthen the poet’s recognition. For example, they’ve organized gatherings with renowned scholars as well as walking tours of Whitman’s hometown. Finally, they have designed diverse scholarship programmes, which provide adolescents and undergraduates the opportunity to pursue learning about the poet.

The Poet’s Impact

Today, Whitman’s impact is widely felt, even well after his lifetime. In fact, he has written works in multiple genres and he was a pioneer of the free verse. All of this has landed him a place in the annals of American literature.

But he wasn’t just a poet; a few of his works even explore the basics of democracy and how it creates a sense of shared identity. Because of Whitman’s acute understanding of the citizens’ rights, he is referred to as the “father of free verse.”

Many believe that changing the landscape of literature at the time was Whitman’s greatest feat. He expanded our imagination and creativity with his daring works, broaching issues never seen before in poems.

Through this, Whitman defined a style of writing that had not been seen before. He sought to break out of the traditional approaches and attempted to make us question the boundaries of literature. This contributed to our appreciation of literature as a whole, and helped shape the writing styles of future eras.

His works also honed in on inclusivity and the idea of American democracy. Whitman explored the concept of all citizens being on equal footing and championed the voices of the underrepresented. His works encouraged an attitude of understanding, one in which everyone is treated with respect, regardless of their background.

Whitman’s Immeasurable Influence

Walt Whitman left behind a rich legacy of literature; one that continues to inform and inspire modern writers. His works are still discussed in college classrooms and studied in American literature courses.

He has had an immeasurable influence on the way we think and write. Whitman’s works are still widely appreciated and discussed among scholars, and his name has become synonymous with America’s voice and America’s spirit.

Despite all the critiques and controversy, Whitman’s work still resonates with readers today. This is especially true for young people who are looking for someone to relate to and connect with.

He was truly a champion of freedom, equality, and love. His achievements have inspired and been an encouragement to all generations of writers, and continue to act as the benchmark of American literature.

Continuity of Whitman’s Memory

It is evident today that Whitman’s memory is alive and well, ensuring that his life and works remain a relevant part of our culture. But it is important to note that this continuity does not just happen by itself.

In order for Whitman’s works to survive for future generations, there is a need for collective efforts, mainly from the volunteers at the Walt Whitman Association. They are the ones who put up exhibitions, organize lectures, and contribute to preserving of Whitman’s memory.

Without their tireless service, future generations would never know the power of Whitman’s message or the beauty of his words. The act of curating Whitman’s work and passing on the knowledge and appreciation of his work is an integral part of the process of ensuring that Whitman’s memory lives on.

Cultural Emblems of Whitman’s Memory

In addition to ensuring his works are widely read and discussed, Whitman is commemorated in various cultural emblems.

In 2006, a sculpture of Whitman was erected in Syracuse, New York, for everyone to appreciate. This impressive bronze sculpture stands about 14 feet tall and is a strong reminder of the poet’s impact.

Moreover, Whitman was posthumously inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame for his Pulitzer-winning song, Waltz Me around Again Willie. This is a testament to Whitman’s ascendence and how his works have solidified his mark in history.

Finally, it is noteworthy that in addition to the Walt Whitman birthday celebrations, there are also Walt Whitman Gay Pride events held in his honor. USA Today wrote, “The rebellious spirit of Whitman gives today’s young people the opportunity to reflect upon their own identity with pride.” This is a powerful reminder of just how far Whitman’s legacy has reached.

Ongoing Appreciation of Whitman

Walt Whitman is remembered not just for his incredible works, but also for his unwavering commitment to American democracy and the protection of individual freedom.

His influence is still observed in today’s society, with emerging writers striving to replicate his soul-stirring prose and poetry.

Finally, it must be stated that Whitman’s memory has gone beyond time, evidenced by the Walt Whitman Association and its efforts to ensure that his works remain in circulation. This has culminated in Whitman’s status as one of the most influential figures of American literature.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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