Where Did Samuel Clemens Get The Name Mark Twain

Samuel Clemens often highly identified with the name Mark Twain, but few people may realize the origin of that name as well as its meaning. Clemens adopted several pseudonyms throughout his life, but none as famous as ‘Mark Twain’. The choice of this name was influenced by the marketer he became later on in life, as well as by his travels, his trust for the Mississippi river and his joy for writing and storytelling.

The river pilot roots of the Mississippi River, the main trade route at that time, popularized the use of certain terms and designations such as ‘mark twain’. Derived from an old sailors expression and rooted in the immigrant cant of the mid 1800’s, this term came from the stretched out phrase, ‘mark twain’ which means ‘by two fathoms deep’; a reference to the depth of a river safe enough for navigation.

Clemens, as a Mississippi pilot, adopted the term for his pseudonym as it emphasized his roots and connection to the employment he had chosen. During unexpected moments of hilarity, he was often heard to happily declare, ‘mark twain!’ in a completely unrelated context.

Clemens, who at the time was not famous and had not published any of his work, was probably unaware of the immense resonance that his adopted nickname would have later on in life. However, being a keen observer of customs, a keen maker of trade and, in later life, a marketer in his own right, it is clear that he was aware of the power of words as means of establishing a connection with his readers.

He was probably also unaware of the prophetic nature of his choice, as ‘mark twain’ also served to mark (in some sense the start) of his success as a writer. ‘Mark twain’ has come to exist as a symbol of Clemens’ genius and has come to also manifest his new-found wealth.

The Symbolism Behind the Choice of Name

In addition to the associative functions of ‘mark twain’, Clemens chose the name possibly owing to its symbolic nature. Being a sophisticated writer, a keen observer of human nature and a passionate traveler, Clemens may have seen in the term ‘mark twain’ several connotations. Twain, in its literal form, is a homonym for two and in some sense this connotes the idea of duality and even ambiguity, notions that are reoccurring in many of his works.

In later life, Clemens also developed a fondness for Scotland, a place that he visited and which deeply influenced his writing. In its more traditional form, twain is an Old English term meaning ‘divided in two’, of which the Scottish version is tween. In some sense, then, ‘mark twain’ could also refer to Clemens’ divided nature, a person ‘divided in two’ who sympathetically looked at both sides of the story and made use of that ambivalence in his works.

The Long-Term Popularity of The Name

The term ‘Mark Twain’ was the pseudonym that garnered the attention of publishers, editors, academics and other influential people who eventually made him famous. The immense resonance of the term has bypassed its original etymology, having instead taken on its own life as a symbol of Clemens’works, as well as an emblematic name for fans and readers.

To this day, some of his works are still published and acclaimed, and the term ‘mark twain’ is still used to refer to the full body of works published under his own name or under the pseudonym. It is almost as if the term symbolizes something of the sense of joy, hilarity and adventure that Clemens was aiming for in his work.

The Evolution of Clemens’ Use Of the Name

It is important to note also the shifts in the use of the term. After his original adoption of the pseudonym in 1863, it took many years for it to become a widespread popular item. This was largely partly due to the marketing capabilities of Clemens himself, as well as the publishing possibilities that the rising technological devices of the 20th century made available.

Clemens himself grew accustomed to the term, even eventually encoding it in his some of his works, both as the name of characters (such as Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn), as well as in the titles of his works (such as Tom Sawyer Abroad or Huckleberry Finn’s Autobiography).

The Meaning of the Name Today

Today, to many, the name ‘mark twain’ evokes a feeling of nostalgia, as it symbolizes the incredibly captivating tales that Clemens published in the times of the Wild West. It has come to refer to pieces of literature that evoke a feeling of familiarity, a level of optimism and small-town joy, morality and, often, the concept of adventure. The popularity of ‘mark twain’ is still alive and vibrant and continues in both print and digital contexts.

Pop Cultural Permeation of the Name

The most extraordinary aspect of ‘mark twain’ is the fact that although its true etymology is known, it has managed to cross over and maintain its roots in many different contexts. It has become a fixture in the work of hundreds of authors – direct followers, as well as indirect homage givers. It can be found in songs, works of art, comic books and even video games. It is this sheer breath of activities, genres and forms where ‘mark twain’ is seen that truly demonstrates the legacy of the name.

The Residual Impact of ‘Mark Twain’

The fact that ‘mark twain’ is still alive centuries after Clemens coming up with it is proof of the inexpugnable power of words, as well as of the resilience of Clemens’ writing. It is an emblematic term for those who are familiar with his works, and it stands for an approach totelling (wo)man kind’s stories that has proven extremely resilient to both time and changes in practices.

The term ‘mark twain’ has also become a way to refer to the ability of *telling stories* and of *engaging readers* with that craft. It is often found as a synonym of *captivating literature* and *unforgettable storytelling*, serving as an example of the powerful impact that certain symbolic labels can have. The term ‘mark twain’ remains closely associated with a trustworthy middle America, with the vast and awe-inspiring power of rivers and nature, with journeys and discoveries, with unquenchable optimism and, ultimately, with Clemens himself.

Self-Referential Poetic Justice

The term ‘mark twain’ was possibly chosen by Clemens because of its symbolic complexity and because of his deep awareness of the importance of names. He is unsurpassed in the use of the humorous aspects of language and names, and there is something very reassuring in the fact that the term ‘mark twain’ – with its double meaning and its overt connection to the tides of the Mississippi River – has stood the test of time.

Even more so, it is also a self-referential poetic justice that the name that served to mark the start of his success as a writer is an expression of the same thing he would later be so renowned for: the power of words. It is almost as if his personal story was being told in this same term, a term that was also meant to embody his love for and connection with the Mississippi river.

Metamorphosis of The Name

It is no surprise then, that after all this time, the ‘mark twain’ term is still alive and still evoking a warm feeling in those who are familiar with the works of the author. The term has gone through a maturation process of a sorts throughout the years, shifting from its practical meaning in the days of the steamboats four score years ago to its current iconic position as a symbol of a great writer, an adventurous spirit, a humanist and a deep loving friend of life.

Mark Twain Always Retains Its Identity

It is noteworthy that no matter the context in which it is found, ‘mark twain’ will always maintain a connection to the original root – a reminder of the connections that Clemens wanted his readers to make, of journeys undertaken and of the joy of storytelling. His amazing adventure of writing is to be found for generations to come in the ever permeating presence of ‘mark twain’.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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