How To Make Money Selling Poetry

How to Make Money Selling Poetry

As a poet, you might never have considering turning your artwork into an income stream. While there is no guaranteed way to make money selling poetry, there are some proven strategies you can use to make money selling your poems. If you are hesitant to jump into the business side of things, remember: If you have poems, someone will buy them.

Market Yourself

Before you start selling your work, you have to make sure people know it exists. This is especially important when you are selling something as a commodity. Consider setting up a website or blog dedicated to your poetry. Also, instead of listing all your poems for sale, focus on providing a sample for potential buyers to get an idea of what you have to offer. Doing this will show buyers that you put effort into presenting your work and will help you establish credibility and influence.

You can promote your work through social media and create an interactive, powerful presence. If you find yourself with a significant following, you can even offer exclusive premium content to those who are willing to pay extra for it. Most importantly, let your network know about what you’re doing to give your poems the best possible chance of getting sold.

Start a Patreon Account

Patreon is a crowdfunding platform specifically designed for creators. It allows artists to recieve monthly support from their fans, in exchange for exclusive, patron-only content. You can pitch your poems to potential patrons, and create tiers of patronage so your fans can choose the level of support they want to give you. This is an invaluable way to monetize your poems, since it offers a passive form of earning potential. It takes pressure off of having to consistently sell poems one-by-one.

Submit Your Poems

Getting your poems published is no small feat, but it can be very lucrative. Literary magazines and journals, such as The New Yorker and Tin House, are always looking for original work. Investigate which publications might be interested in accepting your poems, then craft a professional submission package and send it off. This can involve sending queries to editors, along with a copy of your work and a brief bio of your writing experience. Publications generally offer payment based on the number of poems published, and the type of exposure it generates.

Appear at Live Events

Live events, such as slams, readings, and open mics, can be the best place to find an audience for your poems. At slams, you can get real-time feedback from an audience, which can act as market research, enabling you to hone your poem in order to make it more saleable. This can also be a great way of introducing potential customers to your poems. You might even be able to make a bit of money from your readings. Many venues will pay poets for their work.

Teach Classes

Poetry classes are in demand and many knowledgeable poets are able to teach these classes. You can offer these classes online, in person or through college courses. Teaching poetry classes can open you to a larger audience that can become your biggest customers. Plus, it’s a great side business to add to your repertoire. You can offer private lessons, workshops or seminars. If you decide to teach poetry classes, consider offering packages and discounts to your customers.

Network With Agents

Having an agent is an excellent way to get your work out to a wider audience. Agents help you find the right owners for your work, and can drastically increase your chances of success. Depending on their level of involvement, agents can help negotiate deals, market your poems and even offer advice when it comes to growing your career. When looking for a literary agent, be sure to check their portfolio and make sure they have worked with poets before.

Sell Your Poems Online

Online marketplaces, such as and, are excellent places to start selling your poems. These sites tend to attract customers from all over the world and are ideal if you are looking to make money selling your poems. You can list your poems and set your own prices, expanding your customer base and allowing you to make money selling poems to customers all around the globe. Don’t forget to advertise your online shop on your blog or website, and be sure to include a description of your poems to encourage buyers.

Participate in Competitions

While some competitions are free or only charge a small entry fee, others do carry large cash prizes, which you can use as leverage to help legitimize your work. Many competitions will also provide you with an opportunity to get editorial feedback from experts in the field. This can give you a valuable insight into how to improve and make your poems more saleable. Don’t forget to check the publications you’d like to submit to for ongoing competitions, as many hold contests on an annual or seasonal basis.

Collaborate With Other Artists

Working with other artists can be both a creative and a financial boon. You can try doing a cross-promotional project with another poet, composer, or even a visual artist. For example, you can write a poem and have it set to music, so you can both benefit from the collaboration. Performances are also a great way to collaborate. You can pair with a musician and perform your work in churches, theaters and other public spaces. Additionally, you can advertise your performances and sell tickets to help offset the costs.

Publish a Book of Poems

Publishing your own collection of poems can be a great way to make money selling poetry. You can get a traditional publishing deal, but if you’d rather publish independently, there are lots of ways you can get your book out there, from POD publishing to self-publishing. Do your research and think carefully about the process, as it will affect both the cost and the quality of the book. Once your book is printed, you can set up a website dedicated to your work, offer signed editions and promote your work through social media.

Create Audio Poems

Audio poems are becoming an increasingly popular way to monetize your work. You can record your poems and have them available online, which can be an excellent way to reach an audience and make money selling your poems. Audio poems can also be used for podcasts, radio shows, or even as a musical interlude for a television show. You can even put together an album of audio poems and sell it on iTunes or Bandcamp.

Work as a Ghostwriter

If you want to make money with poetry but don’t necessarily want all the fame that comes with it, you can work as a ghostwriter. Companies will assign you poems to write for their websites, advertisements, or even music. There is a big market for ghostwriters—not just for businesses, but also for poets who have a strong online presence. By offering your services as a ghostwriter, you can make a living writing poems without having to put yourself “out there”.

Offer Poetry Critiques

Most poets need some guidance, especially when it comes to improving their work. You can offer a poetry critique service online, which can be a great way to make money while also helping other poets. You can set up a website to advertise your services, or even go through a poetry writing platform like Poetry Exchange or YouWriteOn. Poetry critiques can be a great way to earn a side income from your poem, without having to worry about its commercial success.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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