How Many Siblings Did Elizabeth Barrett Browning Have

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Family

Elizabeth Barrett Browning was an English poet of the Victorian era, and is considered one of the most prominent poets of the 19th century. Born in 1806 into a highly prestigious and prominent family, she had a large family with numerous siblings. Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s parents had twelve children all together, three of which died in infancy or early childhood. Elizabeth Barrett Browning was the eldest of the surviving nine siblings.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Siblings

All through Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s childhood, she lived with her seven surviving siblings, four brothers and three sisters. All of them were homeschooled together by their mother and a tutor. James, the eldest boy and John were two of her elder brothers. Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s sisters were Arabella, Henrietta and Elizabeth. Arabella, the eldest of the sisters, was known for being a great support to Elizabeth in her time of need. Elizabeth Barrett Browning had much admiration for her brother, Samuel, who was also her teacher. Edward and Alfred were the youngest of Elizabeth’s brothers who died at a young age.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Relationship With Her Siblings

Elizabeth Barrett Browning had a close relationship with all her siblings. She was especially close to her eldest sister Arabella, who was the only one allowed to visit her while she was held under the exclusive care of her mother. There were numerous letters and diaries written by Elizabeth that expressed her admiration for her sisters and especially for her brother Samuel and brother-in-law. Elizabeth was a great admirer of literature, and even taught and encouraged her sisters in their writing.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Loss of Siblings

Elizabeth Barrett Browning lost a few of her siblings in her lifetime. Edward and Alfred, the youngest two of Elizabeth’s brothers died at the age of two. This loss of siblings took a great toll on Elizabeth and her family. Also, her sister Arabella died in 1848, of tuberculosis. All these events further distanced her from her family and home.

Reaction to Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Siblings

The death of Edward and Alfred had an intense psychological effect on Elizabeth and her family. It was clear that the family had grown very close to the two boys. There is evidence of Elizabeth often having a harsh attitude towards her surviving siblings, which could have been partly motivated by her profound loss.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Parents’ View On Their Siblings

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s father was a wealthy man, and took great care of his children in order to ensure their success. He kept a watchful eye on them and constantly pushed them to do their best. This made Elizabeth and her siblings feel that their father cared for them and wanted them to succeed.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Legacy

Elizabeth Barrett Browning was a successful poet and was one of the most popular poets of the Victorian age. She is known to have had an influence on many poets and authors of her time, including the famous poet Robert Browning. Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s relationship with her siblings and the way she kept them in her life, even after other tragedies, could be seen as a testimony to the strong bond that existed between them.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Writing Style

Elizabeth Barrett Browning was unique when it came to her writing style. She often sparked debates with her use of sarcasm and wit. She also often wrote about forbidden love and tragic stories, which could be attributed to her losses of two brothers in her childhood and one sister later in life.

Summary of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Siblings

Elizabeth had seven siblings, four brothers and three sisters: James, John, Arabella, Henrietta, Elizabeth, Samuel, Edward, and Alfred. Edward and Alfred died in childhood, and Arabella died in 1848. Elizabeth was close to all her siblings and often wrote about them in her diaries and letters. Her parents, particularly her father, kept a close watch on their children and pushed them to be the best they could be. In spite of the losses of three of her siblings, Elizabeth managed to remain close to her other brothers and sisters, and this bond is evident in her writings. Elizabeth Barrett Browning was an influential and pioneering poet, and her writing style was both unique and daring.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Extended Family

Elizabeth had a close relationship with members of her extended family, particularly with her maternal aunts and siblings-in-law. Her aunt, in particular, was a great source of strength to Elizabeth and the other children of the household. She was a great listener and confidante, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning often found comfort in her presence.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Relationship with Her Siblings Post their Deaths

Although she lost a few of her siblings in her lifetime, Elizabeth Barrett Browning was still close to her surviving siblings and often wrote of them in her letters and poems. Her surviving siblings were also very loyal to her and often offered solace and comfort at her trying times.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Influence on Her Siblings

Elizabeth Barrett Browning had a profound influence on her siblings, who looked up to her as a leader and a teacher. She was generous with her love and knowledge, and often taught her sister in reading and writing. Her death did not affect her relationship with her siblings, as they still remained very close until the end.


Elizabeth Barrett Browning had seven siblings, four brothers and three sisters: James, John, Arabella, Henrietta, Elizabeth, Samuel, Edward, and Alfred. She was close to all of them, and they had a strong bond until their deaths. Elizabeth’s parents, particularly her father, had a strong influence on the children and kept a watchful eye on them. Elizabeth Barrett Browning was an influential poet and her writing style was distinct and daring. She was a great influence on her siblings, who looked up to her and received her love and care.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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