What Is The Water Temperature At Mark Twain Lake


Water temperature plays an integral role in how we utilize and appreciate bodies of water. It can affect the level of dissolved oxygen in the water, marine plant and animal life, as well as recreational activities such as swimming and fishing. Mark Twain Lake is a beautiful destination to enjoy these activities, so it is important to understand what the water temperature is like at the lake.

Factors Affecting Water Temperature

Water temperatures in a body of water are determined by different factors, such as time of year, daily sunlight, atmospheric pressure and currents. With regards to Mark Twain Lake, the summer months see temperatures rising to the mid 70s and 80s, while the colder winter months can plunge them as low as the mid 40s.

Industry Perspective

According to the Department of Resources and Environmental Protection, water temperature is also influenced by water circulation. Mark Twain Lake is a reservoir, meaning that it is periodically influxed with water from other sources such as rivers and streams. The water is also continuously being released through the pipes and sprinklers. These processes affect the water’s temperature. The fact that Mark Twain Lake is man-made, further complicates the lake’s temperature regulation as the natural processes would normally be unobstructed.

Water Quality

Water temperature is an important indicator of water quality. Generally speaking, warmer water temperatures are associated with a higher concentration of pollutants and a lower oxygen concentration as warmer water does not carry much dissolved oxygen. On the other hand, colder water temperatures can lead to a higher oxygen concentration, meaning that aquatic life can thrive in such areas.

Recreation and Tourism

For those interested in the recreational activities available in the lake, the temperatures are warmest in the summer months, allowing swimming, boating, and fishing to be done with ease. However, during the colder months, only fishing is allowed as the temperatures are much too low for other activities. Also, colder temperatures can be lethal to aquatic life. This means that anyone interested in releasing fish, like trout, should opt for the warmer months for a higher rate of survival of the fish.

Personal Perspective

Having visited Mark Twain Lake multiple times throughout the year, I know first-hand how the water temperature affects the recreational activities available. Even on days where the air temperature is nice and warm, the lake can be remarkably cold still. This means that while swimming and snorkeling can be enjoyable in the summer, it is best to wear multiple layers of clothing and thermals when heading to the lake in the winter, as it’s only then that the fish-fishing opportunities can be taken advantage of.


Mark Twain Lake’s water temperature is a crucial factor in the activities and life that can occur there. While it is warmest in the summer months, it can still dip below freezing during the colder months. Furthermore, knowing the specifics of the lake’s water temperature can help ensure safety and fun for everyone wanting to experience the lake’s beauty.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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