When The Rich Rob The Poor Mark Twain


Mark Twain’s quote, “We have the best government money can buy,” has become notoriously associated with the rampant greed and avarice that exists in our contemporary society. Twain’s quote speaks to the growing disparity between the rich and the poor, as the wealthy seem to appropriate society’s resources while the lower income classes suffer. Many scholars have explored the idea of what is known as “wealth inequality” in various contexts, including the works of Mark Twain. This article will take a closer look at Twain’s quote and the idea of the “rich robbing the poor”, including a brief history, current status, and the ways in which individuals can work together to combat this issue.


It is important to understand the historical context of this issue. While historians are still debating the economic legacy of the industrial revolution, which began in 1760, it is hard to ignore the fact that many poor industrialized countries in the world today were once under colonial rule. As colonial powers exerted their influence, they sought to extract resources and financial profits from these lands, leaving the citizens to struggle with poverty and inadequate healthcare.

Recent experiences suggest that while there has been modest improvement in certain sectors, the structural foundations of inequality remain unchanged. Studies have shown that extreme poverty remains a major problem even in countries that were previously colonies. Research also shows that the poor in these countries are often denied access to basic amenities, basic health services, and adequate education. Moreover, even in the most advanced countries, it is common for the privileged to exploit the underprivileged for economic and political gains.

It is in this light that Twain’s famous quote can be appreciated. On the surface, it seems to be a cynical indictment of the current state of affairs. However, it also implies a call to action. It is up to us as a society to understand the underlying causes of inequality, to create meaningful solutions and to take action to address them.

Current Status

Income inequality is an alarming global trend that has been linked to poverty and social ills. This is especially true in the case of developing countries, which often lack proper governance structures, labor laws, and regulations to protect their citizens. Reports have shown that despite considerable economic growth in developing countries over the last decade, the wealth gap has actually widened. It is also noteworthy that certain industries are more prone to exploitation than others, including the food and beverage industry, the apparel manufacturing industry. and even the education sector.

The phenomenon of wealth inequality extends beyond individual countries and is present in a global context, as well. The UN’s Human Development Report for 2016 reported that just 62 individuals own the same amount of wealth as half of the entire world’s population. Reports such as these serve as a reminder of the urgent need for leaders to consider the various disparities in their respective countries and take appropriate measures to bridge these gaps.


The issue of wealth inequality is complex and confronting it will require concerted effort from both the public and private sectors. The impact of wealth inequality can be mitigated through various policy strategies, including progressive taxation policies to reduce income inequality, introduction of minimum wage and labor laws, and ensuring access to basic amenities such as health care, clean water and education.

At the same time, there is a need for the wealthiest to invest in social and economic development in their countries. This could include campaigns to promote financial literacy and entrepreneurship, as well as targeted interventions such as school feeding programs and supplementary nutrition initiatives. Additionally, Multi-National and multi-lateral organizations should ensure that their influence is not only felt economically, but also socially.

Lastly, individuals can take it upon themselves to support charitable organizations and other initiatives that are fighting against poverty and wealth inequality. These include social enterprises, non-governmental organizations and even private initiatives. By donating money or time, individuals can make a difference in their communities and in the world at large.

Wealth Redistribution

Wealth redistribution is an important approach to tackling wealth inequality. This involves either taxing wealthy individuals more heavily and using the funds to benefit the rest of society, or using government policies to create equality in the ownership of wealth. However, the success of such strategies is highly contingent on the political will of the government. This is because wealth redistribution initiatives often spark controversy and require effective policy implementation.

In addition to national wealth redistribution strategies, there are also international initiatives such as the United Nations Millennium Development Goals that aim to reduce poverty and achieve global economic equality. These initiatives are crucial for ensuring economic development for countries around the world and for addressing global issues such as climate change and population growth.

Wealth redistribution is also a major social issue in the United States, where the gap between the wealthy and the poor continues to widen. Increasing taxes on the wealthy and using the money to fund programs such as healthcare, education, and job training is one approach to addressing this issue. However, this is often met with disapproval from the powerful elite, making it difficult to implement effective policies.

Corporate Responsibilities

Another important factor in combatting the effects of wealth inequality is corporate responsibility. Many large companies have come under fire for their questionable practices and lack of concern for poor and marginalized communities. Corporate accountability is essential if companies are to be seen as socially responsible, ultimately benefiting both their reputation and economic development.

Large companies must do their part in promoting economic equality by employing staff from disadvantaged areas, increasing job opportunities, and being more transparent about their operations. This includes being forthcoming about their operations and financial statements, paying their taxes promptly and in full, and reporting any environmental or social violations. Most importantly, companies should be aware of the inequalities that exist in society and strive to bridge these gaps through their initiatives.

The power of corporate responsibility should not be underestimated. By embracing it, companies can set an important precedent for other firms and help create more egalitarian societies. This could also help to ensure that poor individuals and communities are not discriminated against based on their socio-economic status.

Ethical Consumerism

Individuals can also help tackle wealth inequality by being aware of the source of their goods and services. By supporting businesses and causes that promote economic and social justice, individuals can have a profound effect on the lives of disadvantaged people.

When considering the source of goods and services, individuals should look for companies that are committed to paying their employees a living wage, investing in their local communities, and minimizing their environmental impact. Individuals should also look for organizations that actively promote ethical consumerism, such as those that carry fair trade labels or adhere to labor rights guidelines.

In addition to supporting organizations that are committed to ethical consumerism, individuals should be mindful of how they personally spend their money. This could include investing in low-risk, socially responsible funds, or avoiding businesses that are notorious for their exploitative practices. By being more conscious of their consumer choices, individuals can help create a more equitable economy and show their support for organizations that are working hard to combat wealth inequality.

Engaging with Government

Engaging with government is another important step individuals can take to fight poverty and wealth inequality. This includes voicing opinions through peaceful protest and public demonstrations, contacting legislators and policymakers, and joining local or national movements and organizations that work on the issue. These activities are essential for holding the powerful accountable for their actions and can have a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by poverty and inequality.

Individuals and organizations that strive to reduce wealth inequality should also advocate for better public policies that prioritize the interests of the underprivileged. This could include advocating for government spending on healthcare, education, and job training initiatives, as well as more progressive taxation policies. Furthermore, individuals should strive to educate and inform their peers on the importance of creating a more equitable society.

Finally, individuals who are concerned with wealth inequality should use their influence and assumed privileges to raise awareness and promote meaningful change. This could include participating in social media campaigns, raising funds, and mobilizing their friends, family and communities to fight against the causes of wealth inequality.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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