How To Poetry Slam

Poetry slam is a lively and creative art form that has surged in popularity all around the world. It is different from typical poetry in that it is spoken rather than written, and judged by a panel of individuals or a live audience. It includes spoken word, emceeing, song, and any other type of performance poetry. Here are some helpful tips for those looking to get started in the world of poetry slam.


First and foremost, it is important to do your research. Read as much poetry as you can and include a variety of styles and topics. Become familiar with other poetry slams, both live and online. Many cities across the world are home to poetry slams, so if you are fortunate enough to live in one of these areas, it is a great idea to attend these events to get a feel for the culture and the people involved. Additionally, compiling a great library of poetic examples from the current and past masters of the art form is a great tool to learn from and reference when writing.


Once you have a good understanding of the art form, it’s time to start writing your own material. This can be exhilarating and intimidating all at the same time, so it is important to stay focused and give yourself plenty of time to refine. Choose subjects that are meaningful and authentic to you, as this will make your work all the more powerful to the listener. Develop effective techniques to share your piece in the most compelling way possible. Poetry is meant to be heard and not read, so practice speaking your piece aloud to make sure it flows naturally.


Now that you have written your piece, it is time to work on the performance. In the world of poetry slam, how you present your poem is just as important as the words you have written. Remember that you are sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings with a live audience, so find ways to create a personal connection with them. Have a strong stage presence and connect with the audience through facial expressions, active gestures, and physical cues. Remember to be confident and have fun with the performance.


Once you have felt comfortable with your performance, it is time to enter the competitive side of poetry slam. Events are often judged on the content and quality of their work, so make sure it is your best work. Watch for subtle changes in the audience’s response and make adjustments accordingly. Try to understand how the judges think and what makes a successful entry in their eyes. Although the goal is to win, remember that the main point is to share your work with others, regardless of the results.


As with any art form, networking is critical. If there is a live community of poets where you live, try to attend as many slams as possible and meet with the other poets who are competing. This will help you understand what the leader poets are doing, gain valuable insight into the culture, and get to know the rest of the scene. Everyone has something to offer, and the more you interact, the more successful you will be.

Recording, Social Media, and Merchandise

Recording your poetry and sharing it with an audience online is incredibly helpful in terms of furthering and nurturing your career. There are a number of streaming services, such as Spotify, SoundCloud and YouTube, where you can upload your material. Additionally, getting active on social media is essential and will create an outlet to reach a larger audience. Finally, creating merchandise like t-shirts, prints, and even CDs may provide valuable income and great exposure.

Patience and Perseverance

At the end of the day, poetry slam is a journey. It takes time, effort, and dedication to become an accomplished poet. It isn’t easy and there will be times of frustration and discouragement. But if you stay the course and persist, you will realize the rewards. Good luck on your journey and don’t forget to have fun.

Marketing Strategies

Being active and visible on social media is essential in order to build an audience and get your poem heard. Start by creating profiles on all the major social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Share as many of your poems, performances, and concepts as you can to introduce yourself to the world. Additionally, it is wise to set up an email list where people can sign up and receive your latest updates. Finally, place your physical and digital merchandise strategically to attract those looking to purchase.


Working with other performers from the slam scene is an effective way to cater not only to your own audience but to other poets’ as well. Share your work on each other’s platforms and engage in storytelling as a means to keep everyone interested and engaged. This can also create an opportunity to form a collective, both in the physical world and online, to further the culture of poetry slam.

Know your Rights

For those looking to make a professional career out of slam poetry, it is important to learn your rights and get familiar with copyright laws and other legal matters. As an artist, you should be knowledgeable of various agreements and contracts related to your work and have an understanding of royalty payments and other financial implications. It is valuable to consult with an attorney to better understand your legal standing.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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