How To Post Your Poetry On Instagram

Use High Quality Photos

Posting your poetry on Instagram can be a great way to share your work and garner more followers. However, there are a few important things you should consider when posting your poems on this popular digital platform. The first is the quality of the photo attached to your post. Making sure your picture quality is high will ensure that your poem looks great and is readable to everyone who takes the time to stop by your post. Whenever possible, take pictures with a high-resolution camera and in a well-lit area, this will ensure that the photo and quality of your post are optimal.

Hashtag Strategically

Going hand-in-hand with posting a high quality photo is making sure you use the right hashtags. Not only can using relevant hashtags increase your reach on Instagram, but it can also allow more people to find your post and provide more fans who appreciate your work. Also, try to find and use trending hashtags – this will help ensure that your post gets maximum exposure and reaches potential fans.

Actively Engage With Followers

Actively engaging with your followers on Instagram is essential for gaining an audience for your poems. This means responding to comments on your posts, reposting favorable comments to your story, and thanking people who comment or share your poems. By doing this, you’ll be able to build a stronger bond with your followers and create a sense of community.

Be Continuous

When posting your poems on Instagram, it’s important to post regularly. This will help keep your followers engaged and remind them of your work. Try to post poems on a consistent basis, it will also act as a reminder for your followers to check back and read your new work.

Tag People

Tagging people who are in your post is a great way to get more exposure. When someone is tagged in your poem they’ll be notified and may share your poem, giving you more exposure. Also, try to tag influencers that could help get your work seen by a wider audience.


Storytelling can be essential for creating compelling posts for Instagram. Use your captions to tell the story behind your poem. Doing this can help make your post stand out from the crowd, increase engagement, and draw more eyes towards your work.

Collaborate With Other Poets

Collaborating with other poets is an excellent way to increase your reach on Instagram. Try to find other poets with a similar following size, and agree to share each other’s work. This will help both of your accounts and potentially draw more attention to the content you’re creating.

Create Connections

Connecting with other poets can be a great way to build a community around your work. Try to join poetry associations or find forums specifically dedicated to poetry to connect with other poets. This can be a great way to find likeminded people who can help each other become successful. And, it can also help you find potential collaborators.

Post in Other Platforms

In addition to Instagram, try to post your work on other social media platforms. This will give you the chance to reach a wider audience, helping to make your work more visible. You can use Twitter, Tumblr, or even start a blog to share your work.

Create an Inspirational Quotes Series

Creating an inspirational quotes series can also be a great way to stand out from the crowd on Instagram. You can post inspiring quotes and then comment on the post with a link to your poem, helping to draw more people to your work.

Create Engaging Content

Creating content that is engaging and unique can be the key to success on Instagram. Try to create content that is different from what others are posting, to make sure it stands out from a sea of other posts. Also, make sure to keep your captions creative and engaging.

Comment on Other Poets’ Posts

Commenting on other poets works can be a great way to get visibility for your own work. Sharing your opinion and building a connection with other poets will help create more opportunities for collaboration. This is also a great way to draw attention to your work and build relationships in the poetry community.

Incorporate Videos into Your Posts

Videos can be a great way to make your posts unique and stand out. Incorporating a video into your poem post can help draw more attention to your work, and also give your followers a different way to engage with it. You can create videos of yourself reading your poems, or using motion graphics to bring your poetry to life.

Update Your Bio and Profile Picture Regularly

Updating your profile picture and bio on a regular basis can help you gain more followers and show that you’re active. Try to switch up your profile picture every few weeks and make sure that your bio reflects your latest work. Making sure your profile is visually interesting can help you get the most out of Instagram.

Run Promotional Events

Running promotional events can be a great way to increase visibility and engagement with your Blog. Try running giveaways or contests, this can be a great way to incentivize people to follow you and engage with your work.

Share Previews of Your Work

Sharing previews of your work, or snippets of your poems on Instagram can be a great way to engage people and give them a preview of what you’re currently working on. Doing this can help people to connect with your work in a more personal way.

Encourage Sharing and Reposts

Encouraging your followers to share and repost your work can be a great way to get more exposure. Try to reach out and ask your followers to share your work with their friends and followers, this can help get your work seen by more people.

Research Current Poetry Trends

Researching current poetry trends is a great way to stay up to date with what’s popular on Instagram. Try to keep an eye on what other people are posting and what’s getting the most engagement. Doing this can help you to craft unique and engaging posts that will draw in more followers.

Create Product Lines Related to Your Work

Creating product lines related to your work can also be a great way to monetize your Instagram account. Try to come up with products that you think your followers will be interested in and make sure they are related to your work in some way. This can be anything from poetry books to t-shirts and mugs.

Post Quality Content Frequently

Finally, posting quality content on a frequent basis is essential for gaining an audience on Instagram. Try to post consistently and keep your work interesting and engaging. Doing this will help you to build a loyal fanbase and increase engagement for your work.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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