What Are The Types Of Poetry In Literature

The types of poetry that have existed in literature are vast. Poetry is a form of art and is one of the oldest forms of expressing oneself. It is so varied that it can be interpreted in so many different ways by different people. Poetry is used to express emotions and communicate ideas, as it combines words and sounds to create meaning. Poetry’s varying forms and structures give it the ability to reach audiences of all ages and interests.

Poetry has been an integral part of human culture since ancient times, and its importance in literature has been increasing ever since. With the rise of contemporary literature, many new forms of poetry have been developed. From classical to modern, these types span centuries and countries, each with its own unique style, structure and meaning. From the classic rhymes of sonnets to the free-form structure of haiku, here’s a look at some of the most popular types of poetry.


Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that follows a particular structure. It consists of three lines with a 5-7-5 syllablecount, respectively. It usually focuses on evoking a natural image or emotion in a succinct way, often involving a shift in perspective or tone. Haiku are typically written about nature and aim to capture a moment in time. Because of its short length and simple structure, it is a suitable form for poets of all ages to try out.


A sonnet is a type of poem that usually follows a specific rhyming pattern and is usually written in iambic pentameter. Traditionally, sonnets consist of fourteen lines with a specific rhyme scheme. Common forms of sonnets are the Italian form, which follows an abba abba cdcdcd scheme, and the English form, which follows an ababcdcdefefgg scheme. Sonnets typically explore universal themes, such as love and life, and are often used to communicate deep emotions or to ask questions and explore ideas.


A ballad is a type of poem that often tells a story. Unlike sonnets and haikus which have specific structures and rhyming schemas, ballads don’t usually have any specific structures. They usually follow a simple pattern of quatrains (four line stanzas) with an abcb rhyme scheme. Ballads typically tell stories, often with a tragic or melancholic tone, and are often used to communicate a message or a moral.


A limerick is a type of lighthearted poetry consisting of five lines with a specific rhyming pattern of aabba. Limericks typically have a humorous or comical tone, making it suitable for all ages. Limericks are often used to poke fun at people or situations, but still can convey a meaningful message or moral.

Rhyming Couplets

Rhyming couplets are two lines that rhyme with one another. It is the simplest form of poetry, often used to express straightforward emotions and ideas. They can be written in any meter or length, and they often use similes and metaphors to convey the message. Rhyming couplets are often used to write short stories or songs.

Lyrical Poetry

Lyrical poetry is a type of poetry that focuses on personal emotions and experiences. It often uses a lot of imagery and metaphors to describe feelings, which makes it a great way to express deep emotion. Lyrical poetry can be written in any style with any form, but it is especially effective when used in conjunction with music.

Epic Poetry

Epic poetry is a long form of poetry intended to be grand and inspiring. Epic poetry is often used to tell the stories or legendary heroes and gods. It often follows a certain structure and is often broken up into sections. Epics are often written in a series of quatrains and are used to tell stories of great courage, valor, and strength.

Free Verse

Free verse is a type of poetry that does not follow any specific structure. It is used to express emotions in a more spontaneous and natural way. Free verse can be written in any meter or length, but it often uses conversational language and does not follow any specific rhyming schemes. Free verse is often used to convey a message that is personal and intimate.

Blank Verse

Blank verse is a form of poetry that follows an unrhymed iambic pentameter. It is often used to tell stories or long poems and can be written in any length. Blank verse is often used to create a lyrical and lyrical tone, as it gives the poet the freedom to focus on the imagery and messages in their poems rather than the structure or rhyme.

Narrative Poetry

Narrative poetry is a type of poetry that tells a story. It often uses a variety of literary devices, such as personification and metaphor, to create a vivid picture of events in the story. It can be written in many forms, such as quatrains, haiku, and sonnets, and often follows specific structures. Narrative poetry can be used to communicate messages and emotions, as well as to explore events and ideas.

Abstract Poetry

Abstract poetry is a type of poetry that does not follow any strict structures and is often intended to evoke emotions and feelings rather than communicate a message. Abstract poetry often relies heavily on imagery and metaphors, making it a great tool for creative expression. The goal of abstract poetry is often to explore the depths of one’s mind and emotions and to create a unique piece of art.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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