How To Praise Poetry In English

Understand the Formalities

Praising poetry in English can be both a challenging and gratifying endeavor. English poetry has a rich history spanning centuries, and is a diverse and intricate form of literature that can be difficult to understand. Therefore, it is important to become familiar with the different forms of poetry and their associated structural groupings, including prose, ballad, idyll, elegy, and villanelle. Additionally, learn about the different schools of thought and literary devices used in poetry, such as simile, metaphor, and rhyme.
Equally essential is understanding the different types of criticism that should and should not be used when analyzing a poem. Critiquing poetry is a nuanced and sensitive task that requires a finesse that can only be obtained through thorough research and reading. Absorb and consider the opinion of literary critics in your critique, and maintain a focus on objective assessment of the poem in question. Reading the opinions of others can help you express your own thoughts on the subject and craft an overall review that is both informative and tasteful.

State the Facts

When writing a critical analysis of poetry, ensure that you back up all statements with facts. Asserting your opinion is easy, but constructing a sound argument is much harder to do. Therefore, it is important to provide evidence to support your opinions, or ascertain the ones that you have stated. For example, citing a specific literary device used in a poem can help you support any ideas you have about the text. This evidence will strengthen your critique and make it more effective.
In addition to the facts, consider examining the poem from the perspective of its author. What was the background and context of the poem? What was the author’s message? Why were these themes chosen? By investigating these questions, you can gain insight into the background behind the poem and provide a deeper analysis of the text.

Recognize the Craftsmanship

Praising poetry is not just about criticism; it’s also about recognizing the talent and effort that goes into crafting these works of art. Once you have read and analyzed the poem, consider noting the craftsmanship of the author in your critique. Appreciate the technical elements of the poem, such as the internal rhyme scheme or the strophic structure. Point out the different literary devices used and the smooth flow of the verses. Celebrate the creativity and skill of the author.
In addition, note the beauty of the imagery and the symbolic meaning of the words. Discuss the natural tone of the verses, and appreciate the representation of a certain emotion. Be sure to make the reader feel the poetry through this appreciation, as this element of your review can be just as powerful.

Utilize Examples

An effective way to praise poetry is by using examples. Refer to specific works and provide extended analysis, as this can help the reader to understand the poem in question and grasp the subtleties of the English language. Explain the use of imagery, metaphors, and other devices the author employs, and provide examples of how they add to the meaning of the poem. Note which verses or lines particularly stood out to you while reading, and explain why they made an impression on you.

Invoke Emotion

A powerful way to praise poetry is to make the reader feel the emotion brought forth by this unique form of literature. Consider invoking a certain emotion, such as awe, inspiration, or appreciation, in order to truly capture your thoughts on the text. The best way to do this is by describing the atmosphere you get from reading the poem, as it can help the reader to further engage with the work. If you focus on the emotion that the poem evokes in a vivid and engaging way, readers will be enthralled by your writing.

Deliver Constructive Criticism

As with any type of critique, it is important to be tactful in your approach when discussing poetry. If necessary, provide constructive criticism and make suggestions to improve the work or to further refine the message that the author is trying to convey. These points should be presented in a respectful and constructive manner, and should be crafted in such a way that they allow the author room to improve. Avoid using any overly negative language, as this can be detrimental to the critique.

Provide Context

When analyzing poetry, consider providing some context to the poem. Note any literary movements, cultural influences, and authors that could have informed the poem; go beyond the scope of the text, and provide more scope to the broader influence and reception of the work. What is the poem’s place within the broader scope of literature? How does it fit into a certain movement? How has the work fared in comparison to other contemporary literature?

Appreciate the Unique Qualities

The ability to craft a poem is a rare and precious skill, and its recipients should be commended for their hard work and creativity. Celebrate the ingenuity of the author in your critique, and appreciate the unique qualities that make the poem a success. Note the artistry of the poem, as this can help to deepen the reader’s understanding of its structure and intent. Also, make sure to acknowledge any unique topics or stances taken by the poem, as these can make the work stand out from other contemporary literature.

Respect the Genre

Finally, it is essential to maintain a level of respect for the genre of poetry. Refrain from judging the poem until you have a complete understanding of its context, message, and meaning. When praising a poem, maintain a level of courtesy, and acknowledge the skill and craftsmanship put forth by the author. Appreciate the artistry of the poem, and craft your critique in a manner that is both respectful and tasteful.

Difference between Prose and Verse

Poetry is fundamentally different from other forms of writing, namely prose. Prose is a type of writing that is composed in complete sentences and follows the natural flow of speech. Poetry, on the other hand, employs stanzaic structures and uses special language devices, such as imagery and metaphors, to express a certain theme or idea. In a prose writing, the language is more direct, while in poetry the use of symbolism and allusions gives it an indirectness that can require extensive reading and analysis.

Rhythm and Meter

Rhythm and meter are two important elements of poetry. Meter is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a particular line of poetry, while rhythm is derived from the overall flow of these syllables. Many poems employ a rhythmic structure that is essential to its appreciation; i.e., a poem containing iambs or trochees has a different effect than one composed of anapests.
In addition to rhythm and meter, consider the use of sound devices in the poem. Internal rhyme, assonance, and alliteration are all techniques used by poets to emphasize certain words and add depth to the text. These devices can help to bring the poem alive, and can create beautiful imagery in a way that is unique to poetry.

The Narrative Arc

Poetry often follows a certain narrative arc, taking its readers through a journey from start to finish. This concept is especially true of epic poems, such as Homer’s Odyssey or Dante’s Inferno. A poem can cover a wide range of themes, from love and loss to joy and despair, or explore a single idea in depth. This narrative arc can add depth to the poem, making it both stimulating and enjoyable to read.
In addition to the narrative arc, consider the conceptual structures employed in the poem. These structures can include strophes and stanzas, as well as various patterns within the text. These structures can add emotional context to the poem and can provoke interesting reactions from the reader.

Read as Often as Possible

Praising and examining poetry requires extensive reading and analysis. As such, it is important to read as often as possible in order to gain a better understanding of the genre and the different elements that comprise each poem. Read works by both classic and contemporary authors, allowing yourself to become familiar with a wide range of poetry.
In addition, consider reading works by authors from different cultures and countries. Not only will this provide a cultural context to your own critique of a poem, but it can also help to expose yourself to different literary styles and ideas. This will make your critique more informed and comprehensive.


Praising poetry in English can be both a difficult and rewarding experience. It is essential to understand the formalities and conventions of the genre in order to analyze a poem effectively. Furthermore, ensure that you recognize the craftsmanship of the poet and back up any claims with facts and examples. Lastly, always remember to be respectful and tactful in your critique; focus on the positive aspects of the work while offering constructive criticism as necessary. By following these steps, you will be able to effectively appraise and celebrate the beauty of English poetry.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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