What Is An Envoy In Poetry

Definition of an Envoy

An envoy in poetry, also known as an apostrophe, is a type of rhetorical device used to address an absent or imaginary person or thing, an abstract concept, a deceased person, or a place. It is a type of address which is used to imbue a poem with emotion by allowing the poet to directly express their feelings or emotions to the addressed person or thing. Through this, the poet allows the addressed to either stand out in the poem, or is used to evoke the reader’s emotions.

Function of an Envoy

In poetry, the envoy serves an essential purpose of creating a direct connection between the poet and the poem’s subject. By utilizing an envoy, the poet gives the reader an insight into his or her own personal feelings and emotions towards the subject. It is a way for the poet to add a personal touch to the poem, as the envoy allows the poet to form a direct, intimate conversation with the subject.

Examples of an Envoy in Poetry

Envoys are common in poetry and literature. One of the most famous examples is “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley. In this poem, the poet directly addresses the ruins of an ancient statue of a great ruler, “Ozymandias”, which lies in the middle of a vast desert wasteland. By utilizing the envoy, Shelley directly expresses the might and power of Ozymandias, while at the same time highlighting its inevitable demise. The poem connects with readers by adding an emotional touch to the story, allowing it to capture the attention of its audience and allowing them to reflect on the far-reaching ramifications of time and the power of nature.
Another example of an envoy in poetry can be seen in Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken”. This poem is about a traveler who comes to a fork in a path and must decide which way to take. By directly addressing the traveler, Frost’s poem allows the reader to form a connection with the traveler and relate to the decisions they must make in life. The poem is an emotional story, which speaks to the difficulty of making difficult decisions, and the importance of following one’s own path in life.

Techniques Used in an Envoy

The use of an envoy in poetry gives the poet an opportunity to make an emotional connection with the subject of the poem, as well as to add depth to the story. When using an envoy, the poet must be careful to choose the right words to evoke the reader’s emotions. The tone of the poem should help to create the desired effect, ensuring that it resonates with readers and captures their attention. Additionally, the structure of the poem should be carefully chosen to ensure that the form of the poem is able to convey the intended message.

Critical Analysis of an Envoy in Poetry

The use of an envoy in poetry is a powerful way to add emotion and resonance to a poem. By utilizing direct address to an imaginary or absent person or object, the poet is able to quickly and effectively create a link between the poem and the reader. The envoy can be used to alert the reader to the concept of mortality, to emphasize the importance of a person or thing, or to capture the attention of readers, allowing them to appreciate the emotion of the poem.

The Use of an Envoy as a Literary Device

The use of an envoy in poetry can also be seen as a form of literary device. As a form of address, the envoy allows the poet to bring to life characters and symbols, giving them a sense of immediacy that helps to connect readers to the story. By directing the poem towards a specific person or place, the poet is able to add depth and emotion to the poem, allowing the reader to appreciate its emotional significance.

Stylistic and Structural Elements of an Envoy

The stylistic and structural elements of an envoy must be carefully chosen in order to effectively evoke the desired emotional response from the reader. The poet should ensure that the syntax of the poem is well-crafted, with a variety of word choices and sentence structures. Additionally, by utilizing powerful and vivid imagery, the poet can more effectively communicate the poem’s message and create a vivid backstory for the subject of the poem.

The Use of an Envoy in Contemporary Poetry

The use of an envoy in contemporary poetry is still an effective way to add depth, emotion, and resonance to a poem. By utilizing this device, poets are able to quickly create a personal connection between the poem’s subject and the reader, allowing them to relate to the poem more easily. Additionally, with the use of an envoy, poets are able to grab the audience’s attention and draw them in to the story.

The Impact of an Envoy on Poetry

The use of an envoy in poetry has had a lasting impact on the genre, elevating the art form by allowing poets to more effectively express their feelings and emotions. By directly addressing an audience or subject, the poet is able to create an intimate connection with the poem, which strengthens the emotional impact of the poem. Additionally, by employing unique and powerful imagery, the envoy can add a more vivid and powerful backdrop to the poem, helping to create a vivid backdrop for the poem’s story.


The use of an envoy in poetry is an effective way to add emotion, depth, and resonance to a poem. By utilizing a direct address, the poet is able to create an intimate connection with the audience, allowing them to relate to the poem’s subject. Additionally, by using vivid and powerful imagery, the poet is able to create a more vivid and memorable backstory for the poem. With the use of an envoy, poets are able to add a personal touch to their work, making it a powerful and moving piece of literature.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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