How To Write Christian Poetry


Writing Christian poetry is a type of art that requires consideration and skill. It is a unique way to express a person’s faith in their religion. It can also be used to communicate messages of hope and comfort, while simultaneously giving away some of the beliefs of Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to have an understanding of Christian poetry in order to clearly communicate beliefs and feelings. To become an effective Christian poet, one must develop his or her understanding of biblical themes and contemporary Christian culture through thoughtful reflection, formal study and engagement with Christian poetry. Here, we provide an overview of the basics of writing Christian poetry, its history and its future.


Christian poetry has its roots in classical Christian literature including the Bible, hymns and psalms. The tradition of Christian poetry continues to be affected by these forms and sensibilities, and also draws from other forms of Christian literature and scripture. In more recent times, Christian poets branched out, incorporating more modern and experimental forms of poetry for writing about religious themes. Most notably, poets such as George Herbert, John Donne, and Edward Taylor wrote more innovative Christian poetry in their day.

Tips for Writing Christian Poetry

When writing Christian Poetry, it is important to consider the purpose and audience for the poem. Christian poetry can be used for evangelism, for comforting the broken hearted and for teaching. A good Christian poet is mindful of who the poem is intended to be read by and writes accordingly.
One great way to start writing Christian poetry is to read poems in the same tradition. This can help to develop an understanding of the themes and language suited to Christian poetry. When composing a Christian poem, it is essential to be inspired by faith. Find your muse in Scripture, prayer, and moments of contemplation.
A good Christian poem conveys specific images, ideas, and emotions that evoke the readers understanding of the Gospel or the truth of Christianity. To stay true to the message of Christianity, a Christian poet must never forget the tone of the faith (loving, forgiving, serving).
It is also a good idea to join a Christian poetry writing group or community. This can provide a sacred space for Christian poets to discuss their work and receive critical feedback from other poets.

Contemporary Christian Poetry

Today, there are all sorts of writers who are delving into the world of contemporary Christian poetry. Writers such as Christian Wiman, Luci Shaw, and Christian Bök have produced works that incorporate contemporary aesthetics and language while still exploring existing Christian themes. While some Christians who write poetry remain faithful to traditional forms, others create more contemporary approaches to the genre.
This highlights the fact that Christian poetry is constantly evolving, just as Christian faith and culture continually do. As each generation of Christian poets makes its mark, the art of Christian poetry continues to refine and expand. To become a successful Christian poet today, one must be flexible and willing to experiment with various styles and approaches.

Analyzing Christian Poems

When analysing Christian poetry, it is important to consider the intention behind the meaning of the poem and the context of the poem with regards to Christian faith and life. One must also take into consideration the moral and ethical issues at play in the poem.
A good way to begin analysing a Christian poem is to ask questions. Where is the poem taking you? How does the poem make you feel? What language is used in the poem and why? What do the images suggest? Is there a dominant or overarching theme in the poem?
In addition to asking questions, it is essential to think carefully about the poem itself and its meaning. Identify any literary devices employed in the poem and determine the tone, mood and imagery trying to be conveyed. Consider any symbolism being used in the poem and how this relates to the Christian message. Also, pay attention to the tone of the poem to determine how it contributes to the message of faith being communicated through the poem.

Forms of Christian Poems

When writing Christian poetry, it is important to consider the type and form of poem that is most suitable for the project. There are three main types of Christian poems: Liturgical Poetry, Hymns Poetry and Biblical Poetry.
Liturgical poetry requires its writers to follow the conventional form of a Mass and make use of language that is pertinent to Christian worship. This type of poetry is usually very structured and contains a great deal of religious symbolism in its content.
Hymns Poetry are also structured pieces of poetry which are designed to be sung. This type of poetry often emphasizes the importance of music in worshipping God.
Lastly, Biblical Poetry is a type of religious poetry that draws its inspiration from scriptural texts. It uses imagery and figures of speech which draw from biblical stories and characters.

Christian Poetry & The Future

Christian poetry will continue to play a role in the future of religion and literature by inspiring readers through its beauty, depth and creativity. We are living in an exciting time, where Christian poets can draw on faith to make their works come to life with thought provoking words, powerful imagery and inspiring messages.
The possibilities for Christian poetry are endless. The great thing about faith in art is that it can take many forms. As technologies evolve, so too will the ways in which Christian poetry is used to communicate its messages. Consequently, Christian poetry has a lasting impact on the world and will remain a vital art form in depicting and expressing Christian faith in literature.

Christian Poetry on the Digital Platform

The use of the internet and various digital platforms have led to new and dynamic ways of delivering Christian poetry. Social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook make it easier than ever for Christian Poets to share their work with wider audiences.
Various websites are dedicated to promoting Christian poetry and providing a platform for Christian poets to share their work. Sites such as IFPoets and Urban Faith feature a vast array of Christian poets who write about faith and religious themes.
These digital platforms serve to bridge the gap between religious communities and the wider world, providing insight into different faith traditions and inspiring conversations about Christianity.

Audience Engagement & Christian Poetry

One of the most powerful aspects of Christian poetry is its ability to unite different communities and bring people together. By engaging the broader public in meaningful conversations about faith, Christian poems can create a deeper understanding of religion and its role in our lives.
Social media engagement is essential to share stories and experiences that can strengthen faith-based connections. Christian poets can use this platform to provoke meaningful dialogue with their followers and encourage discussion on Christianity.
Through sharing, liking, and commenting on Christian poetry, the audience can provide feedback and support the poets in their craft. This helps to create an atmosphere of trust and understanding, which in turn deepens the impact of the Christian poetry shared.

Critiquing Christian Poetry

Just like any other form of literature, critiquing Christian poetry is an important part of the process of writing. Critiquing can help identify any stylistic issues or mistakes that need to be addressed. It can also be useful for determining the message being conveyed by the poem and how it impacts the readers.
When critiquing Christian poetry, take into account the tone, the diction, the imagery, and symbolism that the poet is using. Pay attention to the effectiveness of the poem in conveying its message. Ask questions such as, “Is the poem engaging enough? Is it understandable? Does it have a meaning?”
Overall, critique brings to light any areas that need to be worked on and provides an opportunity to grow as a Christian poet.


In conclusion, Christian poetry is a valuable form of religious art that can be used to explore and discuss issues of faith. To write an effective Christian poem, one must have a good understanding of Christian culture, biblical themes, and contemporary aesthetics. Most importantly, one must be inspired by faith to bring the poem to life. Critiquing Christian poetry helps to refine one’s craft and bring a deeper understanding of religion and its importance in our lives. With its ever-growing presence online, Christian poetry is finding new ways to show its impression in the world.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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