Where To Post Poetry Online

As digital innovation continues to shape our lives and the way we engage with each other, social media has become embedded in our lives as one of the most convenient, efficient and interactive ways of sharing and consuming online content. Consequently, there has been a surge in the number of aspiring poets seeking to make poetry accessible online to increase their reach and promote their work. Now aspiring poets can choose from a wide range of online communities and platforms to share their work.

The internet has become an invaluable resource for those seeking to share their poetry globally. From individual websites to writing forums and magazines, poets can post their poems and share them with creative individuals from all over the world. Established authors from around the world can comment and offer feedback on work, which can give poets the chance to receive invaluable advice for their work.

One of the most popular resources for poets to post their work is the website Poetry.com. The website provides users with the opportunity to post their work in the form of ads, comment on other work and receive feedback from other authors. The website is easy to use and intuitive, allowing new poets to quickly adapt and use the website to post and share dramatic monologues, parodies and any other type of poetic work. Additionally, the online platform can be used to connect with other authors, editors and publishers around the world.

Another option that aspiring poets have is to post their poetry in social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. Both these platforms provide an interactive platform which allows users to post their poems, comment on other’s work, get feedback and increase their reach to a wider audience. With their unique hashtags and their ability to reach people based on their interests, social media can provide poets with the opportunity to engage with a global audience without having to travel.

Many authors also utilize existing forums such as Reddit and Quora to post their work and share views with other users. By using hashtags and relevant keywords, poets can reach out to like-minded individuals from all over the world and make their work visible to a larger audience. Furthermore, by becoming part of these forums, poets also have the option to find interesting debates to participate in, which can further increase their knowledge and understanding of poetry.

For poets seeking to have their work published in magazines or literary journals, websites such as Submittable, Duotrope and New Pages can provide them with the detailed information and assistance needed. By using the filtering options available on these websites, poets can narrow down their search and find relevant publications to submit their work to. Each publication also has its own set guidelines, which poets should take into consideration before submitting their work.

Overcoming Obstacles in Posting Poetry Online

One of the main issues that poets face when it comes to posting their work online is the risk of copyright infringement. While there are certain websites and forums that provide the option to protect their work by copyright, the risk of plagiarism remains an issue. Hence, poets should use common sense and research the changes before submitting their work. Additionally, they should also be aware of the possibility of their work being used by others without permission.

Another issue to consider is the quality of the work being posted online. Since poets often rely on online platforms to reach a larger audience, they should make sure their work meets the standards of the community they are submitting to. Furthermore, they should also take into consideration the medium they are utilizing, as some platforms are more suited for images and videos rather than written content.

Many beginners also tend to become overwhelmed by the sheer amount of resources available online. Rather than submitting their work to multiple websites, magazines and forums all at once, poets are advised to research those that best suits their style and interests. Furthermore, it is important to create a portfolio of work over time and avoid rushing the process.

Lastly, poets should also take into consideration the platform’s privacy policy and user guidelines before submitting their work. By doing so, they can ensure that all the content posted by them is in compliance with the terms and conditions, making the process of sharing their work smoother.

Advantages of Posting Poetry Online

Apart from being able to connect with potential readers and other authors, there are many advantages that come with posting and sharing poetry online. By posting their work on these online platforms, poets can easily attract a larger audience and increase their online presence. Additionally, these platforms also provide the perfect opportunity to showcase poems and receive direct feedback from followers and other authors. This can serve as an invaluable resource to hone one’s craft, as feedback from authors and experienced readers can provide valuable insights and constructive criticism on the work.

Another advantage of utilizing online platforms is the opportunity for collaboration. Being part of an online writing community can provide authors with the chance to connect with other poets and discover new writing styles and techniques. Additionally, some communities may even provide the opportunity for poets to work on joint projects and create a unified body of work.

Furthermore, by using these platforms and connecting with others, poets also gain access to a wider range of publications, which can be a great resource for aspiring authors. By researching blogs, magazines, journals and print publications, poets can find the best place to get their work published and build a reputable portfolio.

Lastly, by posting their work online, poets can also track reader engagement and assess their work. Through the analytics option available on some platforms, poets can gain valuable insights into the feedback they receive, as well as look into the patterns in reader engagement. This data can also be used to adjust their strategies and further increase their reach.

Establishing a Professional Presence Online

Having an online presence is extremely important for budding poets, and those who share their work online should do their best to create an impressive profile. This will not only create a professional platform for their work, but also increase their chances of expanding their range of readers. Additionally, poets should also ensure their profile provides an accurate glimpse of themselves and their poetry, making sure that the photo and bio are reflective of their work.

It is also important for poets to be active and engage with their followers. Content such as follow-up posts, engaging conversations and clever interactions with other authors can help increase their reach. Being the first to comment and reply to comments, as well as prompt replies to those who share your work, can help create meaningful connections and increase the potential of establishing a loyal reader base.

Poets should also be mindful of their language when interacting with fellow authors and followers. Utilizing the correct tone when replying and interacting can help create a positive impression, and pave the way for a fruitful writing career. Additionally, those seeking to use a more formal language should also be mindful of their accuracy, as poor grammar and spelling can lead to a poor first impression.

Finally, poets should also be aware of the way in which they post their work online. Although some may be tempted to post long pieces in one go, they should consider breaking it down into several shorter pieces or posting a short clip of the longer poem. This will make it easier for readers to engage with the poem and make it more likely to go viral.

Taking the Next Step

After gaining a strong online presence, poets should also be encouraged to take their work to the next level by attending classes and workshops. Not only will this provide them with the opportunity to interact with more experienced authors, but also gain valuable insights about navigating the publishing world. Additionally, these workshops also provide them with the chance to network and build relationships with professionals from the writing industry, increasing their contact list and range of connections.

Additionally, those seeking to create a more professional portfolio should also try to submit their work to poetry competitions and other literary events. Many poetry competitions offer substantial rewards for selected poems and enable poets to showcase their work to a large audience. Furthermore, submitting to literary journals and magazines can help poets gain recognition and reach out to a larger audience.

Once they have developed a suitable portfolio, poets can then reach out to book publishers, agents and other publishing professionals. The key to finding the right professionals and connecting with them, is to research the right people and reach out to them with a proposal, online portfolio and a sample of their work. Additionally, having an online presence and a portfolio of published work can help aspiring authors create a strong impression – which is the key to gaining recognition.


Posting and sharing poetry online has become an invaluable resource for those seeking to reach a larger audience. By using the correct platforms and maintaining a professional presence, poets can connect with readers from all over the world and learn from experienced authors. With the right strategies, poets can utilize the power of the internet to establish a strong portfolio and gain recognition for their work.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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