How To Become A Poetry Author


Becoming a published poetry author is not a simple task and takes a good amount of research and planning. Aspiring authors need to study literary magazines, online resources, and established authors’ work in order to gain an understanding of what kind of poetry is popular and accepted. There are also courses and classes available in creative writing and poetry which can be taken to further develop skills in the field. It is important to understand the kind of style that editors are looking for, and to gain an indication of what kind of piece will be accepted.


The next step is to begin writing the work. The first draft of the work should be written with a free flow, without being too hard on oneself at this stage. It is important to focus on letting the ideas come naturally and being comfortable with the initial idea and voice of the poem. It can be edited later, and the author can always improve the poem through editing, but this is how the initial idea should be crafted.


Once the initial draft is created, the author must then edit the work. This is an essential step to ensure that the poem can be accepted and is of a publishable quality. Editing involves checking for grammar, punctuation, spelling, ensuring there are no errors or inconsistencies, and also ensuring the poem is accurate and correct. This process may take numerous attempts and require patience, but it is worth it if the author wants the poem to be accepted.


Publishing a poem is a difficult task, as it can be hard to find the right outlet for the work. It is important to find the best platform for the poem, and there are numerous options to explore. Many websites allow authors to upload poems and have them reviewed, and others may allow authors to submit their poems directly to literary magazines or submit them for inclusion in popular anthologies. It is important to research the market and understand what kind of publication will likely accept the work.


Once an author has published a poem, it is important to promote the work as much as possible. It is important to not be too pushy or too desperate when promoting work, but there are many ways to market the work, such as having posts on social media or in online forums or submitting it to review sites. It is also important to consider pricing, as many potential readers may be hesitant to buy without knowing more about the author and the poem. It is important to be prepared for rejections and not take it too personally, as this will help to stay motivated and continue creating work.


For many emerging authors, collaboration with other writers can be a great way to grow. Working with more experienced writers can help with gaining an understanding of the poetry industry, as well as creating contacts and gaining feedback from other authors. Additionally, authors may consider setting up writing groups with local authors or joining an online community to get advice and encouragement from other poets.


Networking is an invaluable tool for writers, as it gives them the opportunity to connect with other writers, poets, publishers, and editors. It is important to develop relationships, as that increases the chances of getting accepted and published. Writers can network at book readings, poetry slams, writers festivals and conventions, or through social media or online forums. An established network of contacts can prove beneficial and give authors the opportunity to promote their work and gain feedback.


Experienced authors and editors are invaluable resources and can provide much-needed advice for emerging writers. Authors should reach out and gain mentors to learn the basics of the industry and to receive feedback on the work. Mentors can provide insight into the different types of poems and which ones will likely be accepted. They can also give advice on publishing and submitting the work, and overall provide a great sounding board for authors who are just starting out.

Stay Motivated

Writing can be a long and difficult process, with numerous rejections and rejections. It is important to stay motivated despite these, and to never give up pursuing the dream of being a published author. Writing can be an emotionally taxing process, but it is important to stay creative and push oneself to keep creating. Keeping a positive mindset and having the correct tools and resources can help to stay productive and passionate about the work.

Continue Learning

Writing and publishing poetry is an ongoing process and will require authors to continuously learn and adapt. Writers should never stop reading the works of established authors, researching different markets and styles, and gaining new skills. It is important to stay current, engage with the literature community, be open to criticism and feedback, and to never stop learning.

Grow Online Presence

In the current digital age, one of the most important things for emerging authors is to create an online presence. Having an online presence can help in creating a brand, a platform and helps to attract potential readers and publishers. Social media accounts and blogs are a great way to promote one’s work and it can be beneficial to post regularly. Additionally, authors should create a website or e-mail list to communicate with authors, readers and publishers.

Seek Opportunities

Finally, authors should seek out opportunities as these can help to progress a career in poetry. Writers should keep an eye out for poetry competitions, writing retreats, grants, and other avenues of growth and development. Professional development is important in any career, and especially in the poetry industry. It is important to research and understand the process and the requirements to be successful.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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