Who Influenced Walt Whitman

Who was Walt Whitman?

Walt Whitman was an American poet and essayist who is best known for his works Leaves of Grass and Song of Myself. His writings were often influenced by nature, his experience of life, and his sense of optimism. His works have often been described as revolutionary, and are considered as a major influence on the American literary canon. Whitman was born in West Hills, New York and lived in New York City and Brooklyn throughout his life. He suffered from depression and led a solitary lifestyle, often taking walks through the countryside in hopes of finding inspiration.

Influences on Walt Whitman’s Writing

Whitman was deeply influenced by English Romantic poetry and the works of William Shakespeare. He was also heavily influenced by the ideas of Transcendentalism and the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. His works often contain themes of nature and mysticism, as well as reflections on death, love, and life. Whitman was also inspired by the science of his time and its ability to explain the mystery of the universe and our place in it.

Influential People in Walt Whitman’s Life

Whitman had a close relationship with his mother, Louisa, who encouraged his writing from an early age and was an influential figure in his life. He was also close to his brother, George, with whom he wrote works in the early years of his writing career. Additionally, Whitman was a close friend of the poet and novelist Thomas Carlyle and painter Thomas Eakins. Both of these men had a profound impact on his work and his life, as they opened up his world of creativity and helped him to develop his unique voice.

Conclusion of the Literary Movements that Influenced Walt Whitman

Whitman was an influential figure in the 19th-century literary movements of Transcendentalism and Realism, as well as a major influence on the American literary canon. He was profoundly inspired by the works of William Shakespeare and English Romantic poetry, as well as the science and philosophy of his day. Additionally, he was lucky enough to have influential figures in his life, like his mother Louisa and his friends Thomas Carlyle and Thomas Eakins, who helped to shape his writing and open up his creative world.

Socialism Movement of Walt Whitman’s Time

Walt Whitman was deeply influenced by the Socialism movement of his day. His works often reflect the Socialist ideals of communal ownership and equal distribution of resources. Whitman was a vocal proponent of Social reform, speaking out against war and its terrible human cost, as well as being an advocate of the working class. He argued that people should be allowed to work together to build a better society, that everyone should have access to the means of sustaining themselves, and that no one should be exploited for their labor.

The Democratic Vistas of Walt Whitman

The Democratic Vistas was a long poem by Walt Whitman which summarized his ideas about democracy in America and the social structure it represented. In this work, Whitman spoke out against oppression, violence and greed as antithetical to the core of American democracy. He argued that democracy was not just a political structure but was instead a moral entity that encompassed both time and space. It was not just a system of government, but a system of ideas and principles that formed a foundation for human interaction and civic engagement.

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Influence on Walt Whitman

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a major influence on Walt Whitman’s writing. Emerson’s philosophical works extolled the value of self-reflection, the power of nature, and the importance of creativity. He argued that individualism and self-reliance were the cornerstones of any truly democratic society. Emerson’s writings espoused the idea that each individual is a unique combination of forces, with the ability to shape his or her own future. His philosophies were a major influence on Whitman, who often wrote about self-growth and self-determination.

Thomas Carlyle and Thomas Eakins’ Influence on Walt Whitman

Two major figures in Walt Whitman’s life were the poet and novelist Thomas Carlyle and painter Thomas Eakins. Both Carlyle and Eakins were major influences on Whitman, as they opened up his world of creativity and helped him to develop his unique voice. They also had a profound impact on his works, as both of their styles and beliefs heavily influenced Whitman’s writings. Carlyle’s works often focused on the importance of individualism and self-determination while Eakin’s works often explored the possibilities of art and self-expression.

Impact of Science and Technology on Walt Whitman

Technology and science were major influences on Walt Whitman’s writings. He believed that new scientific discoveries could help to explain the mysteries of the universe and our place in it. Technology was also a major influence, as new inventions, such as the telegraph and the printing press, opened up new ways of communicating and sharing information. His works often spoke of progress and evolution, emphasizing the importance of human ingenuity and scientific progress in advancing human society.

Aestheticism of Walt Whitman’s Works

Whitman was an advocate of aestheticism, arguing that beauty is a subjective experience and cannot be measured objectively. He believed that art and beauty are deeply intertwined and that aesthetic experiences could be deeply meaningful and transcendent. His works often explore the beauty of nature and the human experience, emphasizing the power and beauty of the natural world and its ability to evoke strong emotions and open one up to new perspectives.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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