What Can We Learn From Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou is a renowned poet, author, civil rights activist, and one of the most inspiring voices of the 20th century. Angelou’s work encompasses literature, civil rights advocacy and personal reflections, and her inspiring words continue to challenge and empower generations. There are several aspects of Angelou’s life and works that offer valuable lessons and reminders to all of us.

Striving for Excellence

Throughout her career and her life, Angelou strived for an excellence rarely seen. Her timeless works continue to impact us today, even though she is no longer among us. Angelou’s poetry, literature and civil rights advocacy provided a foundation of knowledge and an unwavering perspective that all of us can look to for guidance. Her words, actions and insights serve as a reminder that excellence is within our grasp if we devote the necessary effort, practice and self-awareness.

Leading with Empathy

Angelou also taught us the importance of leading with empathy. Her work and actions often incorporated an appreciation for the plight of others and those most in need. From her contributions to the Civil Rights Movement to her commitment to both social and environmental justice, Angelou embodied the importance of standing up for others and recognizing the world’s struggles. As we continue to strive to move forward and make a positive impact, Angelou’s inspiring example serves as a reminder to lead with empathy and support each other during this time of uncertainty.

Courage and Strength of Character

Angelou taught us the importance of having courage and strength of character. Her words inherently fused the willingness to push boundaries while maintaining the courage to stay true to oneself. Her strength was indicative of her moral compass and willingness to fight for what was right, even against heavy opposition. Her courage and strength of character is something that we can all draw strength from and try to emulate as we move forward.

The Power of Words

Angelou was a vocal advocate for the power of words and the significance of finding our voice. Her works often focused on the strength of language and the importance of articulating our experiences and feelings. Angelou’s works showcased the power of using our words to create, transform and make an impact. As we continue to confront personal and collective challenges, Angelou’s words can serve as a reminder of the power of language, of the importance of empowering others and of the strength of our voice.

Resilience and Strength

Angelou also demonstrated the importance of resilience and strength throughout her career and life. Despite the obstacles she faced—including poverty, sexism and racism—Angelou’s resilience and optimism show her tremendous strength of character. Her example of resilience, determination and inner strength sparked a wave of inspiration that continues to motivate generations. As we continue to strive for progress in our lives, Angelou serves as a reminder to remain resilient and stay strong through it all.

Inclusiveness and Diversity

Angelou advocated for inclusiveness and diversity throughout her works and activism. Her words and works inspired many to stay true to themselves, embrace diversity and stand up for those who are often marginalized. Angelou’s commitment to inclusiveness and diversity was evident in her life, her words and her works. The example set will remain an indelible reminder of the power of inclusiveness and the importance of celebrating diversity in our lives.

Advocating for Change

Angelou was also an unyielding advocate for change, understanding that progress was essential for advancing society and unlocking our full potential. Angelou recognized the importance of challenging existing norms, promoting acceptance and standing up for what is right in the face of opposition. Her commitment to justice, progress and making a positive impact enabled her to make a lasting impact on generations. We can all learn from Angelou’s example and strive to advocate for positive change in our communities.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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