Where Can I Submit My Poetry

Writing poetry is a form of art that expresses emotions and thoughts in a creative and imaginative way. It can be a powerful tool when it comes to connecting with an audience, but how can poets share their work? One of the most common ways is to submit your poetry to various websites, journals, and magazines. But how do you know which ones are best suited to your work?

The first step to submitting your work is to find a publication that fits your style. Depending on the type of poetry you write, some publications might not be suitable for your work. It’s essential to do your research and familiarize yourself with the different magazines, journals and websites that are out there. Many publications have specific guidelines that you need to follow when you submit, so be sure to read those carefully.

When searching for a publication to submit to, consider looking for those that focus on specific topics, such as contemporary poetry, romantic poetry, or political poetry. Additionally, many publications have their own “submit” page, which outlines their submission requirements and gives you a brief overview of what they’re looking for. Do your research and make sure the publication is a good fit for your work.

After you’ve found a few publications that might work for you, create a submission package. This should include an introduction letter that introduces you and your work, a short bio, and samples of your writing. Make sure to customize your package to the specific publication, highlighting your related experience and the reasons why your experience matches their guidelines.

Once you’ve created a submission package and chosen the right publication for your work, it’s time to submit. Many publications have an online submission form, but a few may still require a physical submission package. Follow the publication’s guidelines carefully and make sure you adhere to any deadlines or guidelines that they’ve set. Additionally, try to be patient. Depending on the size of the publication, it might take a few weeks for them to get back to you, so try to be patient and don’t feel disheartened if your work isn’t accepted right away.

Drafts and Revisions

As part of the submission process, you may be asked to provide a few drafts of your work. Make sure to review your work carefully before submitting and make sure it is free of errors. Additionally, while you want to ensure that your work is free of mistakes, you should also try to stay true to your creative vision. Small edits and revisions are expected, but don’t let someone else change your work entirely.

Of course, there are certain steps you can take to ensure that your work is accepted. One way is to pay attention to the feedback you receive and take the time to make necessary edits. Additionally, make sure to submit your work early in order to have enough time to make edits if needed.

Preparing for Publication

Before submitting your work, it’s important to make sure that it is properly formatted and ready for publication. Many publications have specific guidelines for formatting, so make sure to follow them exactly. Additionally, make sure to proofread your work once more to avoid any minor errors that might slip through.

In addition to formatting and proofreading, it’s a good idea to review the publication’s guidelines and editorial process. Make sure you understand what they are looking for in a submission, as this can make the difference between a successful submission and an unsuccessful one. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to submitting poetry, but taking the time to understand the process ahead of time can help your chances of getting published.


Another important part of “submitting your poetry” is professional networking. Reach out to editors and other poets in the field to find out what publications they recommend and to make connections that can help you in the future. One of the most effective ways to network is to attend conferences, readings, and other events related to poetry.

Building relationships with people in the industry will also help you get your work seen by the right people. By joining online groups or following your favorite magazines and journals on social media, you can make sure your work is seen by the right eyes. Additionally, it also wouldn’t hurt to invest in some self-promotion by creating your own website or starting a blog related to poetry.

Critiques and Feedback

Lastly, if you’re really serious about getting published, it would be worth taking the time to get professional critiques and feedback on your work. Many organizations and writing groups offer services where you can have your work read and reviewed by peers and even published writers. Listen to the advice that you receive and use it to make revisions and improve your work.

No matter where you’re looking to submit your work, the key is to find a publication that matches your style and provides the best platform for your work. Do your research and make sure you follow all the guidelines and deadlines set by the publication. With proper preparation and effort, you can increase your chances of getting your poetry published in reputable magazines, journals, and websites.

Creating A Portfolio

Creating a portfolio of your work is also important when it comes to getting your work seen. You can set up an online portfolio with a blog or website, where you can post your work and any related information. This can help showcase your writing, building up an audience of readers who follow your work. Additionally, it will also make it easier for potential publishers to find and review your work.

When creating a portfolio, make sure to have several different types of work in it. This way, you can demonstrate a variety of styles and topics, showing that you’re capable of producing quality work. Additionally, make sure to showcase your best work, as this will make it easier for potential publishers to see what you’re capable of.

Additionally, it’s important to take into consideration the feedback that you receive on your work. Many readers, both online and in person, are willing to provide honest and valuable feedback on your work. Listen to their advice and take their words into consideration, as it can help you make changes to ensure that your work is of the highest quality.

Organizations and Conferences

Look into organizations and conferences that you can attend to help promote your work. These events are a great way to interact with other writers, make connections and gain insights into the industry. You can find out which publications and websites are open to submitting work, plus you can learn more about different writing techniques and styles.

Additionally, both online and physical events also provide networking opportunities. Attend readings, book signings, and live events as much as you can as these can open up a variety of potential outlets for your work. Many organizations have submission requirements and editorial processes that you need to follow, so take the time to learn about them before submitting your work.

Publishing Platforms

In addition to submitting to journals, magazines, and websites, there are also publishing platforms that you can use to publish your work. These platforms typically provide authors with the opportunity to upload and publish their work, while providing readers with the opportunity to read and purchase the work. Examples of these platforms include Kindle, Wattpad, and Smashwords.

Using these platforms is a great way to get your work out there and build an audience. Try to make sure that your work is properly formatted and edited, as this will ensure quality control and will ultimately help you create a better product.


If you’re not quite ready to submit your work to renowned journals, magazines, or websites, self-publishing is an option. With self-publishing, authors have complete control over their work and don’t have to worry about following any submission requirements or guidelines. Additionally, you can also publish your work yourself as an e-book or an audio book.

The key to self-publishing is to make sure your work is of the highest quality. Take the time to review and edit your work and format it properly. Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. Many readers are willing to provide valuable feedback on your work, so take their words into consideration.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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