What Poetry Book Should I Read Quiz

Whether you’re a seasoned poetry buff or a novice delving into the emotive realm of rhythm and verse, finding the right poetry book can be daunting. With hundreds of poets and even more titles, it can be hard to know where to begin. To help you discover the perfect poetry book for you, this quiz explores a range of personal questions, gauging your interests and preferences. Here you’ll find answers from experts, and useful tips to help you narrow down the selection.

Do You Prefer a Particular Style or Topic?

Everyone has a different approach to and interest in poetry; you may prefer humorous verse, or epic and emotive works. Think about which poets and topics you are drawn to in terms of tone, content, and feelings. Do you prefer traditional odes and sonnets, or modern structures? Knowing what you already enjoy can help you pick the best book for you.

Are You Looking for a Classic Collection of Poetry?

If you’ve already read some of the great classics, you could consider establishing a library of the most renowned poets. Whether you’re looking for complete collected works of a single poet, or exploring a range of celebrated poets, you’re sure to find the perfect book. Alternatively, if you’re looking for a general overview of the history of poetry, you may prefer an anthology from a range of poets from different eras.

What Level of Difficulty Are You Seeking?

Consider your level of knowledge about poetry, and then concentrate on either an intermediate or advanced level. If you’re new to the genre, you may wish to sample single poems written by a variety of authors. Alternatively, if you’re familiar with the subject, you could begin by exploring the renowned authors from the Victorian era. These poets wrote long and often complex poems, which can provide a real challenge.

Are You Open to Different Types of Poetry?

If you’ve already sampled some of the great works, why not try out some of the lesser-known poets? Literature journals, critique publications and magazines are all great sources of modern and influential poetry. Take the time to browse these sources, and you could find an undiscovered gem of a book. Don’t rule out poets of other eras either; there is a huge range of poets to explore.

Can You Try an Experimental Poetry Book?

If you’re keen to express your own creativity, there are plenty of avant-garde and experimental poets to explore. From surreal to abstract works, these titles can provide a wealth of cutting-edge interpretations. Discover postmodern writers such as Robert Smithson and Richard Foreman, or explore erotic and political works from Susan Howe and Muriel Rukeyser.

Are You Interested in ‘Spoken Word’ Poetry?

Spoken word poetry is a vibrant art-form that has gained a lot of traction over the past few decades. Many influential poets are exploring the genre and creating some radical works. Prose and verse collide to form powerful pieces, making spoken word poetry an exciting genre to explore. Learn more by reading work from authors such as Saul Williams and Andrea Gibson.

Are Literary Journals a Great Source of New Poetry?

Yes, literary journals can be a fantastic source of modern poets. Review periodicals are great places to start, as they showcase the newest and most exciting literature. Read reviews in the New York Times Book Review, or publications like The Southern Review, Prairie Schooner and Poetry Magazine to find under the radar titles that are generating critical acclaim.

Where to Find Found Poetry?

Found poetry is an interesting form of expression that blends visual and textual elements. To generate a piece of found poetry, simply take existing words or phrases from a book, newspaper, or any other source, and remix them into an original piece. Explore titles from Abe Louise Young, Ross Gay and Karyna McGlynn to learn more about the form.

Is It Possible to Read Poetry Online?

Thanks to technology, you no longer have to hunt down books to read poetry. Many of the great poets offer their works online, and you can search websites such as PoetryFoundation.org, PoemHunter.com and Poets.org for verse from all eras of history. You can also buy e-books to read on the go, or even access subscription websites that offer a huge range of poets.

Do Poetry Community Forums Offer Valuable Advice?

Yes – forums and discussion boards are great places to learn more about poetry. These sites are brimming with genuine advice from poets and seasoned enthusiasts. Visit Google Groups, Reddit and BritishCouncil.org to chat to like-minded people and make up your mind on the perfect poetry book.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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