How To Draw Maya Angelou Step By Step

Maya Angelou was an inspirational American poet, author, actress and civil rights activist. Drawing the image of the beloved figure is a meaningful tribute to her life and works. In this tutorial, we shall look at the fundamental steps on how to draw Maya Angelou step by step.

First off, for the preparatory work, you need to draw a basic outline of an oval-like form using a pencil on your sketchbook. This will be the head of Maya Angelou. Due to the simplified face, as seen in her portraits, no details are needed for this drawing.

Secondly, draw two circles to make the eyes. Draw them a little above the center line of the face. Also, draw two lines beneath the eyes making an arch-like shape in order to make the nose. Finally, draw a line right below the nose to make the mouth area with a slightly protruding upper lip on the left side. Now, you have the basic structure.

Thirdly, draw the hair of Maya Angelou. For this, you can draw a straight line along the edge of the head going in an outward direction. You may then draw hair accessories as well as multiple strands of hair in an organic manner.

Fourthly, draw the features such as the eyebrows of Maya Angelou. For this, outlining them can work better than filling the area with lines or shadows. Then, using an HB pencil, lightly shade certain areas of the face.

Fifthly, finish off your drawing by adding details such as earrings, necklaces, etc. if preferred. Lastly, erase unwanted pencil lines and re-outline the whole depiction of Maya Angelou to make it appear stronger and sharper.

Managing the Skin Tone

To achieve accurate and realistic results, it is important to pay attention to the skin tone of Maya Angelou. For this, use shades of brown and even light purple for the facial area as you shade.

Afterwards, draw two small nostrils in the middle of the nose using a detailed pencil. Then, fill in the eyes using black color along with an eyeliner like shape under the eyes.

Besides these, use darken the color of the eyebrows. This can be done by only shading them. Finally, add light shade of brown or grey near the chin line to give the face a 3D effect.

Proportioning the Structure

To maintain proportion and get the full figure of Maya Angelou, you need to carefully draw her neck and shoulder. You may start with drawing the neck in an oval-like shape.

Also, include some curved lines on the shoulder to make it look more realistic. Next, draw the short hair that’s visible around the neck area and behind the shoulders.

Next, using the HB pencil, shade certain areas around the chest and on the shoulder like a real person has flesh. These areas should not be filled with heavy shading. Finally, add minor details to the ears like earrings and necklace to give a more lifelike appearance to the face.

Drawing the Clothing

To draw the clothing of Maya Angelou correctly, draw two ‘V’ shapes on the neckline and the upper arms of the figure. Then, draw two curved lines on the chest and stomach area to add some dimension.

By doing this, you would have created the basic structure of the clothing. You may then draw the layers of clothing and details such as jalabiya, jewelry, or scarf according to the type of clothing.

In case you don’t want to draw any decorative clothing, you may draw a plain and simple dress with two curved lines for both the shawl and the dress. Then, you can use dark brown and light brown to fill in the clothing.

Now, draw the hands and the arms of the figure in a natural posture. To make the hands look realistic, use a detailed pencil and draw each finger individually and with the right spaces in between them.

Afterwards, you may fill in the clothes and any additional details such as jewelry or other accessories with a darker shading. This will lend realism to the entire figure and create a meaningful portrayal of Maya Angelou.

Adding the Accent Colors

Finally, to give the drawing of Maya Angelou a more vibrant and lively effect, you can add accent colors to the clothing, jewelry, and other decorative elements. For this, use a dark blue, light blue, light purple, and pink.

You may also use a combination of two colors for the decorative elements. For instance, dark blue and pink can add some contrast to the artwork. Additionally, you may use sparkles and glitters to give it a more ornamental outlook.

Also, add more depth to the skin tone by blending two shades of brown with yellow around the face and neck area for a sun-kissed impression. Lastly, apply a light touch of ochre and yellow on the face and neck area to give the image a more life-like appearance.

Applying Texture and Final Touch

To add the final touch, use some light brown and white to draw the strands of hair in an organic and realistic manner. You may also apply loose cotton-like texture around the edges of the clothing and other decorative elements.

Also, to give the entire figure a strong finish, use a black pen or marker to draw the facial features and clothing lines. Lastly, go back to the pencil and add some shadows on the face, clothing, and hair for a shaded outlook.

Polishing the Artwork

For the finishing steps, use a white or golden gel pen or marker to add sparkles and glimmers on the jewelry or other decorative items. You may also blend some light purple and white to create a glow around the face and around the body.

Afterwards, add a few lines of white to form curves around the shapes like lights. This may enhance the depth and depth of the artwork. Finally, use a ruler for the edge lines to give the artwork a neat and professional outlook.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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