Where Did Robert Frost Teach

Robert Frost was an iconic American poet, who is still admired and analyzed for his poems today. He is perhaps best known for his use of rural imagery, and for his ability to speak truth to his readers. But did you know that, during his lifetime, he also taught?

From 1897 to 1899, Frost taught at his childhood alma mater, Lawrence High School. It was here that Frost first created his unique style of poetry. He taught English there and was known to be quite a strict teacher. Frost taught with a mix of fear and respect, which his students respected, even if they didn’t always relate to his tough methods.

From 1900 to 1911, Frost taught at the Pinkerton Academy in Derry, New Hampshire. This was a private coeducational school, and Frost taught several classes while there, including English, European History, American History and Latin. During this time, Frost also wrote some of his most famous poems, such as “The Road Not Taken” and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”.

From 1911 to 1912, Frost was a professor of English at the University of Michigan. This was his first academic position, and it marked a turning point in his career. Frost was typically more relaxed with his students than he had been at Lawrence High School, and the students respected him for his intelligence and knowledge of literature. Frost was able to expand his students’ understanding of literature, but he did not have the same strict methods he had once employed.

After his time at the University of Michigan, Frost returned to New England and taught at Amherst College from 1916 to 1938. Amherst was a prestigious institution and respected Frost for his intelligence and writing ability. He taught a variety of classes while there, including English, metrical writing and Advanced English.

For much of his later life, Frost taught at Dartmouth College. From 1939 to 1940 he was the John P. Harrington Lecturer in English Literature. During this time, he wrote some of his more controversial works, such as “The Administration” and “A Unified Theory of Human Nature”. Though Frost was not as successful as he had been in his earlier years, he continued to teach.

Frost’s time as a teacher had a profound impact on his writing. He was able to learn from his students, as well as impart his own knowledge onto them. He inspired the students he taught, and the students inspired him. For years after his death in 1963, Frost’s influence continued to be felt in the classrooms he once taught.

Lawrence High School

Robert Frost’s time at Lawrence High School was significant, in large part due to the fact that this was where he first developed his unique style of poetry. Frost was adamant in teaching English in a new way to his students, with a greater emphasis placed on the analysis of literature rather than the memorization of facts. He was renowned for his tough methods, but this was all with the intent of getting his students to think more deeply about the works they read.

Frost also tried to cultivate his students’ understanding of the writing process. He was able to convey the beauty of language to them, but also the difficulty in harnessing it. Frost wanted his students to be mindful of the words they chose and how they fit together in order to tell a story. He pushed them to find their own voice and to express their ideas more clearly and effectively.

In the end, Frost’s students were appreciative of his methods and the lessons he taught. They recognized the rewards of stepping away from rote memorization, and were eager to apply the techniques Frost had taught them. This experience formed a large part of Frost’s legacy and continues to be remembered in the classrooms of Lawrence High School.

Pinkerton Academy

Frost’s time at the Pinkerton Academy was notable, as he first became aware of his own growing fame as a poet. As a teacher, he was able to write more freely and develop his style, free from the constraints of a strict school. He was able to focus more on conveying his ideas to his students and discuss more freely the works of some of his favorite authors.

Frost’s students were also motivated to appreciate literature more deeply. After Frost’s time at the Pinkerton Academy, many of his former students began to study English and pursue it further. This was a testament to the impact Frost had on them, as the students recognized the ways in which he had pushed them to think more deeply and build upon the works of other authors.

Additionally, Frost was able to show his students the rewards of poetry. As an outlet for his own emotions, Frost taught his students the beauty of language and how they could express themselves through writing. Frost imparted a deep understanding of the art of poem-writing to his students, and this appreciation lives on today through the published works of many of his former students.

University of Michigan

Frost’s time at the University of Michigan was different from his previous teaching experiences. This was the first time he had ever held an academic position and as such, he was able to hone his abilities as a professor. It was at Michigan that Frost was able to refine his methods and focus more on teaching his students to think more critically about literature.

Frost’s students were impressed with his intelligence and knowledge of literature. Though he was a strict teacher, they respected him for the way he pushed them to delve deeper into their analysis. Frost was able to foster a greater appreciation of the written word among his students, and they applied some of his teaching to their own writing. As a result, many of Frost’s students went on to have successful writing careers.

Frost was also able to reach out to his students on a more personal level. He took time to get to know them and understand their work, as well as their motivations and desires. Frost was able to convey the importance of hard work and perseverance to his students, and these lessons continue to hold true today.

Amherst College

Frost’s time at Amherst College saw him gain more stature as an educator. He was known for his intelligence and writing ability and was respected in the academic community. At Amherst College, Frost was able to teach a variety of classes, ranging from English to Metrical Writing to Advanced English.

Frost’s methods of teaching were more relaxed at Amherst than at other institutions. He allowed for more dialogue and encouraged his students to challenge each other’s ideas and opinions. Frost was able to impart a deeper understanding of literature and writing to his students, and many of them applied these lessons to their own writing.

Frost also emphasized the importance of writing with clarity. He had an appreciation for words, and he wanted his students to use language as a tool – to communicate an idea or evoke emotion. Frost taught his students to be exact in their words, and to not be afraid of using strong and vivid language. These lessons continue to shape the work of Frost’s former students.

Dartmouth College

Frost’s year at Dartmouth College was a significant one for him. Although he was not as successful as he had been in his earlier years, he was still highly regarded. His John P. Harrington Lectured in English Literature was a success and further cemented Frost’s influence on the younger generations of writers.

Frost was able to show his students the power of poetry. He was able to bridge the spaces between the academic and creative, and to teach his students to express themselves in a more meaningful and powerful way. Frost sought to convey the emotions and ideas of his works to his students, and they responded in kind by taking his writing to heart.

Frost was also able to open up a dialogue with his students about difficult topics. He conveyed his opinions on controversial issues such as politics, race, and religion, and he did so in a way that drew his students in and got them to question their own beliefs. Frost was able to nurture an atmosphere of thoughtful discussion in Dartmouth College, and his lessons live on today.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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