How To Get Paid For Poetry

Poetry Writing Basics

Getting paid for poetry is a wonderful way to make a living—it combines creativity with income. To do this, you must learn the basics of writing poetry so you can make sure your work is professional. Writing poetry is an art, and one that takes time, effort and skill to master. The most important thing to remember is that everyone has a unique voice and should use it to craft their writing. Start by exploring different types of poetry and reading classic works. Doing research will help you create better poetry. It’s also important to explore various writing prompts to spark your creative juices.

When writing poetry, think about the language and structure of it. Try to introduce the poem in the first few lines and use the rhythm and flow of language to tell the story. Take your time with each poem and let the piece breathe. Most importantly, embrace critique and understand that some of it is constructive and necessary. Knowing what works and what doesn’t will help you become a better poet.

Finding Opportunities

When you’re ready to get paid for your poetry, you’ll need to start submitting your work to publications. A number of sites, such as Poets & Writers, offer opportunities for poets to send their work for consideration. Additionally, there are also organizations in your local community that encourage poets to share their work. Before submitting work, make sure that you check the guidelines for submissions. This will help increase your chances of getting published.

Another way to get paid for your poetry is to enter writing contests. Many of these are targeted specifically to poetry, and they offer cash and other prizes. You can find listings of opportunities through Poets & Writers, as well as by performing a simple internet search. Always read the rules and guidelines before submitting your work.


There are plenty of resources available to those who want to get paid for poetry. First, there are a number of helpful websites that offer advice, tips, and information. Learn how to present poetry in a way that makes it easier to get published, and understand the processes of submitting and publishing poetry. Reading books on the art of poetry can also be helpful. Look for books that provide advice for both novice and experienced writers.

It’s also beneficial to join an online poetry community. Here you can connect with other writers and receive feedback on your work. Furthermore, a poetry community can offer guidance on getting published, and possibly even resources to submit your writing. Other poets may have had experience with certain publishers and can offer meaningful advice.


Networking and building relationships with other poets and publishers is an important part of the process. Having a large social media presence and attending readings and festivals wherever possible can help expose you to a variety of people in the field. Furthermore, networking can open you up to more publications and opportunities to get paid for your poetry.

Getting paid for poetry doesn’t happen overnight. It takes hard work, dedication and patience. Don’t give up if your first few submissions aren’t accepted. Use rejection as motivation to improve and don’t forget to celebrate when you’re accepted. Remember, your writing is valuable and to keep improving and working towards success.

Submission Process

Once you’ve developed a portfolio of work and have a good understanding of the publication process, it’s time to submit. Make sure all pieces you’re sending are in the best possible shape and that you’ve read all instructions from the publisher. Many publications have specific requirements, so it’s important to read them carefully.

Additionally, research the publisher and make sure you’re familiar with the types of poetry they publish. Unsolicited poems can be harder to publish, so you should focus on sending pieces to particular publications or submitting poems as part of a writing contest. After submitting your work, make sure to keep track of where it’s been and when it might be accepted.

Finding Success and Making Money

Once you understand the process of getting paid for poetry, you can start to make it a profession. After success with small publications, you can submit to larger magazines and publications. You can also use your blog or website as a platform to share your writing and promote yourself. Additionally, take opportunities to read your poetry at events and festivals to attract more attention from publishers.

Ultimately, the experience of making money from creating poetry can be rewarding and fruitful. The key is to stay focused, prepare for rejections and aim for success. It won’t happen overnight, but with patience, dedication and hard work, you can make a living off of your writing.

Applications and Online Platforms

In addition to traditional publishing, there are a growing number of applications and online platforms specifically for poets. These allow poets to share their work online and even make money from it. For example, Poetry magazine app offers a platform where poets can submit their work and curate their very own collection. This app rewards selected poets with cash or gift cards when someone purchases their work.

The internet has opened up many doors for poets to get paid for doing what they love. By becoming part of an online network and taking advantage of the resources available, poets can create a body of work that can be seen by a larger audience. Growing an online presence can be key to finding more opportunities to get paid for your poetry.

Time Commitment

It takes time to become a successful poet. Don’t expect big payouts right away. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a writing career. Dedicate time to write and perfect your craft, and your reward will come in due time. It may take months or years to make a name for yourself in the world of poetry. Venture out to places that support poets, attend readings and be actively involved in the community. The more you put in, the more success you can achieve.

Making money from writing poetry is possible, but it requires a combination of creativity, dedication and hard work. Be patient, strive for excellence and don’t forget to have fun with it along the way. In time, you’ll be able to make a living off of your passion.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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