What Is A Poetry Manuscript


A poetry manuscript is a collection of poems brought together in one publication. It is often the result of many years of searching for the appropriate words, phrases and elements to craft the poet’s desired message. Not all poets choose to publish in this format, but if one does, there are several things he or she should consider in order to make the manuscript effective.

Assembly and Editing

When putting together a poetry manuscript, it is important to take the time to read through each poem and make sure that the language and ideas flow together. For a poet’s first manuscript, it would be wise to read through each poem and construct a template that contains the date that each poem was written and any other relevant information. It is also important to make sure that the manuscript is edited and that any typos, grammar or punctuation errors are corrected prior to publication.

Organization and Order of Manuscript

Once the assembly and editing process has been completed, the poems must be organized in a way that makes sense. It is important to consider how the poems flow from one to another and what ideas or themes emerge throughout the collection. Some poets choose to create an arc of ideas, while others prefer to organize the poems into separate sections. Whatever the method, it is important that there is a common thread to the manuscript in order to ensure that readers are engaged.

Length of Manuscript

The length of a poetry manuscript depends on the number of poems included in the publication. It is typically around 70 pages and can range from 55 to 125 pages, but there is no definitive length. Some poets have even created manuscripts that exceeded 175 pages. When creating a manuscript, it is important to consider how many poems should be added and whether to omit any poems from the final collection.

Choosing a Title

Choosing a title for a manuscript can be difficult and is often determined by the poems and themes within the collection. It should be indicative of the topics discussed within the publication and should be compelling enough to draw in the reader. It is important to take the time to craft a memorable title, as this can have an impact on how readers interpret the manuscript.

Submitting a Manuscript for Review

Most publishers will require a poet to submit a completed manuscript for review before offering a contract for publication. It is important to research prospective publishers before submitting a manuscript and to obtain any guidelines that they may have. Some publishers may require a cover letter and other documents in order to evaluate the quality of the collection.

Specialty Printers

Once a publisher has accepted a manuscript, the poet must decide whether to have a specialty printer create the book or to use a printer who specializes in publishing poetry. Specialty printers are typically more expensive, but they are often able to create higher quality books and can assist with the distribution of the book to booksellers.

Marketing and Promotion

A critical aspect of releasing a poetry manuscript is marketing and promotion. Poets must consider how to create an effective marketing plan that draws attention to the book and encourages readers to purchase it. This can be done through social media, print ads, book readings and other promotions.

Formats for Distribution

Regardless of whether a poet chooses to submit their collection for publication or not, there are many options for distribution. In addition to distributing a printed book, poets can also distribute the manuscript through ebooks, audiobooks and apps. These formats provide flexibility and make it easier to reach more readers.

Websites and Blogs

Having a website or blog dedicated to poetry can also be beneficial when distributing a poetry manuscript. This platform can serve as an outlet for poets to share their work with new readers and to build a following. It is important to make sure that the website is regularly updated with new content and that it is optimized for search engines in order to maximize visibility.

Online Platforms

In today’s digital age, poets have access to a variety of online platforms where they can share their work. Social media, websites dedicated to publishing and online bookstores are just a few examples of how poets can make their work accessible to readers. Additionally, poets can participate in online poetic competitions or submit their poems for publication in online magazines.

Print Media

Print media, such as newspapers and literary magazines, can also be used to promote a poetry manuscript. Poets can submit their work for consideration in both national and local publications, as well as submit their books for reviews in journals dedicated to books and literature.

Printing and Binding Options

Once a publisher has accepted a manuscript, there are a few different options for printing and binding the book. Poets can opt for traditional printing presses, which are often more expensive but can produce higher quality books. They can also choose to print digital copies, which are faster and less expensive, but may lack the longevity of traditional books. Poets can choose a spiral binding, perfect bound or paperback binding depending on their preferences.


Poetry manuscripts can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for poets and can provide readers with a unique and interesting perspective. It is important to take the time to consider all the elements of creating and distributing a collection of poems, as this can affect the success or failure of the book. By carefully considering the content, assembly, editing, order, length, title, submission, printing and binding options, the poet can ensure that their manuscript is presented in the best possible way.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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