What Is Tercet In Poetry

Definition of a Tercet

A tercet is a three-line poem that has one or more rhyming words in each line. It is often composed of two lines that are followed by a single line as a refrain. The most recognized type of tercet is the sonnet, which consists of fourteen lines of alternating rhymes in an ABAB CDCD EFEF GG pattern. Tercets can also be combined with other poetic forms such as haikus and villanelles.

History of the Tercet

Although the term tercet didn’t appear until the late 19th century, it’s believed that the form dates back to ancient Greece where it was mainly used in narrative poetry. It’s also said to have originated with Arabic-speaking poets. In the 11th century, tercets were used as a form of expression in the form of rondeaus, ballades and sestinas. During the Renaissance, tercets became popularized by poets such as Shakespeare and Milton, who used them to create sonnets and other poetic works.

Structure of a Tercet

The structure of a tercet typically consists of three lines, each containing one to four syllables. The lines will usually have some sort of rhyme scheme, or they may use words with similar sounds or meanings. Each line of a tercet may be composed of complete sentences or phrases, in order to convey a deeper message in a concise format.
Tercets are not limited to a particular number of syllables or lines, with some tercets being as long as a dozen lines. The most common tercet form is the sonnet, which consists of fourteen lines of alternating rhymes in an ABAB CDCD EFEF GG pattern. Other poetic forms can also be employed in tercet, such as sestina, rondeau, villanelle, haiku, and more.

Techniques Employed in a Tercet

The most common technique used in tercet is a rhyme scheme. Rhyming words can be found in each line, or a combination of internal and end rhymes across the lines. Often, the rhyming words will have similar meanings and/or create a musical effect when read out loud.
Although rhyme is the most common technique used in tercet, poets can also employ other literary devices such as alliteration, assonance, similes, and metaphors. These devices can be used to create an atmosphere in the poem and help the reader to connect with the poem on an emotional level.

Pros of Writing a Tercet

The primary benefit of writing a tercet is the brevity. Tercets are short enough to capture the essence of an idea quickly, allowing the reader to understand the meaning of the poem before they lose interest. It is also an effective way of conveying deep emotions in a concise manner, as well as allowing the poet to experiment with form and structure.
The structure of a tercet also allows for the poet to explore their creativity and helps to sharpen their writing skills. It encourages poets to explore the use of techniques such as rhyme, alliteration, and metaphor, and develop the ability to use them effectively. By using the form of a tercet, poets can also practice creating tension and rhythm in their writing.

Cons of Writing a Tercet

The primary challenge of writing a tercet lies in its concise format – there simply isn’t enough room to express complex ideas in such a limited number of lines. Moreover, the form of a tercet can be limiting – the poet must be precise in their word choice and effective in their use of techniques.
In addition, the form can be difficult to recognize to those who are not familiar with it. Unless the poem is clearly labeled as a tercet, readers may not be able to recognize it as such.

Examples of Tercet Poems

There are many examples of tercet poetry, with some being more famous than others. One of the most famous examples is Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18:
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

This poem is an example of an abab tercet, which is a common form of tercet. Another famous example is Robert Frost’s famous poem, The Road Not Taken:
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood

This poem includes an aba tercet, which is also a common form of tercet.

Tercet in Contemporary Poetry

Tercet poetry is still widely used in contemporary poetry, particularly in sonnets. In addition, tercets are often used in modern haiku, villanelles, sestinas, and rondeaus.
Many modern poets use the form of a tercet to experiment with language and structure. It is also used to explore themes such as love, loss, nature, and more. In recent years, tercets have become increasingly popular amongst experimental poets, who enjoy the challenge of experimenting with techniques such as alliteration and assonance in a limited space.

Use of Tercet in Songwriting

The tercet form is also found in popular songwriting. The structure allows singers and songwriters to quickly convey the core message of their song in a concise format.
Tercet is often used in hip-hop, rap, and R&B, with artists such as Puff Daddy, XXL, and Tupac using it to great effect. The structure of the tercet allows for repetition of key words, phrases, and melodies in a way that is both creative and engaging.

Use of Tercet in Literary Publications

Tercet is frequently used in literary publications, such as literary magazines and journals. As a bite-sized form of poetry, tercet is often used to create engaging and thought-provoking poems that can fit on a single page. This makes them perfect for anthologies and journals.
Tercet poems have also been used in novels, both as dialogues between characters as well as in descriptions. In addition, tercets are often used in advertising and marketing, as they are great at capturing the essence of a product or service in an effective and memorable way.

Advantage of Tercet in Writing

The tercet form can give writers the advantage of expressing the core idea of a poem in the most concise and effective manner possible. Furthermore, the brevity of the poem makes it ideal for quick reading.
The form also encourages the writer to choose their words carefully and be precise in their language, thus helping to sharpen their writing abilities. It is also a great way to explore rhyming, alliteration and other poetic devices, and use them in a more creative and meaningful way.

Conclusion of Tercet in Writing

Tercets are a powerful and effective form of poetry, as they allow writers to convey the essence of their work in a concise and meaningful manner. With its limited format, tercets challenge writers to be creative and precise with their words, thus sharpening their writing abilities.
Tercets are a great way to explore literary techniques such as rhyme, alliteration, and metaphor, and use them to create engaging and thought-provoking poems. Furthermore, they can be used in a variety of different contexts, such as in songs, novels, newspapers, and marketing messages.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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