What Is Poetry Kids


Poetry is a form of creative writing that helps children express how they feel, explore ideas, and discover their unique voice. It is a language that is both fun and educational, allowing kids to learn new words, understand the structure of language, and explore the world of storytelling. Recent studies have found that poetry also has proven therapeutic benefits for children, such as improving communication and problem-solving skills. In this article, we will explore what poetry is, how it affects kids, and how it can be used to help them grow in a variety of areas.

What Is Poetry?

In its most basic form, poetry is a type of literary art that uses language to convey images and emotions. Unlike prose, poetry uses rhythm and specific form to convey meaning. These can include rhyme, rhythm, meter, and structure. Poetry can be used to tell stories or express feelings, or to make a point about an issue or thought. Kids can also use poetry to express themselves, explore their own ideas, and communicate with each other.

Benefits of Poetry For Kids

Studies have shown that engaging in the practice of poetry can have a positive impact on children. Most importantly, poetry provides children with a safe space to express their feelings and to explore their thoughts and ideas. Writing poetry helps them to better understand their emotions and give voice to the things that matter to them.
Additionally, poetry encourages the development of vocabulary and an understanding of the structure of language. This can help promote communication and language development in children. Poetry can also help kids develop problem-solving skills and creative thinking abilities, as they discover what kind of phrase or image they want to communicate.

How to Use Poetry In Your Home

First and foremost, make sure to establish a safe, welcoming space to encourage kids to express their creativity. Ensure they know that there are no wrong answers and the goal is to just have fun. You can use a variety of media to make writing poetry more engaging, such as using music, visuals, or multi-media.
Additionally, think about ways to make poetry a familial activity. You can encourage them to share their ideas with each other, organize reading and writing events, read poetry out loud together, or write poems as responses to questions. Encourage them to ask questions, think about metaphors and images, and be creative.

The Education System and Poetry

In the modern education system, there is often little to no room for poetry. Many schools have shifted their focus to testing and core subjects, and the art of poetry, which can be so vital to a child’s development and academic success, is often overlooked.
Children can benefit greatly from exposure to and engagement with poetry. This includes helping to enhance educational performances and promote a greater sense of safety, acceptance and enjoyment in the classroom. Incorporating poetry into the classroom can also help improve concentration and focus, as well as provide children with the opportunity to think and express themselves in a creative and meaningful way.

Additional Poetry Activities For Kids

Children can benefit from getting involved in a variety of poetry activities. You could encourage them to write their own poetry, attend and/or perform at poetry slams, or even learn about different types of poetry such as haiku and concrete poetry. Additionally, you can look for poetry workshops or initiatives such as National Poetry Month in April that can help give kids an exposure to the world of poetry.

The Value of Poetry For Kids

Poetry is a valuable tool for helping children to understand the world around them, express their feelings, and explore their creative capabilities. It provides them with an understanding of the power of words while also helping them to develop problem-solving skills, communication abilities, and overall thinking skills. With a few simple steps, you can help kids embrace the wonderful world of poetry and the endless possibilities it provides.


Poetry is an incredibly valuable tool for children to explore words, emotions, and ideas. It can provide them with an incredible opportunity to express themselves in a safe, creative space, as well as to learn about language and engage with others. There are a variety of ways to incorporate poetry into the home and classroom, and the benefits of doing so can be immense.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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