Where Can You Submit Poetry

Perhaps there is no question that is more important for a poet than, “where can I submit my work?” The answer, of course, is that there are numerous options for poets looking for publication. One of these is submitting through an open call or submission period. These types of submission periods generally allow a poet to submit their work to a longer list of journals at once. This is a great way to get a broad audience and to find a publisher that will help the poet achieve their creative goals. Additionally, this option may also yield higher financial rewards if a poem is chosen for print or publication.

Another commonly used avenue for submitting poetry is literary magazines or literary websites. These are often smaller than open calls, but may be more specialized and have a higher quality of work for readers. They may be more selective in the types and styles of poetry they accept. Examples of such magazines include Ploughshares, Poetry, The Atlantic, and American Poetry Review. Moreover, many of the most prestigious journals have their own submission process that is creative and diverse.

For poets looking to increase their visibility, it may be in their best interest to submit work to writing contests. These can be found online, as well as in competitions held by universities and organizations around the world. Jury-based contests, in particular, may be more likely to provide useful feedback on the submitted work and attractive recognition (or even cash awards) should a poem be chosen to win.

Self-publishing has also become a viable option for poets, considering that the digital world has made it easier to create and reach an audience. Publishing a chapbook or self-publishing a collection of work, for example, can be a great way to reach an audience and to get recognition for one’s work. Sites like Blurb and Lulu allow poets to upload and print their own work. It is also possible to create blogs and webpages or to publish videos or audio recordings of one’s work.

Finally, poets should also consider that many print and online media outlets may be willing to publish their work. Poets may submit their work to their local newspapers, as well as to online magazines, journals and websites that frequently publish poetry. Additionally, there are galleries, theatre groups, blogs, performance art groups, and other more artistic platforms that may be open to publishing poetic work.

Poetry Submissions Platforms

One of the most common and beneficial ways to submit poetry is through online submissions platforms. These services allow poets to submit their work against a backdrop of curated journals and magazines. Poets can search by entry fee or type of poetry, as well as by payment. These platforms often come with helpful reviews and ratings from poets who have tried them, which is beneficial for poets that are still unsure of which journal to pick. Examples of these platforms include Submittable, Poetry Soup, Poetry Contest.net, and Verse Daily.

Finding the Right Place

When submitting poetry, the right place to share it can be the difference between success and frustration. Poets should research their options carefully, in order to make sure that they are submitting their work to the right journal or platform. Submitting to the wrong place can often result in an immediate rejection or worse, lack of even being responded to. Moreover, it is important to remember that some publishers or platforms may already be oversubscribed or not looking for the type of work an individual poet is submitting. This is why researching platforms and journals thoroughly is recommended.

Practical Considerations

It is important for any poet looking to submit their work to consider the practical implications of the decision. Make sure to review the submission guidelines, as these may determine the formatting, word count, and even the language of the poem being submitted. Poets should also consider the time frame of the submission period, as well as any other requirements in terms of documents or publication rights. Lastly, make sure to keep all copyright and publishing rights in mind and make sure that any publication includes proper attribution.

Submission Fees

Many journals and magazines require that a poet pay a submission fee when submitting their work. This is a completely normal practice, but it is important to check the fees and make sure that they are appropriate and within the poet’s budget. It is also important to note that submitting to journals that require a fee does not guarantee that a poem will be accepted. Even so, it is still worth the effort and cost for the writer, as it brings the work to a much wider audience. Conversely, there are plenty of open submission journals and websites that provide free options for submission.

Expanding Reach Online

For poets looking to share their work on the web, there are numerous avenues available. Social media is a great option, as it allows poets to share their work with a large audience and to also target potential readers. Twitter, in particular, can be beneficial, as it allows poets to utilize hashtags and find potential readers in specific groups or interests. Additionally, Instagram, Facebook, and even podcasts can be useful outlets for poets, as they offer more creative ways to showcase one’s work and to reach an audience.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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