How To Get Pure Poetry Destiny 2

What is Pure Poetry in Destiny 2?

Pure Poetry is a type of high-arranged skeletal tail-makeup dropping from a specific encounter in the game Destiny 2. Pure Poetry has a greatly increased chance of dropping from specific falls within Destiny 2 and is considered a quite rare and sought-after item. The Pure Poetry is coveted by many players due to its rarity and the excellent rewards it provides, especially those players who are interested in the high-end of the loot-table.

What are the Requirements to Get Pure Poetry?

The main requirements to be able to acquire Pure Poetry in Destiny 2 is to first complete the Deep Stone Crypt raid, as this is the only raid where Pure Poetry drops, across all difficulty levels. Secondly, the chance of obtaining Pure Poetry increases if the hardest difficulty of the Deep Stone Crypt raid is completed. The third factor that increases the drop chance of the Pure Poetry is playing with a fireteam of skilled players, as the harder the challenge presented to the team, the greater the probability of the Pure Poetry being dropped.

How to Increase Your Chance of Getting Pure Poetry?

Increasing the chances of obtaining Pure Poetry in Destiny 2 boils down to successful raid completion and the utilisation of the right tactics. Firstly,it is recommended to seek out a team of skilled players with whom to attempt the toughest difficulty of the Deep Stone Crypt raid, which is “Grandmaster”. Secondly, understanding the mechanics behind the raid and how each part works makes the task easier and helps with completion of the raid faster . Last but not least, certain perks can be chosen which carry over for the whole team such as efficient teamwork and using the right tools for the job.

What are the Benefits of Getting Pure Poetry?

The benefits of the Pure Poetry are many, beginning with the sheer rarity of the item itself, making it highly sought-after by players. Secondly, the Pure Poetry offers powerful rewards in the form of Raid-exclusive armour and weapons with Legendary or Exotic rarity; this makes it even more desirable and valuable to players. Thirdly, a major incentive to acquiring Pure Poetry is the opportunity to be amongst the first of the players to receive armour and weapons unique and unseen to the general player population. Lastly, the Pure Poetry can be used to craft specific armour and weapons, making the rewards even more powerful and desirable.

What Strategies to Use to Get Pure Poetry?

There are a few strategies to keep in mind when attempting to get Pure Poetry in Destiny 2. Firstly, building a fireteam with skilled players is essential, as the difficulty of the raid will increase the drop chance of the Pure Poetry. Secondly, being aware of the mechanics behind the raid will make it easier for the team to complete the set tasks, thus increasing the likelihood of the Pure Poetry being dropped. Thirdly, certain perks in the form of certain armour and weapons will provide an increased chance of receiving the Pure Poetry. Lastly, paying attention to the layout of the raid map and the layout of the individual sections will help the team to complete the raid more quickly and efficiently than in previous attempts.

Are There Any Other Variables to Consider?

When attempting to get Pure Poetry in Destiny 2, several other variables come into play which will increase or decrease the chances of obtaining the Pure Poetry. Firstly, depending on the platform used (PC or Console), the raid can be completed at different speeds. Secondly, the amount of time invested in completing each section of the raid can have an effect on the drop rate of the Pure Poetry. Thirdly, the position of the fireteam within the raid area can affect the drop rate of the Pure Poetry; being in the right spots will increase the chance of obtaining it. Lastly, the luck factor always applies; luck is a part of any game, so even if all other variables are met, sometimes luck is just not on one’s side.

How Should I Prepare for the Raid?

In order to best prepare for the raid and increase the chance of obtaining the Pure Poetry, it is recommended to first understand each of the mechanics behind the raid. Knowing what to expect and how to handle the specific parts of the raid will make the raid run smoother and increase the drop rate of the Pure Poetry. Secondly, it is advisable to equip each fireteam member with the correct weapons and armour pieces; certain perks and abilities within these pieces can increase the drop rate of the Pure Poetry. Thirdly, it is recommended to have an understanding of the enemy types within the raid and how to handle them; being aware of the types of enemies and understanding the tactics to use against them can greatly increase the chance of obtaining the Pure Poetry. Lastly, understanding the objectives within the raid will help the team to complete the tasks in the raid faster, thus increasing the drop chance of the Pure Poetry.

What Strategies Should I Use to Get Pure Poetry?

There are a few strategies to keep in mind when attempting to get Pure Poetry in Destiny 2. Firstly, using the most efficient and effective route for completing the Deep Stone Crypt raid will increase the drop rate of the Pure Poetry. Secondly, building a fireteam with skilled players who are proficient in the raid will greatly increase the chances of obtaining Pure Poetry. Thirdly, certain perks in the form of certain armour and weapons can increase the chances of obtaining Pure Poetry, so choosing the right pieces for each fireteam member is essential. Lastly, equipping the fireteam with powerful weapons and armour will make completing the raid easier and thus increase the probability of receiving the Pure Poetry.

What Tools are Helpful When Trying to Get Pure Poetry?

When attempting to get Pure Poetry in Destiny 2, there are some tools which can be utilised to increase the chances of success. Firstly, having an understanding of the boss mechanics, enemy types and objectives is extremely helpful and increases the chance of completing the raid and obtaining the Pure Poetry. Secondly, using aim-enhancing tools can help with more accurate aiming and more efficient combating of enemies. Thirdly, using loot-trackers such as the in-game tracker, third-party plugins or website trackers can help with understanding which sections are likely to drop Pure Poetry, thus enabling the team to focus on those specific sections of the raid. Lastly, timers are helpful when attempting to complete the sections of the raid quickly, as this increases the drop rate of the Pure Poetry.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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