Is Mark Twain Casino Open

Overview of the Current Situation

Mark Twain Casino, located in La Grange, Missouri, has been closed since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and public health concerns. The casino and associated restaurants have been shut down in an effort to slow the spread of the virus, and the business owners have been searching for ways to reopen the facility safely. This has not been an easy task, given the restrictions on large gatherings, the reduction of seating capacity in the casino, and the overall health concerns related to the virus itself. In recent months there has been some progress in this area, however, Mark Twain Casino remains closed as of this writing.

Difficulties with Reopening

Mark Twain Casino is part of an area that has had limited success with reopening, so it has been facing particular difficulties. Local businesses have had to comply with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services’ guidelines for public safety. One key regulation is the enforcement of social distancing, limiting the capacity at the casino and limiting the size of groups. Another regulation states that the casino must undergo thorough disinfecting and cleaning prior to opening and at least once weekly. Besides this, the casino hosts its own safety protocols of temperature checks, rigorous sanitation, and protective screens to protect guests from airborne particles.

State of the Casino

The casino has been struggling with reduced occupancy, as well as reduced demand, both of which have had an economic impact on the business. Coupled with the difficulty in operating while complying with safety regulations, this has resulted in few options for Mark Twain. A ray of hope has come with the current success of other establishments that have managed to figure out ways to operate without compromising safety, but the challenge of replication still remains.

Future of the Casino

Until the state relaxes its guidelines there is unlikely to be in a change in status of Mark Twain Casino. As a result, its future looks uncertain, with financial loss and a date for reopening remaining unknown at present. Although the situation is far from ideal, business owners are actively searching for ways to once again reopen their doors and welcome back customers.

Impact on the Community

The lack of action around the reopening of the casino has had a tangible impact on the local community. Residents have had to accept the closure as part of the new way of life, and many of the jobs that were created from the facility have been temporarily or permanently lost. Businesses related to the casino such as souvenir stores, restaurants and hotels have also suffered tremendous losses due to the lack of customers.

Alternative Gambling Options

With the Mark Twain Casino remaining closed, customers have had to look for other options to satisfy their need for entertainment. Several alternatives have arisen, in the form of online gambling websites and apps, which are able to operate without social distancing or other safety protocols. These platforms offer a wide variety of games, with similar mechanics to those found in a physical casino. In addition, they come with the benefit of avoiding contact with other players, which helps eliminate some of the risk associated with visiting a casino.

Future Proposals and Actions

Discussions are in progress amongst the owners of the Mark Twain Casino about potential new strategies that can help them reopen and stay afloat. Several ideas include exploring online gambling solutions, allowing for safe and remote gaming, as well as exploring opportunities to offer outdoor gaming or non-gambling entertainment.
At the same time, business owners are advocating for relaxed regulations in the state that can help them reopen, including praying for an agreement for social distancing allowances within the casinos and fewer restrictions on games, with sensible safety and hygiene measures taken to protect guests and workers.

The Financial Outlook

The financial future of the Mark Twain Casino remains uncertain. With the current restrictions and reduced capacity, the casino owners have been hit the hardest and some of the losses may be impossible to recuperate. Despite this, the owners remain optimistic and are determined to find ways to reopen and continue to operate while maintaining the health and safety standards outlined by the local governments.

Government Regulations

The government has been proactive in attempting to help businesses remain operational during the pandemic, and this includes the Mark Twain Casino. To that end, the government is providing grants and other financial assistance options to small businesses, allowing some businesses to stay afloat and helping others to restart. Furthermore, the government is providing advice and guidance on how to facilitate safe practices in operating a business, including the categorization of activities that can be done with reduced risk, and the implementation of different methods of communication, such as contactless payment systems.

Technology Solutions

The government’s efforts have been accompanied by innovative technology solutions that have been implemented to help the casino run smoothly and safely. Contactless payments, contactless ID verification, facial recognition systems and virtual currency all allow for a hassle-free and secure experience for guests and staff. In addition, several AI-driven systems have been installed to monitor customer behaviour and analyze data in order to identify suspicious activity, thus reducing the risk of fraudulent activity.


The reopening of Mark Twain Casino has been difficult. Current regulations and reduced demand have meant that the owners have had to creative in their attempts to reopen the facility safely and with reduced losses. Although online gambling platforms are an alternative for customers, the owners are actively searching for solutions and advocating for relaxations in government regulations. In addition, the government has provided grants and financial assistance to help the casino stay operational and technology solutions have been implemented to facilitate a secure experience for customers and staff.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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