Where Can I Submit Poetry

What Is Poetry?

Poetry is a literary genre characterized by the use of rhythmic language, often in a very lyrical style, to explore, evoke, or express ideas and feelings. It is usually written in lines, couplets, or stanzas – all of which can be used to create rhythm and emphasize certain aspects of the poem. Poetry is often used as a form of entertainment or to communicate emotions or thoughts, but it can also be used to provide insight into a particular topic or merely to tell a story.

Online Poetry Submissions

Submitting poetry online has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it allows poets the ability to share their work with a global audience. There are many websites and magazines that welcome submissions from poets of all levels of experience. The most well-known of these websites include Poets & Writers, Duotrope, and Submittable. For non-English poets, websites such as Tokyo Poetry Journal, Hindi Poem and PoetryNook are dedicated to showcasing the work of non-English poets.
When submitting a poem online, it is important to ensure that the work is submitted to the appropriate publisher or magazine. Publishers and magazines are always looking for the best poetry to publish. Once the work has been accepted, it is important to be aware of the terms of the contract, such as any authorial rights that may be involved in granting the poem’s rights.

Printed Poetry Submissions

For poets desiring to have their poetry featured in print, there are several options available. The first option is to submit the poem to a traditional publisher such as Random House or Oxford University Press. These publishers offer an excellent opportunity to have one’s work taken seriously and published if accepted. However, there is often a lengthy submission process and a long wait for acceptance or rejection.
The second option available is to submit the poem to a literary magazine or journal. However, most literary magazines and journals do not accept direct submissions from poets. Instead, they open their reading period for certain months and refer to unsolicited submissions as “slush pile”, meaning that they read through hundreds of submissions in order to select the best work.
The third and least likely option is to submit the poem to a contest, such as the National Poetry Prize or the Poetry Society’s Joan Chittister Award. While these contests provide an opportunity to have one’s work evaluated by independent publishers and jurors, they are also highly-competitive and difficult to break into.

Submitting Poetry Through Professional Relationships

Most successful poets develop professional relationships with publishing houses or literary magazines. This can be achieved through submitting work to smaller publishers or niche magazines, establishing relationships through blog postings and social media, attending readings and workshops, or engaging in literary discourse with established poets or editors. This sort of relationship might also lead to being recommended for larger projects or to requested readings or guest editorials in a magazine.

Submitting Poetry to Publications Directly

An increasing number of established print and online magazines and publishing houses are now accepting poetry submissions directly from authors. This tactic may be a good option for emerging poets who want to build their portfolio and become familiar with the publishing process. By submitting poetry directly, poets have the opportunity to receive feedback from editors and publishers that might help them improve and develop their writing skills.

Researching Publishing Trends

In order to find out the best places to submit poetry, poets must research current trends in the publishing industry. What kinds of publications are looking for poetry? Do they prefer established or emerging authors? Do they tend to follow a certain format or style? All of these questions should be researched before submitting any poem.

Using Contests to Submit Poetry

Many contests are now open to poets of all experience levels and can be a great way to get one’s work noticed by publishers. Commonly, the prizes of these contests range from cash, to publishing deals, to print copies of the poet’s work. Before submitting to a contest, be sure to read through the rules and understand the submission fee requirements.

Submissions Through Social Media

In recent years, social media has become a great platform for poets to share their work with a larger audience. Twitter, Instagram, and blogs are all excellent ways to post one’s poetry and share it with the world. It is also an excellent way to attract the attention of publishers and win the accolades of other poets. However, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with publicly displaying one’s work.

Publishing Poetry Books

Another way of submitting poetry is by self-publishing a poetry book. This method has become increasingly popular due to the availability of websites and services such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Lulu, and Blurb that help produce high-quality paperbacks and ebooks without the submission and release process of traditional publishing houses.
When self-publishing a book, it is essential to take the time to create an attractive cover that will draw in potential buyers. Additionally, the book should be formatted properly to ensure a pleasant reading experience. Finally, it is important to promote the book through social media, Amazon, or reader websites to increase its visibility.

Submitting to Open Calls

Many poetry journals, magazines, and publishers issue open calls for poems on a periodic basis. These open calls are usually posted on websites and social media platforms, and they provide great opportunities for poets of all experience levels. Additionally, most open calls offer comprehensive guidelines for submitting one’s work, so poets must make sure to read through each carefully before submitting.

Marketing Oneself as a Poet

For poets hoping to be published, it is important to establish a presence in the literary world. This includes attending readings, introducing yourself to editors, attending writing conferences or workshops, and creating an online presence. By marketing oneself in this way, poets can increase their chances of being accepted for publication.

Submitting Though Agents

One of the more difficult ways to submit poetry is through an agent. Agents are experienced and well-connected individuals who help authors find publishers. They will often negotiate contracts, distributor agreements, and other matters that are necessary for the publishing of a book. In order to get an agent, one must look at the profiles of agents listed online and check to see whether they specialize in poetry, then send a query letter outlining the project.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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