What Is Structured Poetry

What is Structured Poetry?

Structured poetry is a form of writing that follows a specific pattern or structure. This can be in the form of a specific number of syllables per line, a rhyme scheme, or a detailed design of imagery. Structured poetry consists of meticulous organization, which allows the writer to convey their message more effectively.

History of Structured Poetry

The roots of structured poetry go back centuries, with various ancient cultures writing poems in various forms, often to honor gods, celebrate events, or perform storytelling. For example, ancient Greek poems, such as the Homeric epics, use a specific pattern of words and verses known as dactylic hexameter. The ancient Chinese wrote poetry in the form of “panoramic verses”, which were long poems structured around a certain theme. In the west, structured poetry dates back to the Middle Ages, when poets wrote using patterns known as “forms”, such as sonnets, villanelles and sestinas.
Modern structured poetry typically consists of writing within a strict structure without adhering to a specific meter or rhyme scheme. This allows the poet to explore a wider variety of both language and imagery. Structured poetry can be used for a variety of different purposes, from exploring personal issues to expressing political and social messages. In this sense, structured poetry can be thought of as a type of artistic self-expression.

Different Types of Structured Poetry

Structured poetry can take a variety of forms, depending on the particular needs of the writer. Some of the most common forms of structured poetry include concrete poetry, visual poetry, haiku, and free verse.
Concrete poetry, also known as shape poetry, is a type of structured poetry in which the text is arranged in a specific shape or pattern. Visual poetry is a type of concrete poetry in which the visual appearance is used to enhance the poetic experience and emphasize certain words or ideas. Haiku is a form of structured poetry in Japan consisting of three lines; each line has five, seven, and five syllables respectively, and typically conveys a single image. Finally, free verse is a type of structured poetry in which the poet is not constrained by any particular rules, such as meter or rhyme scheme, but is still limited by structure, such as language or imagery.

Benefits of Structured Poetry

Writing structured poetry can provide a number of benefits for both the writer and the reader. Structured poetry can help the poet to hone their craft and develop a greater appreciation for language and the English language. It also helps to keep the poem focused and organized, eliminating any unnecessary or distracting words or phrases.
The specific structure of the poem allows the poet to effectively communicate their ideas and messages to the reader. By using a consistent pattern throughout the poem, the poet can ensure that their words and images connect and that the poem flows in a logical manner. This also helps the reader to better understand and appreciate the poem’s message.
By utilising structured poetry, the poet can create poetry which is more powerful and meaningful than unstructured poetry. This is because a structured poem provides the writer with structure, which allows them to focus their ideas and create a more significant message.

Difficulty of Structured Poetry

Writing structured poetry can be difficult, especially for those who are just beginning to explore this form of writing. This is because it requires a high level of discipline and an understanding of both language and structure. The poet must ensure that every line of their poem follows the prescribed structure, while still maintaining meaning and flow.
While writing structured poetry can be difficult, there are a number of resources available that can make the process easier. For example, there are books and online tutorials that can provide guidance on how to create structured poems. Additionally, there are a number of writing groups and workshops which offer tips and advice for those who are just beginning to write structured poetry.


In conclusion, structured poetry is a form of writing which follows a specific pattern or structure. Structured poetry can be used for a variety of different purposes, from exploring personal issues to expressing political and social messages. There are a number of different types of structured poetry, such as concrete poetry, visual poetry, haiku, and free verse. Writing structured poetry can provide a number of benefits for both the writer and the reader, as it allows the poet to effectively communicate their ideas and messages. While writing structured poetry can be difficult, there are a number of resources available that can make the process easier.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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