What Are The Two Main Types Of Poetry

Poetry can be seen as a form of artistic expression, but it is much more than that. In its simplest definition, poetry is the use of language to communicate thoughts, feelings and ideas. At a deeper level, it is an attempt to capture the beauty, significance and power of language. Poetry takes many forms and there are two main types of poetry: traditional poetry and modern poetry.

Traditional poetry is usually composed of a poetic meter, and is generally divided into two categories: rhymed and metrical poetry. Rhymed poetry is further divided into several generic categories including the classic English sonnet, heroic couplets, villanelles, sestinas, Spenserians, rubaiyat and quatrains. This traditional type of poetry relies heavily on the use of rhyme and metrical patterns to create a specific effect.

Modern poetry follows no particular rules or regulations and is often considered to be an extension of traditional poetry in the sense that it combines traditional elements with new ideas and themes inspired by the modern world. This type of poetry includes free verse, which has no meter or rhyme, and has been used in many different forms including prose, narrative, dialogue and even song lyrics. It has also been used to explore more abstract ideas and concepts, as well as to tell stories and express feelings.

Poetry can also be used to explore complex topics and create new ways of thinking about them. It is often seen as a powerful tool for communication and for inspiring the imagination. It can be seen as a form of art that adds a layer of meaning and emotion to the words and ideas being expressed. For this reason, poetry is often seen as a form of communication between people from different cultures and backgrounds.

The power of poetry lies in its ability to evoke emotions and provoke thought. Traditional poetry often aims to communicate a particular message in an aesthetically pleasing way. On the other hand, modern poetry often aims to explore and expand on an idea or create new ideas or ways of looking at the world. No matter the style or form, both traditional and modern poetry have the potential to inspire, challenge and expand the readers understanding of the world.

Rhymed Poetry

Rhymed poetry is one of the two general types of poetry. This type of poetry usually incorporates a combination of traditional poetic forms and language, as well as any number of new forms that have arisen from the modern world. Rhyme is used to create a sense of rhythm and cadence to the poem, which helps to convey the poet’s message more effectively. Rhymed poetry is often used to tell stories, or to explore complex or abstract topics. It can be seen as a way to express ideas in an eloquent and dynamic way.

Rhymed poetry can be written in any number of forms including sonnets, villanelles, sestinas, quatrains, odes and ballads. These forms tend to rely heavily on the use of meter, or regular patterns of rhythm that are common to traditional poetry. By following these patterns, the poet is able to create a specific effect to the poem. Some of the most famous and beloved poets have used rhymed poetry to tell stories and express emotion.

Metrical Poetry

Metrical poetry is another type of traditional poetry, and is much like rhymed poetry in that it relies heavily on the use of rhyme and meter. This type of poetry is also often known as ‘regular verse’ as it follows a specific metrical pattern. Metrical poetry follows a specific pattern, such as iambic pentameter, which is the most common meter in traditional poetry. This pattern is created using a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables, and is usually seen as the most natural way to write poetry.

Metrical poetry is often used to tell stories and explore complex topics. This type of poetry is also often used to express emotion, as the poet is able to use the meter to create a sense of rhythm and cadence that conveys the poet’s feelings. Some of the most famous and beloved poems in history have been written in metrical form and continue to be studied today.

Free Verse Poetry

Free verse is one of the most popular forms of modern poetry and is often seen as the antithesis to traditional poetry forms. Free verse is poetry that does not adhere to any particular form or meter, and instead relies on the poet’s own creativity and imagination. Free verse often uses language in a more conversational, loose way than traditional poetry forms, which allows the poet to express their ideas more freely.

Free verse has been used to explore complex ideas and themes, as well as to tell stories and express emotion. It has been used by some of the most celebrated poets in history, such as Walt Whitman and William Carlos Williams, to explore new ways of looking at the world. Free verse is often seen as a powerful tool for communication and is even being used by modern post-modern poets to explore new ideas and concepts.


Prosody is the study and practice of poetry, especially with regards to its rhythm, metre, form and sound. Prosody is used to analyse how a poem’s sound and form affect its meaning, and how to create a stronger impact with a poem by choosing the right rhythms and sounds. Prosody is an essential part of both traditional and modern poetry, and is often used to create a specific effect in the listener or reader.

Prosody is used to create a certain atmosphere in a poem, as well as to indicate a strong emotion or create a particular sound. It is also used to express ideas in different ways, to emphasize certain points, or to tell a story in a more dynamic and engaging way. By using prosody, the poet can add an extra layer of meaning and emotion to the poem that can make it even more powerful and effective.

Rhyme Schemes

A rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhymes used in any particular poem, or a group of lines. Rhyme schemes are used to create internal rhythm and structure, and are also used to emphasize certain points or ideas. Rhyme schemes can be used to indicate a strong emotion, create a particular sound or to tell a story. Rhyme schemes are also often used to create a specific atmosphere in a poem, and can be used to signify a shift in the poem’s tone or topic.

Rhyme schemes are often used in both traditional and modern poetry forms, and can be used to create a variety of effects. Rhyme schemes can vary from very simple or subtle, such as aaa or aba, to more complex, such as abcb or ababcd. No matter the form, rhyme schemes are an essential part of both traditional and modern poetry and are often used to create a particular effect or to communicate a powerful message.

Poetry as a Form of Expression

Poetry is a powerful form of artistic expression, as it allows the poet to explore complex topics, create new ideas and express powerful emotions. Poetry can be seen as an attempt to capture the beauty, significance and power of language, and is often used to add a layer of meaning and emotion to a poem that can make it even more powerful.

No matter the type of poetry, it can be a powerful tool for communication and a way to create new ways of thinking about the world. Whether it is traditional rhymed poetry, modern free verse poetry, or any other form, poetry can be seen as an art form that explores and expresses powerful realities.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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