Where Can I Read My Poetry

Share Your Poetry: Where to Submit

Poetry is one of the oldest and most treasured art forms, yet many shy away from sharing their works in fear of the unknown. Bringing a poem to life requires vulnerability, courage and dedication to the craft, and it’s easier to do when you know where you can read your poetry for an audience.
First and foremost, beginning writers may want to start with a student-run publication. These publications are made and managed by a university, community college, or even high school. This can be a great opportunity for new writers who want to break into the literary scene, since the team of officers overseeing the publishing are usually more motivated to promote the next generation of writers.
Submitting your work to well-known journals is also a great idea, but it is important to read the submission instructions and guidelines thoroughly. Some journals may have very specific rules on what they will accept and refuse in terms of poetic structures, so it is essential to research which journals allow submissions beforehand.
In addition to well-established publications, it may also be beneficial to try and get recognized in a small monthly publication. These publications tend to be more diverse in their content and may even be willing to take on untested pieces. Moreover, the editors of small publications typically have the most leeway in terms of the creative directions they can take their content, so it may be easier to get accepted in them compared to major publications.
Social media is also another great way to share your work. Platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and others offerings perfect avenues for new voices to showcase their work. Connecting with other poets and being active on social media is a great way to introduce people to your writing and eventually get noticed.

Finding an Audience: Spoken Word Events

Don’t be intimidated by the prospect of putting your work out there. The great thing about poetry is that there are no rules and everyone’s interpretation is unique. One of the best ways to share your work with an audience is to attend a live spoken word event. These events are held for local poetry fans and are ideal for getting into the atmosphere of spoken poetry.
Typically, these events will follow a typical slam poetry structure, where each person shares their work, and then the audience scores each performance. It’s a high energy environment, and perfect for aspiring poets to practice their craft and measure their reactions from a live audience. They also tend to be very supportive and welcoming to new writers, so don’t be scared to perform your work for the first time.
Speaking at a Local Open Mic Night is another great option for aspiring poets. Each night tends to have a different theme that participants can draw inspiration from, or write something completely original. These open mic nights are low commitment and are great for the budding poet who is just starting out. Attendees can gain experience in delivering their work while receiving first-hand feedback from audience members.

Explore Open Competitions and Poetry Collectives

For writers who have been writing for some time, it may be helpful to explore open competitions like the ones offered by major universities, or join a poetry collective. These competitions allow writers to gain exposure while also growing their resume. Poetry collectives typically house poets from all writing styles and skill levels who come together to read their work and hold workshops and writing groups.
Attending a poetry festival is another great way for upcoming writers to get their name out. Not only are these a fun and informal way to share your poems with like-minded people, but they also offer seminars, readings, and collaborative events for poets to attend and further refine their voice.

Publish Your Own Works

If all of these avenues still seem too intimidating, new poets can also look into publishing their own works. Self-publishing is becoming increasingly prevalent with the rise of online platforms like Amazon KDP, which allow authors to publish their works without the need of an outside publisher. This is an ideal way for rookie poets who don’t have an existing platform to takeover.
However, it is important to note that those who self-publish their works will have full responsibility for their marketing, editing, and distribution, which is something to take into consideration. Social media is a great way to promote your work, and writing blogs is also a great way to engage with a larger audience and teach aspiring poets the nuances of the craft.

Write Online For Established Websites

For poets interested in writing online, there are many opportunities available. Established websites and even Tumblr blogs are one of the best places to submit in order to build experience and readership. Writers have the chance to be featured alongside established poets and engage with a larger audience, plus be exposed to different styles and forms of poetry.
In addition to editorial content, there are also many avenues for creating poetry-related video content, such as poetry slams and spoken-word events. Here, writers can turn their works into audio pieces and YouTube videos that they can share with the world.

Reach Out To Your Community

Finally, there is another great option for more localized creativity: search for and participate in poetry events in your local community. Wherever you live, there is likely to be some kind of poetry scene, and it is well worth exploring the possibilities.
Coffee houses, bookstores, libraries, and even college campuses are great places to locate open mic nights, writing workshops, and classes offered to the public. Not only are these events a great way to make connections with other poets, but they can also be a great way to share your work and receive meaningful feedback.

Conclusion: Spread Your Wings and Take Flight

The world of poetry has no shortage of opportunities to show off your work and spread your wings. Through student-run publications, well-known journals, small monthly magazines, online forums, spoken word events, open mic nights, competitions and poetry collectives, self-publishing, and local community initiatives, the realm of creative expression is virtually limitless. Every poet, whether they are just starting out or looking to breakthrough in the industry, just needs to spread their wings and take flight with confidence and courage.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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