Where Can I Submit My Poetry Online

Writing Platforms and Competitions

Writing platform websites are the most popular place to submit your poetry online, allowing you to create a profile, post your work and get feedback on it. Such platforms allow you to track views, likes, shares, comments and followers. Popular websites of this type include Poetry.com, Wattpad, Rhymly, Poetry Slam and Poets & Writers. Poetry.com is the largest platform of its kind, offering poets a place to share their work, get feedback from other members, submit to competitions and be a part of writing groups. Submissions to the site are reviewed by editors who provide feedback and alerts if a poem is accepted for publication.
Wattpad is an app and website that allows writers to post and share their stories, poetry and other writing work. Poems posted here have a slightly different format than on Poetry.com, as it allows users to post stories in certain categories and comment on them. This can be a great way for poets to gain more exposure for their work. Rhymely is an Indian platform dedicated to promoting emerging poets. It provides a free-form canvas to collaborate, track analytics and share writing. Poetry Slam is a live performance poetry event that is held monthly, which poets can compete in and gain recognition and awards. And, Poets & Writers offer writers resources and events, including information and updates on competitions, mentorship, residencies, awards and more.

Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook offer poets an additional place to submit their work online and get feedback from other users. Instagram is especially popular among poets, with its simple platform that allows poets to post their poems, receive feedback and even gain followers. Twitter’s hashtag feature makes it simple for users to search for poems with certain themes and styles, which can be a great way for poets to have their work seen by a larger audience. Facebook, like Instagram and Twitter, allows users to post their work and get feedback from others in their circles.

Subscription-Based Platforms

Subscription-based platforms such as Patreon, Medium and Submittable can be great resources for poets looking to get paid for their work. Patreon is a membership platform that allows artists to use crowdfunding and get paid for their creations. Medium is a blog platform that allows users to easily post their work and get paid according to how many views they receive. And, Submittable is an online submission and review platform that allows users to easily submit their poetry to publications and competitions, track submissions and receive payment for accepted submissions.

Publications and Journals

Many online publications and journals accept poetry submissions, offering poets another great way to get their work out there. Publications such as The New Yorker, The Atlantic and Poetry Magazine accept submissions and offer a chance for poets to be featured in their print and digital editions. Journals such as Prairie Schooner, Rattle and Guernica are also great places to submit your work. These publications usually have submission guidelines for writers to follow and the approval process can take some time, but the rewards can be great.


Poets can choose to submit their work to anthologies, which are collections of works by different authors on a common theme or topic. Such collections are often printed and made available for purchase, with proceeds going to the authors. Submissions can be made through several sites, including Poets.org and All Poetry, which offer poets the chance to get their work seen by a larger audience.

Self-Publishing Platforms

Self-publishing is a great option for poets looking to capitalize on their work. Platforms such as Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook offer poets the chance to publish and distribute their books digitally, making it easy to reach a wider audience. Additionally, self-publishing platforms such as Blurb and Lulu allow users to create and order print copies of their work and even have distribution options for larger orders.

Compiling Your Own Book

Putting together your own book of poetry is a great way to get your work out there, with the potential of going on to gain international recognition. Services such as CreateSpace and IngramSpark make it easy for poets to create and print their own books, with some even offering distribution options. The books could be made available to purchase online or in physical stores. With a well-crafted book, a poet might even get a publishing deal or get their work picked up by an established book publisher.

Getting Promoted Online

One of the biggest challenges for a poet is getting their work seen. To do this, poets need to market their work both online and offline. One way to do this is to establish a presence on social media platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter. This allows you to share your work, build a community and form relationships with other poets. Additionally, poets can choose to collaborate with other poets and form groups that can focus on promoting each other’s work.

Reaching Out to Magazines and Publications

Poets can also reach out to magazines and publications that accept poetry submissions. Most publications have contact information and submission guidelines posted on their websites. Poets should read these closely before submitting their work. Additionally, many publications hold poetry slams and open mic nights, where poets can perform in front of an audience and get feedback from editors. These events can be a great way to network with other poets and get your work seen.

Subscribing to Magazines, Journals and Anthologies

Before submitting work to magazines, journals and anthologies, it is important to research which ones may be interested in the kind of poetry you write and the topics that you explore. Subscribing to magazines, journals and anthologies can keep you updated on new poetry journalism and events. It can also provide poets with background information and industry advice that might be helpful when submitting work. Additionally, subscribing to these can provide poets with multiple submission opportunities.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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