What Are The Lines In Poetry Called

Poetry is not only an art-form, it is a form of expression that has found its way into the hearts of millions across the world. But how do poets ensure that each line carries with it the same degree of emotion and intent? Through the use of literary devices and tools of which, one of the most essential is line breaks. In poetry, the lines and sense of a poem are punctuated and constructed by the effective use of line breaks.

For the purpose of this article, the use of line breaks in poetic works will be discussed. What are the lines that are used in poetry and what are they called? The lines used in poetry are referred to as ‘lines’ or ‘verses’ and depend on the poet’s individual justification for their use. There are various types of lines used in poetry, such as couplets, tercets, quatrains and sonnets. All these lines have their own particular rules and specifications that govern the structure of the poem.

A couplet is the simplest of poetic forms, consisting of two consecutive lines that rhyme at the end. Couplets have been around since the 16th century and have been used to deliver short, impactful messages and insights. Notable couplets include Robert Frost’s ‘The woods are lovely, dark and deep/But I have promises to keep’.

A tercet, on the other hand, is a group of three lines that rhyme together. Tercets are a staple in modern poetry and are often used to create a lyrical feel or to emphasize a certain phrase or emotion. Ezra Pound’s famous tercet ‘In a Station of the Metro’ famously reads, ‘The apparition of these faces in the crowd:/Petals on a wet, black bough’.

A quatrain is a four line poem that is written in any number of different rhyme schemes. The basic poem can be used to communicate an idea or make a statement, though quatrains are also used to tell stories and create longer poems. William Blake’s ‘Tyger Tyger, burning bright/In the forests of the night/What immortal hand or eye/Could frame thy fearful symmetry?’ is an example of a classic quatrain.

Finally, a sonnet is a fourteen line poem with a specific rhyme scheme. Sonnets can be written in any number of different styles, but the most common and recognizable type is the Petrarchan sonnet, which was popularized in the 16th century by the Italian poet Petrarch. William Shakespeare’s famous sonnet ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?’ is a great example of a Petrarchan sonnet.

Poetic Devices

It should be noted that lines in poetry are not just about rhyme and structure, they are also about form. Lines in poetry are used to create specific patterns and forms that can help to express the poet’s ideas more effectively. Metrical patterns, repetition, and alliteration are all tools used to give the poet’s works a unique feel and rhythm. It is also worth noting that lines are often used to create deliberate pauses and breaks, which can allow for meaningful reflection and contemplation.

For example, Robert Frost’s poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ famously combines metrical patterns with line breaks to create a sense of deliberation and decision-making. The poem begins with the line ‘Two roads diverged in a yellow wood’, which establishes the poem’s tone, and the line break is used to create anticipation before the conclusion of the line. This creates a sense of space and gives the reader time to consider the implications of the next line.

The careful crafting of line breaks creates tension and helps to convey a sense of urgency, as well as helping to build the poem’s overall momentum. Robert Frost cleverly builds on this idea as he continues ‘And sorry I could not travel both’, allowing the line to linger and allowing the narrator to make a sudden and decisive decision.

Practice Writing

Line breaks are an essential tool for any poet who wishes to create impactful and emotionally charged works. While it is often the words and the meaning of the poem that is the most important, the structure and form of the poem can also be an important means of conveying the poet’s message. As such, it is important for aspiring poets to take the time to practice writing and become aware of how line breaks can affect the meaning and intent of the poem.

Practice writing with a variety of line breaks, including couplets, tercets, quatrains, and sonnets. Start by reading other poems, taking note of the line breaks and how they are used, and then try to emulate those styles in your own writing. Experiment with the structure and form, trying out different patterns and lengths and see what works best for you.

Practice writing will not only help you become familiar with the different types of lines used in poetry, but it will also help you to develop your own style and craft a unique voice. Crafting effective lines takes time and effort, but it is an essential tool for any poet who wants to write powerful and memorable works.

Finding Inspiration

It is important for any poet to find inspiration when writing. Inspiration can be found in many different places and can come in many forms. It can be found in the natural environment, in everyday experiences, and even in other writers’ works. It is important to take the time to observe the world around you and be attentive to the small details and nuances of everyday life, as these things can inspire powerful and profound works.

It is also important to find inspiring works to read and study. Reading inspiring and emotionally charged works can help to spark ideas and give you a clearer direction for how to approach and construct your own poems. Reading works from different authors with different styles and from different genres can also be helpful in learning different techniques and exploring new ideas. Finally, it is important to find an environment and a community of other poets who can provide constructive criticism and constructive advice.


In conclusion, line breaks are an essential tool for any poet who wishes to craft powerful and emotive works. Line breaks are used to punctuate and structure the poem, and they can also be used to create particular patterns and forms in order to give the poem a unique feel and rhythm. Line breaks can also be used to create deliberate pauses and breaks, which can help to emphasize certain phrases and to give the reader time to reflect and contemplate. It is important for any poet to practice writing with lines to hone their craft and become more familiar with the different types of lines used in poetry. Finally, poets should find inspiring works to read and also find an environment and a community of other poets who can provide constructive criticism and advice.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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