How To Uninstall Poetry

Uninstalling Poetry: Overview

Poetry is a popular package manager used to install and manage packages of Python code, making it easier to share and reuse code across applications. It’s simple to install and use, but sometimes you might want to uninstall Poetry depending on your needs. This guide will help you learn how to do this.

The Poetry Uninstall Process

Uninstalling Poetry isn’t complicated, and only requires a few steps to complete. You will need to use the command line to execute the uninstall process, so make sure you’re comfortable with the basics of using the command line.

The first step is to uninstall Poetry from the main location. You can do this with the command pip uninstall poetry. This will uninstall the main package of Poetry, but you will need to manually delete the configuration file and other temporary files.

The next step is to delete the Poetry configuration directory. This is done with the command rm -rf ~/.poetry, which will delete the Poetry configuration directory located in the home directory. Be careful in this step, as it will delete all files in the directory.

The last step is to delete any remaining files or folders related to Poetry. You can do this by running the command find / -name "poetry*" -delete. This will search for all files and folders containing “poetry” in the name, and delete them.

Uninstalling Poetry Using a Script

There are also ways to automate the Poetry uninstall process by using a script. These scripts can be written in any language, such as Python, and are generally easier to use than the manual uninstall process.

For example, in Python, you can write a script to uninstall Poetry by using the os.remove() command. This command will look for the Poetry configuration directory and delete its contents without needing any manual commands or actions.

You can also use the command line for scripting purposes. You can write a Bash script that will search for the Poetry configuration directory, and delete it using some simple commands. This means you won’t need to manually delete anything, and the uninstall process will be automated.

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Uninstalling Poetry

Uninstalling Poetry can have both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it’s a useful tool for managing and sharing packages of Python code, and allows developers to easily share and reuse code. On the other hand, uninstalling it means losing access to those packages, and any associated features.

The main advantage of uninstalling Poetry is that it will free up disk space, as the configuration directory can be quite large. It will also remove any potential security risks associated with Poetry, as uninstalling it will remove all associated applications.

One disadvantage of uninstalling Poetry is that it can be time consuming. Uninstalling it manually will require executing several commands, and scripting can take time to write and debug. Additionally, uninstalling Poetry will mean losing access to any applications that rely on Poetry for managing packages of Python code.

Alternatives to Uninstalling Poetry

If you don’t want to uninstall Poetry, there are other ways to reduce its disk usage. You can use the command poetry config --set cache-dir /some/other/dir to change the location of the Poetry configuration directory to a different location, such as an external hard drive. This will free up disk space, while still keeping Poetry installed.

You can also use the command poetry config --set virtualenvs-in-project true to save all virtual environments associated with Poetry in the project directory, instead of in the configuration directory. This will also free up disk space, while keeping Poetry installed.

Finally, you can use the command poetry config --set-global install-deps false to prevent Poetry from automatically installing dependencies when creating a new project. This will reduce disk usage, as well as prevent you from having unnecessary or unused dependencies sprouting up.


Uninstalling Poetry is relatively simple, although time consuming. It’s possible to automate the process using a script, but this can be time consuming to write and debug. If you don’t want to uninstall Poetry, there are other ways to reduce its disk usage. By following the steps and considerations discussed here, you’ll be on the right path to properly uninstalling Poetry.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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