Para Mi Corazon Pablo Neruda Analisis

Pablo Neruda and the Analysis of Para Mi Corazón

Pablo Neruda was a Chilean poet, short story writer, diplomat and Nobel Prize Winner in Literature (1971). His life and works have been widely studied by scholars, and his poetry has been praised globally as one of the best of all time. One of the works cited most often is “Para mi Corazón,” or “For My Heart,” a poem about the importance of following one’s personal path in life. In this article, we analyze the meaning of Para mi Corazón by examining the poem’s structure, imagery, and themes.

Overview of Structure

Neruda’s 14-line poem is composed of two stanzas, both of which open with an imperative sentence, consisting of an exclamation followed by a two-word phrase. The poem then moves to two different phrases which each consist of three independent clauses. The structure of the poem closely resembles a sonnet, although it does not strictly adhere to the traditional sonnet form of fourteen lines of iambic pentameter rhymed in either an ABCB or ABBA scheme. Instead, Neruda employs a rhyming scheme of ABC-ABC-BCC-BCD.

Imagery and Themes

For My Heart focuses on themes of personal autonomy and the pursuit of one’s own passions and desires. The poem is filled with vivid imagery describing the power of nature and the joys of living in accord with one’s true self. For example, in stanza two Neruda writes, “Vibrar entre los mares, entre las frutas y aves./ Mezclarse con la tierra y el fuego y la arena,/ Y gritar mi vida desde la cuna a la tumba.” The imagery in this line conjures up the beauty and freedom of living a life in tune with one’s inner desires.

Neruda also emphasizes the importance of living freely and taking risks in spite of the potential consequences. He writes, “No tengas miedo de romper tus reglas,/ o de huir a otro lugar, o de enloquecer;/ Al mundo se le viene un gran desencanto.” In this line, Neruda encourages his readers to embrace change and to view unconventionality as a source of joy, even in a world that may discourage it.


Neruda’s poem is filled with symbols which further emphasize its themes of freedom and personal autonomy. The act of breaking chains and escaping cages, for example, is a powerful metaphor for breaking free from societal norms or conventions. Similarly, the image of soaring through the sky takes on a new meaning when interpreted as an illustration of the power of pursuing one’s passions. Finally, the image of a river serves as a reminder that true fulfillment in life can only be achieved by allowing oneself to flow freely.


Pablo Neruda’s use of language is a crucial element in his poetry and Para mi Corazón is no different. He often employs antithetical rhetoric to encourage readers to reframe perspective. For example, in the poem’s first stanza he writes, “No cierres tu puerta con llave de luto!/ Rompe los grilletes de la vana culpa.” Here, Neruda challenges the reader to reframe convention and to start thinking in terms of possibility rather than guilt.

Neruda’s use of anaphora is also notable in this poem. He repeatedly uses the phrase “no tengas miedo” to emphasize the importance of letting go of fear and of embracing life’s challenges. The repetition makes the phrase powerful and hard to ignore.

Influence and Relevance

Pablo Neruda’s works remain hugely influential in the literary world, and his poem Para mi Corazón is particularly relevant in today’s society. The message of the poem encourages readers to break free of society’s expectations and to follow their own personal paths. It resonates with modern readers as it challenges them to think critically about some of the issues that many of us face in our lives.


Pablo Neruda’s work still holds political significance today and his poem Para mi Corazón speaks to his political beliefs. The poem’s central message of personal autonomy echoes Neruda’s political views, which were deeply influenced by Marxist ideology. Neruda’s works often call for a rejection of capitalism and the pursuit of individual freedom.

Neruda’s political influence is also evident in the poem’s structure, which is a variation of the sonnet form originally developed by the Italian poet Dante. In his time, Dante’s political views were often in opposition to those of the ruling parties. Similarly, Neruda’s variation on the sonnet form is a symbolic rejection of societal conventions and an embrace of personal autonomy.

Critical Analysis

Pablo Neruda’s Para mi Corazón is a powerful and influential poem that speaks to the importance of personal autonomy and of living in accordance with one’s inner desires. Its vivid imagery and resonant themes capture the beauty and power of living a life unencumbered by norms or conventions. Its structure and rhetoric serve to emphasize Neruda’s themes and to challenge readers to reframe their perspectives. Ultimately, the poem speaks to an important and timeless message and holds relevance for readers today.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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