Where Is Walt Whitman Buried


Walt Whitman, born on May 31, 1819, was a poet, essayist, and journalist who wrote some of America’s most influential works of literature. Because of the immense influence he had on American poetry, it is no wonder that fans and scholars alike are curious as to where he is buried. In this feature, we will explore the history and background of Walt Whitman’s final resting place and how his burial site has become a place of pilgrimage and reverence for many people.

Historical Significance

It is believed that Whitman was first buried in a cemetery in Camden, New Jersey, but his grave was relocated in 1889 to a nearby location. At this new site, a large monument was erected in his name. The monument was designed by the American sculptor George Gray Barnard, who also designed the statue of Abraham Lincoln that is located at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. The monument was paid for by Whitman’s closest friend, Thomas Biggs Harned, and is said to contain some of the poet’s ashes.

The monument was constructed of granite, marble, and bronze, and is surrounded by a large park that is filled with trees and shrubs that were planted in memory of Whitman’s life and work. The design of the monument is said to represent Whitman’s dual nature as both poet and printer, with a statue of the poet carved into one side and a printing press on the other. Inside the monument, there is a large marble tablet with a portrait of the poet and excerpts from his work.

Personal Significance

Today, Walt Whitman’s gravesite is a place of pilgrimage for his fans and admirers from all over the world. People visit the site to remember the life and work of a man who wrote some of the most influential American poems of all time. The site is often filled with flowers and offerings from visitors, giving it a special meaning that is deeply personal to those who come to pay their respects.

This is particularly true for visitors to the gravesite who are themselves poets or writers. Many of these visitors will leave behind a poem or story they have written in honor of the great poet, a small gesture that serves as a reminder of Whitman’s influence and impact on generations of writers.

Influence of the Gravesite

The gravesite of Walt Whitman has become a place of great reverence and respect in the literary world. The monument that stands at the site is seen as a symbol of the poet’s legacy and is a popular destination for literary scholars, poets, and fans of the famous writer. It has been the inspiration for countless creative works, including books, films, plays, and poems.

Whitman’s grave has also become an important part of the American literary landscape, and many literary critics pay homage to him and his legacy. The gravesite has become a place of pilgrimage for those interested in American literature and the impact Whitman has had on the field.

The Legacy of Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman is remembered fondly by readers and writers around the globe. His work has had an immense influence on generations of writers, many of whom visit his gravesite and pay their respects to a man who changed the face of poetry forever.

Despite his immense influence, much of Whitman’s legacy is still relatively unknown to the general public. However, with the increasing popularity of literary pilgrimages to the gravesite, he will no doubt continue to be remembered and revered by readers, writers, and fans alike.


The gravesite of Walt Whitman has become a popular tourist destination, with thousands of visitors from around the world traveling to pay their respects to the great poet. The site, which consists of the gravesite, a monument, and a park, is open to the public year-round and is a popular destination for school trips, literary tours, and general sightseeing.

The site is often visited as part of a larger tour of Camden, New Jersey, and is a common stop on historic tours of the city. Tour guides will often discuss Whitman’s life and works, and visitors can learn more about the poet by viewing the monument and reading the excerpts from his works that are inscribed on the marble tablet inside.


Walt Whitman remains one of the most influential poets of all time, and his grave site has become a place of pilgrimage for those wishing to pay their respects. The gravesite is a popular tourist destination and a monument to the impact Whitman had on American literature. The site is open year-round and is a popular location for school trips and literary tours. It is sure to remain a place of reverence and respect for generations to come.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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