When Was Poetry Created

The Origin of Poetry

Poetry has been part of our lives since the beginnings of language. It is not just a medium through which to express emotions and ideas, but also a source of comfort, inspiration, and beauty.The exact origin of poetry is difficult to determine, but many scholars believe it is have likely been around since ancient times. There are many theories about when poetry first appeared in history. Some believe it may have been among the earliest forms of art.

The Ancient World and Oral Traditions

In the ancient world, poetry was often an oral tradition and passed down from one generation to the next.Ancient civilizations like the Sumerians, Egyptians and Greeks wrote oral poetry which was shared by individuals until eventually it was written down.The Ancient Greeks and Romans used poetic meters and forms that are still used today, such as the sonnet and ode. The Nobel Prize winning poet W.B.Yeats acknowledged the influence of oral poetry on his own work, once stating that “all [his] best poetry was made from scraps of ballads …. and old popular songs.”

Medieval Poetry

The medieval period saw the rise of courtly love poetry with troubadours and bards writing about emotions and inspiration.This type of poetry was often used to make political statements about society or to entertain the aristocracy.Many of the verses and metaphors used in these courtly love songs can still be seen in modern poetry.The medieval era also saw the rise of written epics and ballads, many of which have survived until today.

The Renaissance and Early Modern Era

The Renaissance period saw the rise of epic and lyric poetry, as well as the development of modern tragedies.Poets such as Shakespeare, Donne, and Spenser wrote a wide range of verse, from sonnets to epics and odes.The rise of print culture allowed more people to read and access poetry and the works of these esteemed poets.

The Enlightenment and Romantic Era

The Enlightenment and Romantic eras saw poets begin to use their experiences as inspiration for their work.Poets like William Wordsworth and Percy Bysshe Shelley rejected the conventions of the past and wrote about the beauty of nature and their own emotions.Poets such as these are seen as the beginning of modern day poetry.

The 20th Century

The twentieth century saw a revolution in poetry with the emergence of modernism.This was a period of experimentation in new forms, such as free verse and the use of concrete and visual poetry.The twentieth century also saw a rise in political poetry, as poets sought to use their words to address the injustices of their society.The period also saw a resurgence of traditional forms, such as the sonnet and ode.

The 21st Century

The twenty-first century has seen poetry become increasingly popular.Social media has made it easier than ever to share and access poetry, with poets such as Rupi Kaur and Neil Hilborn becoming viral sensations.Poetry slams and spoken word performances have also become popular, allowing poets to share their work with audiences.

The Future of Poetry

As technology continues to evolve, so too does poetry. Poets are using new mediums such as video and audio to create and share their work.The rise of technology has also changed the way people access poetry, with many people now turning to the internet to share and consume new poems.It is evident that poetry will continue to evolve as technology changes, with no signs of it disappearing anytime soon.

Poetry as an Art Form

Poetry is an art form that has continued to evolve and adapt over time. It enables us to express ourselves, share our perspectives, and reflect on our experiences. While the exact origin of poetry is difficult to determine, it is evident that this art form has touched the lives of many and continues to do so.

The Role of Poetry in Society

Poetry has played an important role in society from ancient times to the present day. It is a powerful form of expression and serves as a way for people to come together to tell stories and make sense of the world. Poetry has helped us express our feelings of joy, sorrow, love and loss, allowing us to connect with one another and make sense of the world.

How to Use Poetry

Poetry can be used to express emotions and ideas, educate and entertain. It is also a powerful tool that can be used to inspire, comfort, and bring beauty into a person’s life.It can be used as a form of self-care, a source of support, or simply as a form of expression.Every person can find their own unique use for poetry, and the possibilities are endless.


Poetry has come a long way since its earliest beginnings. It is a multifaceted art form that has been used by generations to express themselves, share their perspectives, and make sense of their experiences. This art form has also served to bring people together and provide comfort, inspiration, and beauty. While the exact origin of poetry is uncertain, it is clear that this art form has touched the lives of many and will continue to do so for generations to come.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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