How To Draw Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou was a phenomenal writer, poet, actor and civil rights activist who is widely known for her inspirational works and teachings. She is one of the most celebrated poets of all time and is praised for her contributions to literature and activism in the world. Drawing her portrait is one way to honor this great woman and express appreciation for her works. This guide explains how to draw Maya Angelou in a few simple steps.

The first step to drawing Maya Angelou is to get the right supplies. Get a set of pencils or charcoals in ranging degrees of softness. Have a kneaded eraser and a ruler to help with the lines and measurements. Different types of paper can also be used to experiment with various textures.

Then, take reference images from the internet or magazines. Reference images allow for a more accurate drawing of the subject. Look for images that show her face from the front, side and back. Make sure to study the images carefully and take notes on the smaller details such as facial hair, hair, eyes and nose.

Now that the preparation is complete, you can begin to draw her face. Start by sketching the overall shape of the face. Mark the midpoint of the face and draw two lines on either side to separate the top and the bottom halves. Then, draw the eyes, nose and mouth, making sure to measure them in the right proportions with the help of a ruler.

The next step is to fill in the details of the face. Shade the eyes in a manner that best conveys the character in her eyes. Use the reference images as a guide. Darken the eyebrows and draw the hairstyle in accordance with what was seen in the reference images. Take special note of the texture of her hair and try to incorporate it into the drawing.

Finally, clean up the drawing by using an eraser to remove the extra lines and create sharper lines where necessary. Add small, subtle imperfections that make the drawing more realistic.

Adding Colours

After the pencil outline is complete, it’s time to add colours. Start by adding the skin tones using pencils or charcoals. Make sure to use different shades of brown to add depth and texture to the portrait.

Next, use coloured pencils or watercolours to add the colours. Start with the eyeshadow and move on to other features such as the hair, lips, and eyebrows. Add the colours slowly and building up the layers to make the portrait look realistic.

Blend in the colours carefully and define the edges with dark edges of the pencils or charcoals. To enhance the colours, blend them with a cotton swab or brush.

Once the colours are applied, outline the entire portrait in black. This helps add definition to the portrait and makes it look more realistic.

Finally, add the highlights and shadows where needed. This can help bring out the finer details of the face, making it more lifelike.

Finishing the Portrait

After the outline and colours are complete, use an eraser to clean up the rough edges and sharpen the lines. This can help bring out the softer side of the portrait and make it look more professional.

Now that the portrait is complete, it’s time to add a signature. Sign the portrait using the signature style of Maya Angelou. This is a great way to honour and pay tribute to the great woman.

Lastly, frame the portrait in a nice frame and display it in a place that can be admired. Framing the portrait helps protect it from dirt and dust, ensuring it looks its best for years to come.

Creating a shadowbox

Another creative way to display the portrait of Maya Angelou is to create a shadowbox. This can be done by picking a nice frame and attaching the portrait to the back of the frame. Fill the frame with items that were associated with her works such as her books, poems, artwork, and awards.

In addition, donate a few items such as a piece of paper, a flower, a photograph or a letter that was written by Maya Angelou. Place these items around the portrait to commemorate her life and work.

This is a great way to show respect and express appreciation for Maya Angelou’s contributions to literature and activism. The frame can be hung on a wall or placed on a mantel to remind viewers of her legacy.

Creating a canvas painting

Creating a canvas painting of Maya Angelou is another way to honor her and show appreciation for her life and works. This can be done by transferring the drawing onto canvas using transfer paper. Make sure to trace the drawing onto the canvas in the same proportions as the pencil outline.

Then, start painting. Use the various shades of brown to recreate the skin tone of Maya Angelou, making sure to emphasize her features such as her eyes and lips. Also, use darker and lighter shades of each colour to add texture and depth to the canvas.

To enhance the colours of the canvas painting, use coloured pencils and watercolours. Do not be afraid to experiment with different colour combinations and techniques. The goal is to create a portrait that best conveys the character of Maya Angelou.

After the portrait is complete, add a few small details such as her signature and a message, if desired. This is a great way to make the canvas painting even more personal and meaningful.

Adding texture

Adding texture to the portrait of Maya Angelou is a great way to bring out the finer details and make it come alive. This can be achieved through the use of pencils, charcoals, and markers. Highlight her facial features such as her eyes, lips and hair ensuring that the details are realistic.

Also, try to use the various tools to create interesting textures. For example, use a pencil to outline and then blend in the colours with a dry brush or a cotton swab. This is a great way to add depth and realism to the portrait.

Finally, use a light or dark shade of pencil to enhance the highlights and shadows of the portrait. This creates the illusion of her face being illuminated or standing in the shade. Do not be afraid to experiment with different combinations of colours and shapes.

By systematically following these steps, anyone can draw an impressive portrait of Maya Angelou. To get the best results, one should be patient and willing to experiment. With a steady hand and some practice, it is possible to draw a portrait that pays tribute to the legacy of Maya Angelou.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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