Is Maya Angelou Going To Be On The Quarter

For centuries, the United States has been releasing commemorative coins to honor the heroes who have shaped America. For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, the U.S. Mint produces coins that feature the likenesses of famous individuals on either side of the coin, usually encompassing a variety of different prominent figures. With this in mind, the recent buzz regarding imminent coins featuring poet, author and civil rights activist – Maya Angelou – has sparked a big conversation. While this is an exciting thought, the question arises – is Maya Angelou really going to be on the quarter?

The simple answer is no – regardless of the rumors that are running rampant online. This isn’t too surprising, however, as the typical procedure is to have a period lasting five years between the decision to honor a person and the eventual release of the coin. In other words, it would be at least five years until we see a quarter featuring Angelou!

This isn’t to say it’s impossible for Angelou to be included on a coin in the future. While there’s no known plans to feature the literary icon, the U.S. Mint is constantly on the lookout for potential subjects. Those who are interested in seeing Angelou on the quarter would do well to contact their local representatives and voice their opinions.

Now, it’s time to discuss Angelou’s credentials as a candidate for the quarter. Across her five decades of writing and activism, Angelou has made a massive contribution to American culture. She wrote books, penned poetry and spoke publicly against racism and inequality. Given the immense impact on the world she has made, Angelou is more than worthy of possibly having her likeness adorn a quarter.

Moreover, Angelou’s story coincides with a greater shift in the U.S. Mint’s thought process regarding its selection process. They have begun to move towards honoring more varied figures, such as Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks, who have contributed to the trajectory of civil rights for all. In fact, the recent inclusion of Sacagawea – the first woman from Native American descent to be honored – indicates a change in the narrative of the U.S. Mint.

Keeping all this in mind, the chances of Angelou being featured on the quarter is promising. This is especially since many people have taken up the effort to spread the word and make their voices heard. The coming years could finally see Angelou make history in the future!

Angelou’s Qualifications – A Closer Look

As previously mentioned, Maya Angelou had an incredible career that spanned multiple decades. One of her honors includes receiving a Pulitzer Prize nomination for her poem “Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water ‘Fore I Diiie”. This alone speaks to how Angelou was a masterful artist. Her creativity even extended beyond poetry and writing, as she had a successful career as an actress, singer and even film director.

Moreover, her influence touched beyond the areas of literature and film. Angelou used her platform to champion civil rights, famously working alongside the likes of Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. She was a powerful advocate for social justice, especially when it came to the progress of African Americans. Angelou was a part of the civil rights movement since its nascent stages, so it’s clear she was an indispensable figure in the story of America.

Finally, Angelou dedicated her life to combine her love of literature and social good. Moreover, her memoirs have helped millions of people around the world with their personal lives. This is why it’s fitting that many people have rallied together to support the possibility of having Maya Angelou featured on the quarter.

History & Theory of U.S. Coins

When discussing the possibility of Maya Angelou being featured on the quarter, it’s important to consider the significance of coins in American history. As a matter of fact, coins were one of the first mass-produced pieces of media in the nation. For example, when the first settlers arrived in North America, coins were used to record a colony’s transactions. This contains a huge amount of detail about a colony’s power, economics and culture at a certain time period.

From there, the role of coins changed as the U.S. progressed past its colonial period. Coins began to act as symbols of the United States’ national culture, with the first coins issued by the country featuring an eagle with a shield and a ribbon of 13 stars. As a result, coins, and especially those featuring the iconic quarter, have become a symbol of the national pride of the United States.

Moreover, the production and distribution of coins resides under the U.S. Mint, which is an agency of the Department of the Treasury. Because of this, the U.S. government has a lot of control over what coins should and shouldn’t feature, as they represent a piece of American history. As such, they are very restricted in their selection, going as far as to have rules around the number of people they can represent at a given time.

Given this restraint in the U.S. Mint’s decision-making, one might think it is more unlikely for Angelou to make it onto the quarter. However, this isn’t necessarily the case, as the government has quickly recognized how important she is to the nation’s history.

The Gains of a Maya Angelou Quarter

On the contrary, having a quarter featuring Maya Angelou would be one of the most tangible and easily recognizable ways to honor her and the contributions she’s made to society. Not to mention the fact that the quarter is a long-standing symbol of America, and this would heavily contribute to her well-earned respect as a national hero. This would be especially meaningful for the African-American community, as it would be a direct way to recognize the work Angelou has done to promote justice and peace.

As such, the immense pride of seeing her on the quarter could outweigh any doubts people could have about the possibility. In truth, Angelou being featured on the quarter would be a win-win situation, as the US Mint have been struggling to select few historical figures that are inspiring to today’s youth. Angelou would be able to bridge the gap between the present and the past, while also inspiring the dreams and ambitions of the citizens of today.

Another advantage to Angelou being featured on the quarter is that it would successfully diversify the faces on the coin. Already, there has been an incredible momentum from advocates from all walks of life trying to get Angelou on the quarter. This is yet another sign of her recognition among a plethora of voices, allowing her to join the likes of Tubman and Parks in being featured.

Overall, regardless of the initial skepticism about Angelou being featured on the quarter, her impact has already been hugely significant across America. If she is ever featured on the quarter, she’ll become the first-ever posthumous woman to be honored on the coin. As such, the prospects of Maya Angelou being on the quarter are certainly worth exploring!

How to Make a Change

For those interested in being part of the campaign to have Maya Angelou on the quarter, there is still quite a lot that can be done. Firstly, individuals must make sure to write to their local representatives and elected officials, letting them know that they support Angelou being featured on the quarter. While this may sound like a lot of effort, the process is pretty simple and straightforward, as there are online petitions already in existence.

People can also consider donating to organizations that are actively pushing to get Angelou featured on the quarter. Funds will help with legal and campaigning fees, allowing for the continued promotion of Angelou and her cause. Donations can be made directly to the Maya Angelou Foundation or to a local charity aligned with the mission.

Finally, generous contributions will always help the cause, but there’s one aspect that is free – creating conversations. Whether this means telling family, friends, or colleagues about Angelou’s greatness, or even writing about her on social media, spreading word-of-mouth is a great way to increase the visibility of the cause.


As mentioned, the recent rumours surrounding Maya Angelou being featured on the quarter are false. This is mainly because the typical procedure is to have a period lasting five years between the decision to honor and the actual release of the coin.

However, the more people that show their support in having the poet, author, civil rights activist and all-round important trailblazer showcased on the coin, the greater the chances of it actually happening. If this does occur, Angelou would be the first posthumous woman to be honored on the coin, which is a great opportunity to increase her visibility as a prominent figure in America.

Ultimately, if you would like to see Maya Angelou on the quarter, it’s important to speak out and make your voice heard!

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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