Was Mark Twain Jewish


Mark Twain (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910), a beloved American author, is widely credited for being one of the greatest writers of America. He is also known for being a humorist, journalist, lecturer and social commentator. He has produced numerous novels and other works that have become internationally known. However, the question remains when it comes to Twain’s heritage: Was Mark Twain Jewish?

Origins and ancestry of Twain

Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens in Florida, Missouri, to John Marshall Clemens, a merchant and native of Virginia, and Jane Lampton of Kentucky. Twain grew up in Hannibal, Missouri, which would later form the basis of the settings of some of his beloved novels and stories. According to multiple biographers, Twain’s parents were Christians, and there is no record to suggest that any of his ancestors were Jewish. However, his mother’s family may have had some Jewish ancestry from the 17th- or 18th-century Sephardim, who came to the New World in pursuit of religious freedom.

Direct evidence of Twain’s religous background

The closest direct evidence of Twain’s religious background is the 1893 Autobiography of Mark Twain. In this work, there is no mention of Twain having any Jewish heritage. He simply said that he was a “normal” Christian, with no additional detail given. Some argue that if Twain were Jewish, he would have likely mentioned it in his autobiography. Additionally, throughout his writing, Twain made numerous references to Christianity, but there is no evidence of him referencing Judaism.

Indirect evidence

Though direct evidence of Twain’s religious background may be considered lacking, some still argue that there is indirect evidence to suggest that he was, in fact, Jewish. For instance, the renowned author often wrote about Jewish and Jewish-related themes. In addition, he had many close Jewish friends, including his publisher, William Dean Howells, and Rabbi Jacobovich, who attended his funeral.

Twain’s own words about his beliefs

Despite the debates by historians and biographers, Mark Twain himself gave direct answers as to what his religious beliefs were. When asked about his beliefs, Twain is reported to have said, “It is just as easy to answer what is my religion as it is to answer what is the religion of any other man. Mine is a mixture of all the creeds. When anything is right and good and noble, that is my religion. There is no need to name it, no use in getting it patented.”

Popular opinion

The general popular opinion today is that Twain was not of Jewish ancestry. Some argue that while Twain may have been sympathetic to Jewish culture, this did not make him Jewish. Many biographers agree that, despite his love and respect for Jewish culture, Twain was not Jewish himself. However, the debate remains and is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon.

Twain’s views on Judiasm and the impact of his works

Despite not being of Jewish descent, Mark Twain had a great respect for Jewish people and culture. He wrote several stories and pieces which explored the human condition within both Christian and Jewish communities. Additionally, he wrote several articles which condemned racism and anti-Semitism. He was a talented writer and wise observer, and his works have had a profound impact in the way America views religion and cultural norms.

Twain’s legacy

Regardless of his religious heritage, Mark Twain’s legacy lives on, and his works are still widely read and cherished. His writing remains relevant and of interest for both literary and entertainment purposes. He is remembered in American culture as one of its most important authors and a valued thinker. Ultimately, his works are an invaluable part of American literature, and his religious background does nothing to diminish his immense impact and talent.

Political views of Twain on religion

Mark Twain did not shy away from discussing religion, either positively or critically. He expressed his distrust of organized religion, criticizing it on multiple occasions. He often expressed his opinion that religion was used as a tool to oppress and control people. He was not a fan of traditional dogma, stating that it often held people back and created divisions among people.

Views on Jewish discrimination

Twain held strong views on the treatment of Jewish people by Christians throughout history. In an article he wrote, entitled “Concerning the Jews”, he discussed the prejudice and discrimination Jews had faced over the centuries. He believed that the only way to end this discrimination was for Judaism and Christianity to learn to live together in peace and for individuals of all faiths to respect one another.

Twain’s humanitarianism

In addition to his writing, Mark Twain was a respected humanitarian. He donated to a number of causes, including those which supported Jewish education and aid. He was a longtime supporter of the Jewish National Fund, contributing to the cause multiple times throughout his life. He also famously spoke out against the mistreatment of people of different faiths, including Jews.


Mark Twain was an American writer known for his wit, humor and wisdom. He was born and raised in a Christian family and wrote extensively about his belief system, but there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that he was Jewish. His legacy remains, and his works continue to influence and entertain people all over the world. His views on religion, specifically Judaism, remain valid today, reminding us to live by a moral code and to respect those of all faiths.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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