What Quality Does Maya Angelou Most Admire About Annie Johnson

Maya Angelou most admires the courage and resilience of Annie Johnson.Having been institutionalised for a long period of her life, Annie Johnson was able to overcome great adversity and emerge triumphant. Because she believed in herself and in her ability to rise above her circumstances, she exhibited a strength of character, a commitment to making something of herself, and a commitment to living an authentic and engaged life.

This unbreakable spirit, even in the face of great adversity, is something Angelou appreciates and admires in Johnson. Johnson’s strength of character was displayed in her willingness to confront her circumstances and take action to better her situation. Angelou notes her remarkable tenacity and perseverance, as well as her commitment to rising above her circumstances to create a better life for herself.

Angelou also admires Johnson’s innovation, creativity, and flexibility in her approach to life. Johnson was an optimist and an innovative thinker. She brought a unique perspective to her relationships and her work, and she demonstrated an ability to adapt and think outside the box. This resourcefulness speaks to a certain quality of daring that is often lacking in those who are less resilient.

Angelou’s admiration for Johnson also extends to her ambition and drive for success. Despite being burdened by an oppressive and difficult past, Johnson was able to press forward and create a successful career and life for herself. Johnson’s resilience and ambition are a powerful symbol of what is possible no matter one’s circumstances, and Angelou is inspired by Johnson’s ability to create a better life for herself.

Finally, Angelou finds Johnson’s approach to life and her relationships rooted in her faith, her love of nature, and her dedication to personal growth and authenticity inspiring. Johnson was deeply rooted in her faith and she placed an unwavering trust in a higher power. Johnson also had a profound appreciation for and connection to nature, which she maintained despite her difficult past. The combination of her faith, her connection to nature, and her commitment to personal growth and integrity created an unshakable foundation for Johnson.

Resilience and Strength of Character

One of the qualities that Maya Angelou most appreciates about Annie Johnson is her resilience and strength of character. Despite facing injustice and extreme limitations in her life, Johnson was able to overcome her challenging circumstances and display an immense courage and tenacity.

Her faith and trust in a higher power, her sense of optimism, and her willingness to confront her circumstances and take action all demonstrate a strength of character and a commitment to living an authentic and engaged life. Johnson refused to be a victim of her past and channeled her energy into creating something better for herself. Johnson’s story is a powerful testament to what is possible despite difficult circumstance and is a source of great inspiration for Angelou.

Innovation, Creativity and Flexibility

Another quality that Angelou admires about Johnson is her innovation, creativity and flexibility. Johnson was able to think outside of the box and approach her life with optimism and tenacity. This unique perspective enabled her to create something out of nothing, and to build a successful career and life despite being unable to access traditional paths.

Her ability to be creative and resourceful in her approach to life enabled her to seize opportunities and build a strong foundation for success in spite of her past. This is an inspiring example of what is possible when individuals are determined and have a willingness to think creatively and optimistically.

Ambition and Drive to Succeed

Angelou also admires Johnson’s ambition and drive to succeed. Even while burdened by a difficult past, Johnson worked hard and pushed herself to create a better life for herself. Her relentless pursuit of success inspires Angelou and serves as a reminder that no matter one’s circumstances success and inner peace can be attained.

The combination of Johnson’s ambition and her innovative approach to life enabled her to push through difficult times and transform her past into a successful future. This ideal of transformation and possibility serves as a great source of inspiration for Angelou.

Connection to Faith, Nature and Personal Growth

Finally, Angelou admires Johnson’s dedication to her faith, her love of nature and her commitment to personal growth and authenticity. Johnson’s refusal to remain a slave to her past and her focus on developing a deep spiritual connection to a higher power serves as a model of inner strength and courage.

By maintaining a connection to nature and dedicating herself to personal growth and integrity, Johnson was able to create an unshakable foundation for her future despite her difficult past. This is something Angelou looks up to and finds deeply inspiring.


The courage, resilience, ambition, and creativity of Annie Johnson serve as a shining example of how individuals can refuse to become victims of their circumstances and create a better life for themselves. Maya Angelou most admires the courage and resilience of Johnson, her innovation and creativity, her ambition and drive for success, and her connection to faith, nature and personal growth. The strength of character and sheer determination displayed by Johnson serve as a source of great inspiration and admiration for Angelou.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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