What Was Langston Hughes Contribution To The Harlem Renaissance

Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance is sometimes referred to as the “New Negro Movement,” as it gave rise to a completely new wave of African-American cultural expression in the early 1920s. This new wave was focused on social integration and self-expression, and saw African-American literature, music, art, and performance reach unparalleled levels. The Harlem Renaissance was a unique time in American history, and was largely centered around the then-vibrant Midtown region of Harlem in New York City.

Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes was a major figure in the Harlem Renaissance, a movement of African-American creativity, art, and spiritualism that took place in the early 20th century. He was a poet, playwright, and essayist who wrote with passion and emotion, often touching on the struggles of African-Americans in the modern world. His writing often explored themes of race, identity, and poverty, and his work inspired others to fight for civil rights.

Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance

Langston Hughes was deeply involved in the Harlem Renaissance and played an instrumental role in its success. His writing was heavily influenced by the movement and even reflected its core themes. He wrote about the African-American experience in a candid and uncompromising fashion and was an important figure in the literary world during the Harlem Renaissance. His work was a major influence on many of the writers, poets, and artists of the time.

He was an advocate for social change and was an outspoken critic of racism, inequality, and injustice. Hughes was an influential figure in the literary world and was able to use his writing to express his opinion on the state of the African-American experience at the time. He wrote about the reality of life for African-Americans and his work resonated with those living in Harlem.

Impact of Langston Hughes’ Writing

The impact of Langston Hughes’ writing on the Harlem Renaissance was immense. His work was the voice of a generation and provided those in the movement with a way to express their emotions, struggles, and experiences. It was his influence and writing that inspired many other African-American writers to begin writing about their own lives and experiences.

He was also instrumental in raising awareness about the struggles faced by African-Americans during this time. His work encouraged people to fight for social justice and spurred a movement of artistic expression that eventually led to the civil rights movement. Hughes was an outspoken critic of racism, poverty, and inequality, and his writing served to educate and challenge the status quo.


Langston Hughes was a major figure in the Harlem Renaissance, a movement of African-American creativity and art that took place in the early 20th century. He was a poet, playwright, and essayist who wrote with passion and emotion, often touching on the struggles of African-Americans in the modern world. His writing was heavily influenced by the movement and even reflected its core themes, and his work was a major influence on many of the writers, poets, and artists of the time. His writing encouraged people to fight for social justice and was an important factor in the success of the civil rights movement. Langston Hughes and his contributions to the Harlem Renaissance are an inspirational reminder of the power of words and the importance of speaking out against injustice.


Langston Hughes was an integral part of the educational aspect of the Harlem Renaissance. He taught classes and wrote entertaining as well as educational pieces. His writing incorporated varied topics such as history, music, and languages. He also wrote and translated plays to help popularize African-American literature and theater. His writing provided a much-needed education to many who were of limited means. Encountering his works could prevent ignorance and help people become more enlightened regarding African-American culture.


Langston Hughes was also heavily involved in the music of the Harlem Renaissance. He worked with some of the great composers of the period, including Duke Ellington, Eubie Blake, and Fats Waller. He wrote pieces for some of the greatest performers, including Cab Calloway and Adelaide Hall. He was a great admirer of jazz and blues music, and his writing incorporated styles of these genres for a unique sound.


Along with music and theater, Langston Hughes was a prominent figure in literature during the Harlem Renaissance. He wrote short stories, plays, and poems that explored African-American identity and the struggles of life in Harlem. His writing style was very simple and direct, often focusing on the everyday life of African-Americans. His works were an important contribution to the movement and helped inspire a new wave of African-American literature.


Politics was yet another area in which Langston Hughes not only wrote about but actively took part in during the Harlem Renaissance. He was an outspoken critic of racism and poverty and was a vocal advocate for social change. His writing was often interpreted as a call to arms for a civil rights movement that would seek to end inequalities experienced by African-Americans living in the United States. While Hughes’ writing did not directly result in any major political reforms, his writing served to educate and challenge those in power, which was a major step forward in the civil rights movement.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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