Me Mom And Me Maya Angelou

All my life, my mother was my greatest teacher. She taught me the value of hard work, how to love and how to care for others. Even after she passed away, my mother left a lasting legacy in the form of Maya Angelou – the influential poet and author whose inspiring words continue to touch hearts and minds to this day. Like my mother, Maya Angelou was passionate about life, believed in standing up against injustice, and had an unwavering commitment to living with integrity, courage, and purpose. As such, I consider myself extremely lucky to have been impacted by both phenomenal women.

How Maya’s Work Reflected My Mother’s Desires

At its core, my mother wanted everyone to live life to its fullest potential. She spoke of her convictions with the same passion, strength, and courage as Maya Angelou, inspiring us to pursue our goals, live with purpose, and value relationships. One can certainly see my mother’s influence in Maya’s famous quote, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” My mother always emphasized the importance of practicing kindness and thinking before one speaks – values that Maya lived by and wrote about regularly.

The Power of Maya’s Influence

Whenever I’m facing a difficult decision or struggling to find the courage to speak my truth, I often think of Maya’s words. Reading her work has always been a reminder of the resilience, grace, and determination my mother possessed. In that sense, Maya has served as a bridge, connecting me to my mother’s spirit in powerful and intrinsic ways.

Why I’m Proud to Follow in Their Footsteps

My mother and Maya Angelou will always be inspiring figures in my life. In their own unique but equally steadfast ways, they have served as excellent role models, unashamedly expressing faith and courage in an often-uncertain and judgmental world. I am eternally grateful for their influence and strive every day to live in a way that would make them proud.

The Lasting Legacy of Their Artistry

My mother and Maya Angelou have left a lasting impact on the world through their combined artistry and activism. Their works continue to speak volumes about their decency, and will remain a source of inspiration for generations to come. They are shining examples of how powerful words and actions- can bring about lasting and meaningful change.

My mother, Maya Angelou and Writing

Writing was an integral part of my mother’s life and I can also see it in Maya Angelou’s work. Both of them used it as a way to express and externalize their perspectives and experiences. While generations of people have used writing as a platform to express their understanding of the world, these two special people took it to a whole new level by providing us with a wealth of inspirational and edifying material.

The Impact of My Mother and Maya Angelou On Theatre

The inspiring works of my mother and Maya Angelou have also found new life on the stage. Through theatrical adaptations and conferences, directors, actors, musicians, and choreographers have sought to bring their work to life visual and tangible terms. This is incredibly powerful and a testament to the profound impact these two women had on all of our lives.

What I’ve Learned from My Mother and Maya

My mother and Maya Angelou were two remarkable women who defied conventional expectations. They taught us all to trust our instincts, remain focused on our passions, and never settle for anything less than our dreams. In that sense, they have left an invaluable legacy – one that I carry with pride every day.

How They’ve Impacted My Career

My career is greatly influenced by the work of my mother and Maya Angelou. I have taken their words to heart and use them as a compass to guide my professional path. Each and every day, I aspire to demonstrate the courage and thoughtfulness they brought to their work. This is an important reminder of the invaluable impact these amazing women had on the world.

Their Legacy in Popular Culture

My mother and Maya Angelou’s works have also been embraced by popular culture. From songs, stage shows, and documentaries, to new TV series, podcasts, and books, their legacies lives on in many different ways. They continue to inspire, challenge, and uplift us, and will surely be remembered for years to come.

The Way They’ve Helped Me Find My Voice

I owe a great deal of my success to the words of my mother and Maya Angelou. Their works often helped me find my voice, courage and strength in the face of adversity. They showed me the power of speaking one’s truth, no matter the cost. In that sense, I am always inspired to continue their legacies in any way I can.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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