How To Play Neanderthal Poetry

Getting Started

Neanderthal Poetry is an immersive and interactive game designed to bring out the creativity and wit of players. It is centered around language and the ability to narrate stories, make jokes, and articulate concepts. To play Neanderthal Poetry, each player needs to come up with word patterns that form a narrative. They do not only need to come up with the story, but also create a pattern for the story.
The game is played in two phases, in the beginning players will lay down up to three words to start the story. All players need to agree on the starting point and if the words are too difficult to pronounce, the story can restart. Then after every round, a new word must be added but no words can be taken away. The players will keep taking turns, one at a time, each time adding a new word into the story. Eventually a narrative or pattern will take shape. If a player is stuck, then the other should take over the lead and add words to the rhyme.

Word Selection

When selecting words, the players should keep in mind their objective when creating the story. Choose words that will be easy to remember and pronounce. If, for example, the story has been created to make a joke, then use words which will make the joke funnier. Additionally, from a more strategic point of view, players should try to use words associated with one another for a clear flow of the story.
Avoid using too many words that sound similar or have exactly the same spelling. As a rule of thumb, it is best to not use more than two words that sound the same consecutively. It is more difficult for the players to recall such sequences, and in turn, the flow of the story will be broken.


It is important to use the correct form of punctuation when playing Neanderthal Poetry. A simple punctuation such as an ellipsis (…) can be instrumental in meaning and heightening the tension as the story progresses. The players should use nouns, verbs, and punctuations to construct an exciting narrative. Moreover, they should only make use of a single punctuation throughout the game.

Flowing of the Story

It is essential that the players keep their story flowing. When creating the story, come up with a plan or a general outline of what will be happening. Depending on the context of the story, the players can switch between perspectives to keep the reader engaged. Also, do not jump scenes too rapidly, as this can confuse the audience.
Players should use active language as much as possible. Instead of using the passive voice, use the active voice to keep the story exciting. As an example, instead of saying “The dog was kicked”, say “He kicked the dog”.

Clarity and Brevity

The players should strive to be clear and concise in expressing their story. There should not be any obscure words or phrases which could confuse the audience. Furthermore, each word should be chosen for its brevity, used with the idea to ensure the flow and vividness of the narrative.


Neanderthal Poetry is an exciting game that requires players to be creative and think quickly of new words and patterns in order to construct a compelling narrative. Players need to remember the 3 most important factors when creating a story: word selection, punctuation, and clarity and brevity. By following these steps, playing Neanderthal Poetry can be a fun and interactive activity for people of all ages.

Word Choices

Creating a story through Neanderthal Poetry requires players to have extensive knowledge of words and that can be found in various dictionaries. Players may need to use words that require them to look up its definition in order to understand the meanings behind them. It is important to first use common words as they are relatively easier to comprehend. Then as the story progresses, the players may start adding more obscure words which can have various other interpretations.

Creativity and Collaboration

Creating a story through Neanderthal Poetry can be a great way to inspire creativity while also collaborating with others to create an intriguing narrative. Players need to work together in order to create a fluid story that is both intuitive and makes sense. Creativity is often triggered when working with a team, which can lead to the creation of a story that is much more interesting than that of an individual.

Allusions and Humor

Players can choose to include allusions and humor when creating a story using Neanderthal Poetry. For example, humorous allusions can be used to bring out laughs from the audience and raise the atmosphere of the game. Players can choose to add humor by creating puns or adding unexpected words in a sentence to create the desired effect.

Impromptu Changes

Due to the tendency of the game to veer off the initial plan, players may be forced to come up with creative impromptu changes in order to keep the story flowing. This is often challenging, which is why it is best to have a basic idea of what the story should look like, so that when an unexpected change is needed, players can think of it quickly and accurately.

Themes and Ideas

When creating a story with Neanderthal Poetry, it can be beneficial to come up with a theme or idea before starting the game. This will give the players a general outline of what the story should look like and how it should flow. For example, players can create a story about a lost pirate and how he finds his way home, or about a scaly and mystical creature that appears out of nowhere. By having a set idea, it can give the players a starting point which can be further explored and expanded upon.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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